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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1473 Vogel, C. W., degree, 462 Wade, Beatrice D., appointment, 687, 706, Vogel, Elisabeth S., degree, 126 979 Vogel, H. K., degree, 267 Wade, F. E., appointment, 874 Vogel, R. C , degree, 126 Wade, L. J., Jr., appointment, 1140 Vogel, S. H-, degree, 1034 degree, 460 Vogel, W., appointment, 803 Wadeford Electric Co., contract, 940 Vogele, R. E., degree, 1238 change, 998 Vogelgesang, F„ R., degree, 465 Wadington. Mrs. Grace, appointment, 779 Vogelsang, E. R., degree, 273 Wadington, W. W., degree, 855 Vogelsang, Virginia, degree, 1211 Wadsworth, J. H., resignation, 1195 fellowship, 342 Wadsworth, J. R., appointment, 643 Vogelsong, J. D., degree, 464 Wagenecht, E. C , degree, 1219 Vogen, K. W., degree, 446 Wages, janitors, agreement with Building Vogen, N. P., degree, 1215 j Service Employees Union, 918 Vogt, C. M., degree, 1.227 basic rates, 10 Vogt, F. )., appointment, 801 nonacademtc employees, adjustments, apVoiet, H. \V., certificate, 206 proved, 414 s increase asked, 362 Voigt, R. F., appointment, 104, 698 1 operating engineers, agreement, 2 Vokes, G. T., degree, 1234 \ prevailing rates at Robert Allerton Park, Volberding, L. H., degree, 1034 I determination, 812, 941 Volentine, D. E., degree, 1027 \ committee, 992 Volini, J. J., appointment, 802 j investigation, 1122 Volini, Marguerite P., degree, 457 ' objections, 405 Volkman, W. W,, certificate, 1035 committee for hearing, 506, 812 Volkmann, W. H., degree, 1234 ! Waggener, R. N., appointment, 755 Voile, F, O., degree, 1231 ] Waggoner, D. E., degree, 267 Voile, G. D., degree, 128 Waggoner, W. C., member of Board of ExVollmer, L. H., gift, 905 j aminers in Accountancy, 8r8 Vollrath, Nancy A., degree, 453 Voltage fluctuations, transient load, study, 185 j Wagman, J., appointment, 720, 1153 j Wagner, C. E,, degree, 1015 Voltmeter, development, study, 355 j Wagner, D. W-, degree, 860 purchase, 1259 Wagner, H. J., degree, 1222 Volz, H. J., Machinery Co., purchase, 62 Wagner, Helen L,,, appointment, 1193 Vonacben, t). F., degree, 120, JOJQ Wagner, Patsy P., degree, 1240 VonBrandt, C. E., appointment, 770 Wagner, R. J., degree, 123 Von Der Heyde, O., purchase, 232 Wagner, R. L., degree, 460 Von Ebers, D. A., degree, 466 Wagoner, Mrs. Doris H., appointment, 743 Von Foerster, H. M., appointment, 919, 927, Wagoner, R. E., degree, 1215 ii93 Wagoner, R. M., Jr., degree, 1206 Von Khrum, P., appointment, 104 Wagstaff, C. D., services, payment, 88 resignation, 428 ! Wagy, L. C , appointment, 1145 Von Witzleben, H. D., appointment, 51, 872 j degree, 1225 Voolach, P., degree, 1232 j Wahl, F,, appointment, 59, 881 Vorhaus, L. J,, I I , appointment, 871 ! Wahlbeck, 1. H., degree, 450 Voris, D. C , degree, 1245 ' Wahlen, B. H., certificate, 133 Vortman, L. J., appointment, 303 i Wahls. G. E., degree, 469 degree, 440 1 Wahlstrom, R. C , degree, 1013 Voshall, R. H., degree, 1243 Waibel, C. G., degree, 1029 Voskuil, W. H„ appointment, 105, 615 Waichulis, Mrs. Helen M., appointment, 796 Voss, J. A., appointment, 747 Waichulis, V., appointment, 800 Voss, Mrs. Virginia, appointment, 756 Wain, B., degree, 469 Vota, D. J., degree, 1234 Wainwright, Barbara A,, degree, 1230 Vottero, J. B., certificate, 292 Wainwright, R. M., appointment, 610 Voyles, H. I)., degree, 1201 degree, 853 Vranek, L. R., degree, 466 Wainwright, W. W., appointment, 1070, 1088 \"rasic, Mrs. Harriet, appointment, 797 • Waisman, H. A., appointment, 686 Vrba, J. J., degree, 1227 fellowship, 107 Vrchota, C. F., degree, 124S Waitches, L. A., degree, 865 Vree, R. L., degree, 45° WTaity, K. A., degree, 1240 Vrooman, G. H., degree, 453 Waitzman, A. S., degree, 1024 Vujovich, R. y.., degree, 1025 Waitzman, M. B,, degree, 1017 Vukasin, P. N., appointment, 408, 426, 626 Wakefield, T. C , degree, 865 Vuylsteke. R. H.. degree, 1220 Wakefield, N. D., appointment, 377, 624, 1140 Vykouk, A. C , degree, 1229 Wakefield. R. J., degree, 278 Vyse, A. F,, I I I , degree, 1243 Wakeland, Doris B., degree, 270 Wakeland, H, L., degree, 1217 Waas, D. A., degree, S4S Wabrauschek, J. L., degree, 445 Wakenhut, Elizabeth A... degree, 440 Wach, E. C , appointment, 693 Wakerlin, G. E., appointment, 688 research, gift, 68 Sift, 913 Walaszek, E, J., degree, 473 Wachendorf, G. E., degree, 463 Walbert, E. W., degree, 469 Wachholz, A. A., Jr., degree, 461 Walder, R, L., degree, 1023 Wachowski, T. J., appointment, 690 Waldo, E. H., appointment, 6ro Wachter, K. A., degree, 1226 Waldrip, J. E., degree, 853 Wack, H. R.. degree, 445 Wacker, Peggy, appointment, 746 Waldschmidt, Marjorie M., degree, 276 Wackernagel, A. C., degree, 1206 Wales, H. G.( appointment, 377, 624, 1140 Waddington, H. R., appointment, 52, 873 Walgenbach, P. H., certificate, 497 Walgreen, C. R., Jr., member of advisory cancellation, 959 committee, 22 Waddy, L. W., degree, 1201 Walhay, W., appointment, 780 Wade, A. R-, certificate, 133 Wade, B. L., appointment, 594 Walk, H. G., degree, 161 Walker, Annabelle, degree, 113 lease, 187
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