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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I948] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 157 DEGREES C O N F E R R E D OCTOBER 15, 1948 Summary Degrees in the Graduate College: Doctor of Philosophy 49 Doctor of Education 3 Master of Social Work 3 Master of Arts 27 Master of Science 59 Total, Graduate College 141 Degrees in Law: Bachelor of Science 1 Bachelor of Laws 14 Doctor of Law _5 Total, Law 20 Baccalaureate Degrees: Bachelor of Science, College of Engineering 1 Bachelor of Arts, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 4 Bachelor of Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 1 Bachelor of Science, College of Education 1 Bachelor of Science, College of Commerce and Business Administration. . 2 Bachelor of Fine Arts, College of Fine and Applied Arts 1 Bachelor of Science, Division of Special Services for War Veterans 4 Total, Baccalaureate Degrees 14 Total, Degrees Conferred 175 GRADUATE C O L L E G E D e g r e e of D o c t o r of P h i l o s o p h y In Agricultural Economics EARL CLIFFORD HEDLUND, B.S., University of Nebraska, 1938; M.S., 1939 In Agronomy RUSSELL EARL H A Y , JR., A.B., Miami University, 1940; M.S., University of N e braska, 1942 C H I N G - K W E I LEE, B.S., F u h T a n University, 1932; M.S., 1946 In Animal Science ARTHUR EDISON CULLISON, B.S., M.S., 1936, 1937 STANLEY WALLACE TERRILL, B.S., Iowa State College, 1940 In Bacteriology REYNOLD BERNARD CZARNECKI, B.S., Pennsylvania State College, 1939 In Botany EVERETT SMITH BENEKE, A.B., Miami University, 1940; M.S., Ohio State University, 1941 In Ceramic Engineering ESTHER MILLER TUTTLE, B.S., M.S., Alfred University, 1942, 1943 MILTON ALFRED TUTTLE, B.S., M.S., Alfred University, 1941, 1042 In Chemical In Engineering EDWARD HUBERT CONROY, JR., B.S., State University of Iowa, 1942 Chemistry FRANCIS W A R R E N BLODGETT, A.B., Oberlin College, 1943 NEAL O R I N BRACE, B.S., University of Minnesota, 1046 JANET LOIS CROSBY, B.S., Iowa State College, 1945
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