Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
164 Item 6,500 diplomas to be printed on Crane's parchment deed p a p e r from steel p l a t e ; names, degrees, and dates to be printed 200 cases 4 ^ x 4 ^ " 10 lb. manila toilet tissue, 1,500 sheets a roll, X rolls a case; 20 cases 50 4 K**4 A"ditto, i ,000 sheets a roll, 100 rolls a case; 250 cases No. 207 Ft. Howard bleached handifold towels, ioK*xi3 ^*, 3.750 towels a case One lot laboratory (special) and allied accessories One E. H. Sargent XXI model polarigraph Ten Bausch & Lomb mode! B8 microscopes complete with accessories Venetian blinds to be installed in the new Mechanical Engineering Building One Farmall M tractor Five 28LG Spencer stereoscopic microscopes; one 5LXK Spencer research microscope; four 5LRK Spencer research microscopes One £<-ton Ford V-8 pickup truck, to replace one 1940 one-ton track Two >^-ton Ford V-8 pickup trucks to replace one 1941 Ford pickup and one army jeep 4,000 board feet of the following; i* select air dried rough cypress 8" and wider 10'-16' long; 2" select air dried rough cypress 8* and wider IO'-I6' long; 1}/,," select air dried rough cypress 8" and wider 10'-16' long 1" select kiln dried rough cypress 8" and wider IO'-I6' long; 2" select kiln dried rough cypress 8* and wider 10'-16' long 300 Mitchell model No. 600 study lamps BOARD OF TRUSTEES Department Office of Admissions and Records Vendor W. M. Welch Diploma House, Chicago [October 21 Cost 3 380 00 Physical Plant Decatur Paper House, Inc., Decatur 2 636 go f.o.b. mill; carload freight allowed Chemistry Clinical Science, Medicine Horticulture Physical Plant Agricultural Administration Botany Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., Bloomfield, X.J. E. H. Sargent & Co., Chicago E. H. Sargent & Co., Chicago Mackin Venetian Blind Co., Momence Power Farm Implement Co., Champaign W. H. Kessel & Co., Chicago 1 692 82 f.o.b. delivered 1 650 00 f.o.b. delivered 2 340 00 f.o.b. Urbana 7 277 52 installed 2 091 86 f.o.b. delivered 7 950 60 Agricultural Administration Agricultural Administration Physical Plant Bar ham-Green, Inc., Harrisburg Barham-Green, Inc., Harrisburg 1 400 02 2 316 72 Beckemier-Jansen Lumber Co., St. Louis, Mo. 3 116 00 Schreiber Lumber Co., Chicago Residence Halls Efengee Electrical Supply Co., Chicago 1 049 S8 f.o.b. Chicago Purchases Authorized by the President of the University The following purchases have been authorized by the President of the University on the recommendations of the Director of Purchases and the Comptroller. Unless otherwise specified the purchases were made on the basis of lowest bids. Item 34,500 lbs. .ioo"x.25o'' double paper single cotton covered magnet wire. Wire type same as per Allis-Chalmers Dwg. No. 01-102-616 Spec. 01603729-00-400. This wire is to be shipped to the New York Naval Shipyard to be used in building a large bias reactor for the 300 MEV betatron. One Ford 8-cylinder custom 4door sedan to replace 1941 Ford sedan Department Physics Vendor Anaconda Wire & Cable Co., Chicago Cost $14 238 15 f.o.b. delivered Agricultural Administration Holder Motor Sales, Vienna 1 250 60