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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Stocker, J. H., degree, 469 Stocking, Helen, appointment, 791 Stockier, M. I., degree, 1200 Stockman, J. J., degree, 1221 Stocks, C. E., degree, 1023 Stocks, E. L., degree, 1242 Stocks, Mrs. Winifred M., appointment, 743 Stockstill, F. I., degree, 1238 Stockton, R. J., degree, 469 Stockwell, Jane L., degree, 127 Stockwell. S. F., degree, 1221 Stoddard, E. S., Jr., degree, 1023 Stoddard, G. D., appointment, 541 appreciation of services in negotiating purchase of farm land, 310 Blodgett case, report, 1189, 1276 leave of absence, 138, 1068 member of committee on financial settlement of Lincoln Avenue Residence contract, I461 Stortzum, Ellie, appointment, 778 Story, H. T., degree, 1237 Stotlar, S. D., degree, 462 Stotz, C , memorial, gift, 912 Stouffer, E. L., appointment, 665 Stouffer, R. L., degree, 122 Stoughton Street, property at 1207 West, lease, 132 Stout, D. E., degree, 1239 Stout, Mary A., degree, 465 Stoutenburg, W. J., Jr., appointment, 42, 635 Stover, E. L., certificate, 292 Stover, H. L., certificate, 26 Stover, Mary L., degree, 453> * 2 03 Stowe, G., appointment, 783 Stowe, O. W., degree, 1243 Stowcll, F., degree, 446 Stowell, F. H., Co., contract, 335, 411 Strable, Mrs. Jane S., appointment, 104, 726, ! 1089 report on UNESCO, 205, 828 Strader, E. B., appointment, 749 salary, 491 Strahl, J. M., degree, 1207 Stoddard, I. J., purchase, 394 Strand, A. L., degree, 860 Stoddard, P. H., degree, 1225 Strang, A. E., appointment, 231, 646 Stoddard, S. D., degree, 1021 Strang, D. D., certificate, 133 Stoeckel, Althea L., degree, 932 Strang, J. R., degree, 273 Stoecker, W. F., appointment, 6:4 Strange, R. L., degree, 1032 degree, 1016 Strano, Helen V., appointment, 805 resignation, 1008 Strass, R. N.. certificate, 1035 Stoelting. C. H., Co., purchase, 1038 Strasser, R. C , degree, 466 Stoerzbach, R. C., degree, 265 Strathman, Virginia L., degree, 454 Stohr, E. G., degree, 450 Strathmore Co., purchase, 523 Stoke, S. M., appointment, 364, 381, 1143 Stratton, A. J., degree, 1024 Stokes, F. H., Jr., degree, 159 Stratton, K, O., degree, 1027 Stokes, H. A., degree, 1226 Straub, F. G., appointment, 254, 608 Stokes, Katharine M., appointment, declinaStraub, H. E., appointment, 614 tion, 46 Straub, J. F,, degree, 454, 1202 Stokes, P. G.. appointment, 654 Strauf, L., Jr., degree, 457 Stolberc, O. E., certificate. 1035 Straus. Doris I., degree, 1203 StolJ, D. E., degree, 1238 i Straus, Elizabeth K., appointment, 49, 869 Stolley, C. A., degree, 268 Straus, F. H., appointment, 47* 58, 867, 879 Stolman, Alice B., degree. 1026 Straus, H. II., degree, 1215 Stolpe, S. G., appointment, 42, 566, 1149 Straus, M. P., degree, 278, 1012 Stolt, PI. K., degree, 1219 Strausberger, H., contract, 65, 237 Stoltenbert:, D. A., degree, 1225 Strauss, H., certificate, 496 Stoltey, Airs. Margaret C , appointment, 1054 Strauss, H. D., certificate, 496 Stoltz, H. E., degree, 1201 Strauss, J. G., degree, 461 Strauss, R. W., degree, 1248 Stomach, research, effect of substances in the Strauss, S., appointment, 48, 868 mucosa, 69 Strauss, S. H., degree, 470, 1247 tight lacing, 65 Stone. C. A., degree, 4/4 Stravinsky, I., contract, 20 Stravinsky, S., appointment, 992, 1007 resignation, 156 Strawn, A. E., degree, 433 Stone, C. \V., appointment, 811, 839, 1146 Strayhall, Helen N., appointment, 797 Stone, D. E., degree, 1231 Straz, S. S., degree, 1029 Stone, Diane, appointment, 767 Straznickas, D. A., degree, 1221 Stone, Elizabeth, appointment, 927, 1087 Straznickas, V. J., degree, 1221 resignation, 1 T I Streaker, W. A„ degree, 124 Stone, F. D., appointment, 55, 876 i Strecker, Ellen M., degree, 446 Stone, F. L., appointment, 51, S72 i Streeter, H., degree, 469 Stone, F. W., degree, 1227 j Streeter-Amet Co.. purchase, 1261 Stone, G. P., appointment, 42, 720 1 Street lighting, area adjacent to campus, imdeclination, 928 j provement, 1186 Stone, H. A., degree, 464 J Streetman, H. V., degree, 1203 Stone. H. N., degree, 1009 I Streets, staff housing research project, dedicafellowship, 43 j tion, 501 Stone, Helen M., degree, 270 Streicber, L. H., degree, 1233 Stone, L. H., degree, 457 i Streicher. M, H., appointment, 682 Stone, Mrs. Lillian D., appointment, 732 j Streisfield. G., degree, 1014 Stone, P. I., appointment, 614, 839 ! Stremmel, Shirley M., degree, 464 Stone, R. G., degree, 1247 ! Strempler, C. E., degree, 273 Stone, R. H., degree, 1242 Streptomycin, products, license agreement, Stone, R. L., degree, 1242 1044 Stone. W. C , degree, 1233 use in peritonitis, research, 908 Stonecipher, J. \V., appointment, 654 Stonehill. C. A., Inc., purchase, 62, 1163 Strickfaden, Mary K., appointment, 1054 Stoneman, M. A., appointment, 1143 degree, 1020 Stoner, H. D., appointment, 757 Strickland, J., Jr., degree, 1203 Stoney, Mabel L.. degree, 433 Strickler, C. J., degree, 851 Stonier, T. R., degree, 469 Stricklin, Betty M., degree, 453 Storm, K. S., degree, 469, 1211 Striegel, L. F., appointment, 763 Storm, Rosemary, appointment, decimation, 46 Strikich, F. J,, appointment, 733 Storm drainage project, Boneyard, University Stringfellow, W. M., appointment, 561 participation, recommendations, 990 Strode, Rogene, appointment, 754
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