Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
178 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 19 award of $20,084. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute a contract with the C. W . Haynes Company in the amount of $20,084. On motion of Mr. Davis, this contract was authorized as recommended. COLLEGE ADVISORY COMMITTEES IN AGRICULTURE (15) T h e Dean of the College of Agriculture recommends the following appointments to advisory committees for the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station effective January I, 1049, and continuing until further notice. New members are indicated by an asterisk. I concur and recommend appointments of these men to the Citizens Committee according to the practice of including all college advisory committees in the membership of the general committee. Dairy Production Agricultural Economics * 0 . M. BURTON, Lake Forest J O H N P . H A N N A , Geneseo FEED E. HERNDON, Macomb EARL M. H U G H E S , Woodstock ERNEST D. LAWRENCE, Danvers CHESTER J. MCCORD, Newton *J. W . OVITZ, M.D., Sycamore *ROSCOE A. PAGE, Chicago H . H . MCLAUGHLIN, Salem W . J. SWAYER, Gurnee Forestry Agricultural Engineering W. H . BEAUMAN, Tunnel Hill GILBERT W . BROWN, Geneseo ROYAL OAKES, Bluffs *CARL R. OLSON, Freeport L. A. ABBOTT, Morrison HOWARD M. MCDONALD, Trivoli M R S . C. P H I L L I P MILLER, Chicago Horticulture T. J. SHAMBAUGH, JR., Oakley Crops) (Vegetable and Fruit LEO J. HAGEMANN, Peoria V I L A S HENSEL, Princeton LLOYD A. KORITZ, Rochelle DAVID B. PERRINE, Centralia P A U L RINGHAUSEN, H a m b u r g Agronomy (Farm Crops) ROY BURRUS, Arenzville J. R. HOLBERT, Bloomington J. R. H U E Y , Carthage L. L. LOWE, Aroma Park Agronomy (Soils) Horticulture Grove (Floriculture) Downers RUDOLPH ELLSWORTH, MARION FINLEY, Hoopeston CHARLES B. SHUMAN, Sullivan EARL C. S M I T H , Detroit • W A L T E R N E W L I N , Casey W I L L I A M G. LOVERIDGE, Peoria JAMES SYKORA, Chicago P. A. WASHBURN, Bloomington W I L L I A M J. WERSTLER, Champaign General Committee Animal Science ERNEST D. LAWRENCE, Agricultural LYMAN BUNTING, Ellery Economics T. J. SHAMBAUGH, J R . , Agricultural A. K. HOHENBOKEN, Geneseo L. E. MATHERS, Mason City J. C. MCLEAN, Quincy CHARLES MEEK, Carrollton Engineering CHARLES B. S H U M A N , Agronomy J. R. FULKERSON (Honorary lifetime member), Jerseyville L. E. MATHERS, Animal Science W. J. SWAYER, Dairy Production JAMES SYKORA, Horticulture HOWARD M. MCDONALD, Forestry On motion of Mrs. Holt, these committees were appointed as recommended. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER (16) T h e Comptroller presents his quarterly report to the Board as of September 30, 1048. Copies of this report have been sent to all members of the Board in advance of this meeting. This report w a s received for record.