Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1948] U N I V E R S I T Y OF ILLINOIS J 3 the owner of this property it was agreed that the University would pay the 1948 real estate taxes, payable in 1949. T h i s w a s erroneously reported as an agreement by the University to pay the real estate taxes due in 1948 which amount to $268.15. These taxes are for 1947 and had already been paid by the owner at the time of the negotiations. The 1948 taxes due in 1949 will probably amount to $300. U n d e r Illinois law the real estate t a x liability is on the owner of a property as of April 1 of the t a x year concerned. It is requested that the Board authorize this correction in the minutes. On motion of M r . Nickell, the minutes were corrected as recommended. APPOINTMENT OF DR. LOUIS B. HOWARD AS PROFESSOR AND HEAD OF T H E DEPARTMENT OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY (16) The President recommends the appointment of Dr. Louis B. Howard, now Chief of the Bureau of Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry, United States Department of Agriculture, as Professor and Head of the Department of Food Technology on indefinite tenure, beginning September I, 1048,1 at an annual salary of $11,000 for twelve months' service with one month's vacation (AY basis). The President also recommends that as a condition of this appointment Doctor Howard be permitted to do a limited amount of professional consulting work. On motion of M r . Williamson, this appointment was made as recommended. MEETING OF COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, JULY 2 1 , 1 9 4 8 At this point, D r . Meyer requested a report of the meeting of the Committee on Agriculture held earlier in the day. Mr. McLaughlin reported orally for the Committee that the afternoon had been given over to a presentation of the building needs of the College of Agriculture by Dean R u s k and his staff, a discussion with the Public Relations Committee of the Illinois Agricultural Association, Mr. Charles B. Shuman, President, and Miss M y r a Robinson, President of the Illinois H o m e Bureau Federation, and M r s . John Clifton, past President of the Illinois H o m e Bureau Federation, now Chairman of the H o m e Economics Building Committee. Dr. Meyer emphasized the inadequacy of the present facilities and urged that better provision be made for the College of Agriculture. T h e Provost gave a preview of the University's askings for buildings for the coming biennium and commented on the general needs of the University. This report was received for record. WARNER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONTRACT FOR W O M E N ' S RESIDENCE HALL T h e Secretary of the Board of Trustees presented a letter from the W a r n e r Construction Company, dated J u n e 28, 1948, in which the W a r n e r Construction Company 1. Demanded that the time fixed under the terms of its contract for the construction of the Women's Residence Hall be extended for a period equivalent to the time lost by reason of any one or all of the fourteen (14) causes for delays by it in the construction of these buildings, as alleged by it; * The effective date was subsequently changed to October i, 1948.