UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1490]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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Woodward, D, D., degree, 1243 Woodward, Mary L., degree, 1226 Woodward, Rosann B., degree, 134 Woodward, Rose, appointment, 784 Woodworth, C. M,, appointment, 582 leave of absence, 293 salary adjustment, 1057 Woodworth, Mrs. Janet 5., appointment, 754 Woodworth, Mrs. Jean P., appointment, 768 Woody, F. L., appointment, 757 Woodyard, Dorothy, appointment, 759 Woodyatt, R. T., appointment, 48, 868 Wooten, T. L., degree, 848 Wooters, Alice B., degree, 470 Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, purchase, 1161 Worden, W. S., appointment, 560, 1144 Work, C. E., appointment, 618 Work, Dorothy L., appointment, 758 Working, E. J., appointment, 578, 598 Workman, H. A., Jr., degree, 461 Workman, H. R., degree, 444 Workman, M. C , degree, 1232 Workman, O. B., Jr., certificate, 1126 Workman, R. W., degree, 457 fellowship, 343 declination, 345 Workman, S. E., degree, 1243 Workmen's compensation benefits, funds, investment, 1184 Workmen's compensation insurance, contract, 87 Workshop, biological sciences, appropriation, 17 Worland, S. T., degree, 932 Worley, G. R., certificate, 133 Worley, W. J., appointment, 618 Wormwood, Edith E., degree, 1225 Worrell, J., gift, 165 Worthey, Rose M., degree, 1216 Worthington, Jennie A., degree, 853 Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp., contract, 249, 826 Woy, J. B., degree, 1210 Wozencraft, H. W., appointment, 771 Wozencraft, J. G., degree, 441 Wray, D. E-, appointment, 568, 657 Wray, J. W., appointment, 1147 degree, 159 Wright, A. D., appointment, 614 Wright, B. L., degree, 1222 Wright, Barbara, appointment, 767 Wright, C. E., degree, 119 Wright, D. E., degree, 1219 Wright, David G., degree, 1234 Wright, Donovan G.f appointment, 57, S78 Wright, D. W., degree, 268 Wright, E. C , degree, 1023 Wright, E. H., degree, 445 Wright, Mrs. Elizabeth V., appointment, 718 Wright, F., Jr., degree, 1247 Wright, G. E., degree, 265 Wright, G. P., Jr., degree, 1021 Wright, H. E., degree, 1208 Wright, Harriet J., appointment, 374, 593, 598 degree, 263 resignation, 845 Wright, Mrs. Helen, appointment, 780 Wright, J. C , fellowship, 1092 Wright, J. F., appointment, 550, 646, 655 appreciation for services, 813 change in status, 813 statement of President, 881 Wright, J. M., degree, 433 Wright, J. N., degree, 462 Wright, L, T., degree, 1247 Wright, M. J., degree, 1222 Wright, P. M,, degree, 1225 Wright, P. R., appointment, 105 resignation, 111 Wright, R. A., degree, 275 Wright, R. M., appointment, 338, 615 member of advisory committee, 191

Wong, J. Y., degree, 439 fellowship, 341 scholarship, 25 5 Wonsiewicz, B. R., degree, 860 Woo, P. T., degree, 455 Wood, A. E., appointment, 74 l Wood, Bertha R., degree, 453 Wood, Charlie H., degree, 276 Wood, Cordell H.. degree, 270 Wood, Mrs. Cordill H., appointment, 840 degree, 259 resignation, 1195 Wood, D. W., degree, 271 fellowship, 1007 Wood, Dorothy A. L., degree, 1025 Wood, E. S., degree, 439 Wood, E. V-, degree, 270 Wood, Ethel D., appointment, 748 Wood, F. E., degree, 462 Wood, G. D., appointment, 750 Wood, G. E., degree, 464 Wood, L, degree, 863 Wood, J. B., degree, 264 Wood, J, E., degree, 1225 Wood, J. F., degree, 1219 Wood, Tames W., degree, 864 Wood, John W., appointment, 105, 635 Wood, Mrs. Jane M., resignation, 256 Wood, K. W.\ degree, 1219 Wood, R. F., appointment, 734 Wood, S. M., Jr., degree, 469 Wood, T. N., degree, 1206 Wood, Violet F., appointment, 739 Wood, Vivian M., appointment, 105, 426 degree, 1213 Wood, W. A., appointment, 940, 957 Wood, W. D,, degree, 1227 T W ood, W. L., appointment, 49, 869 Wood, W. R.. degree, 1243 Woodall, E. C , degree, 1247 Woodard, D. W., degree, 1032 Woodard, Mary L., appointment, 737 Woodard, R. E., degree, 1028 Woodburn, Margy J., degree, 1216 Wooddell, K. L., degree, 463 Woodham, Jean, fellowship, 513 Woodland tracts, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71 Woodman, E. M., appointment, 811, 840, 1143 Woodrome, A. E., degree, 113 Woodroofe, Louise M., appointment, 636 Woodrow, H., appointment, 387, 567, 1149 leave of absence, 1047 relieved of duties as head of department, 1186 Woodruff, A. D., appointment, 1143 Woodruff, H. W., degree, 444 Woodruff, L. W., appointment, 49, 869 Woodruff, V. N,, degree, 1213 Woods, B. M., appointment, 512, 664 Woods, Charlene, degree, 1026 Woods, Mrs. Dorothy B., appointment, 753 Woods, G. A., Jr., degree, 474 Woods, G. T., appointment, 291, 303, 603, 644 Woods, H. S., degree, 853 Woods, James D., degree, 1237 Woods, John D., certificate, 1035 Woods, Margaret M., appointment, 751 Woods, P. I., gift, 165, 905 Woods, Patricia B., degree, 457 Woods, R. J., degree, 162 Woods, R. P., appointment, 254, 872 Woods, W. E., degree, 1034 Woods. W. H., degree, 1034 Woodson, Betty J., appointment, 182 resignation, 845 Woodson, H. W., fellowship, 108 resignation, 428 Woodson, J. B., Jr., appointment, 646 Wood Street, sidewalks and curbs, contract, 329 Woodward, D. O , degree, 1240