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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Stark, Ruth, appointment, 338 Starkel, R. L., degree, 469 Starkman, N. M., appointment, 155, 879 Starks, E. A., degree, 1240 Starr, C. G., Jr., appointment, 383, 563 leave of absence, 1047 Starr, C. J., appointment, 613 Starr, Eunice, appointment, 781 Starr, L. A., appointment, 639, 653 Starwalt, O., appointment, 747 Stasi, 0 . A., degree, 127, 1201 State Agricultural Extension, budget, 590, 751 I459 Agricultural Economics, Steers, purchase, salary adjustments, 1060 State Farm Fire Insurance Co., gift, 905 State Finance Act, amendment, 528 request, 241 Stateler, F. W., appointment, 771 State teachers colleges, training in agriculture, statement, 1084 Stathis, A, W., degree, 1034 Stathis, Mrs. Dorothy M., appointment, 740 Station wagon, purchase, Forestry, 1064 Photographic Laboratory, 1039 Statistical Service Unit, budget, 543, 732 space in Arcade Building, remodeling, appropriation, 824 Statistics, advisory committee, 417 graduate curriculum, 1180, 1255 Statutes, amendment, appointments made by the President, recommendation, 170 receipt and deposit of money, 12 Staub, A., appointment, 027 Staubus, J. R-, degree, 1215 Stauder, R. L., degree, 125 Stauffer, Irene B., appointment, 799 Stauffer, R. E., certificate, 206 Stauffer, R. S., appointment, 583 salary adjustment, 1058 Staugas, L. W\, appointment, 839 degree, 1012 Stavros, P. W-, degree, 462 Stayton, D. B., appointment, 777 Stayton, Mrs. Myra E., appointment, 750 Stayton, T. R., appointment, 773 Steadman, M. G., appointment, 876 Steam distribution system, Chicago Professional Colleges, contract, 76 Steam lines. Nurses Residence, installation, contract, 197 Steam service. Chemistry Annex, contract, 366 Chicago Professional Colleges, contract, 358, 810, 865, 936 changes, 492, 516 resolutions, 492, 513, Sio, 865 Student and Staff Apartments, contract, Tuberculosis Hospital in Cook County, 1183 Veterans Administration hospital, contract, 882 resolution, 815 Stearnes Co., contract, 940 purchase, 64 Stearns, H. P . , degree, 435 Stearns, R. P., appointment, 383. 503 leave of absence, 293 cancellation, 151 extension, 946 Stebbins, Norma J., appointment, 794 Steck. I. E., appointment, 49. S69 Stecz, A. A., degree, 469 . , , . . Steel, Abbott Power Plant Addition, contract, 072 Animal Science, purchase, 353, 901, 959 Steffen, E. L., degree, 1216 Steffen, H., degree, 1204 Stegemeier, H., appointment, 383, 563 Stegtr, R. W., degree, 1236 Steggerda, F. R., appointment, 389, 566, 1149 Stegmeir, C. R., degree, 1230 Steidl, F. D., degree, 1227 Steier, R. L,, degree, 450 Steigmann, F., appointment, 682 Steimley, L. L., appointment, S^S, I J 47 Stein, A. F., appointment, 56, S77 Stein, A. J., degree, 1219 Stein, C , degree, 457 Stein, D., degree, 469 Stein, Evelyn E., degree, 1231 Stein, F. H., appointment, 155, 766 degree, 270 resignation, 183 Stein, H. I., degree, 1242 Stein, H. P., degree, 1225 Stein, J. G., degree, 264 Stein, J. J., degree, 473 Stein, Josephine B., degree, 270 Stein, N. R., degree, 464 Stein, S., degree, 1232 Stein, S. N., appointment, 254, 689 discovery, patent rights, release, 369 Steinberg, B. A„ degree, 115, 1197 fellowship, 255, 339 Steinberg, Beverly J., degree, 1026 Steinberg, D. J., degree, 273 Steinberg, Mrs. Esther, appointment, 1087 Steinberg, L. H., degree, 1229 Steinberg, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 760 Steiner, Betty J., degree, 270 Steiner, C. J., Jr., contract, 28 Steiner, G. A., appointment, 625 Steiner, G. Y., appointment, 839, 1054 degree, 1010 Steiner, Pauline J., appointment, 383* 512, Steiner, Sally J., degree, 1024 Steinhardt, A. S., degree, 859 Steinhorn, M. L., degree, 457 Stevnke, E-, degree, 1239 Steinmeyer, H. P., appointment, 55, 697 declination, 845 Steinway & Sons, purchase, 1039 Stella, R. A., degree, 450 Stelling, Mrs. Lois B., appointment, 391, 71° Stelton, R. J . , degree, 1225 Stelzriede, Carmen I., degree, 1231 Stelzriede, W. Q., degree, 1238 Stenberg, R. E., degree, 126 Stencel, Lorraine A., degree, 463 Stendler, Mrs. Celia B., appointment, i55» $33 Stengel, Kathleen M., degree, 453 Stengel, R. J., degree, 1243 Stenn, F., appointment, 425, 871 Stenn, S., appointment, declination, 46 Stenographic Bureau, purchase, offset equipment, 1038 varityper, 522 Stenvick, Patricia A., appointment, 768 Stephan, Ida H„ appointment, 783 Stephen, \V. R., Jr„ degree, 1220 Stephens, Barbara E. W., degree, 1208 Stephens, C , appointment, 549 Stephens, F . E., degree, 446 Stephens, F. L., degree, 1242 Stephens, Frances M., degree, 460 Stephens, J. E., degree, 449 Stephens, R. A., degree, 1034 Stephens, R. C , appointment, 747 Stephens, R, M,, degree, 439 Stephens, W, E., degree, 1011 Stephens, W. R., degree, 446 Stephens, \V. Mary, appointment, 57 Stephenson, Dorothy L., fellowship, 1094 Stephenson, G. F., degree, 1023 563 131., 163, 232, 394 ! Physics, purchase, 281, 35* Steele, C. W., degree, 1015 Steele, Jane, appointment, 785 Steele, L. T., degree, 1229 Steele, M. C , degree, 1212 Steele, R. G., degree, 865 Steen, A. M., degree, 457 Steenhausen, J. R-, degree, 860
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