UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1465]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Southern Coal Co., bid, 24 Southern Illinois University, joint meeting, 945 request, 813 South Farm, engineering services for underground conduit, contract, 82 Southwick, H., appointment, 59, 880, 1193 Southwick, Selma I., degree, 852 Sowa, S. A., degree, 1207 Sowers, J. A., appointment, 771 Sowtnan, H. G., degree, 436 fellowship, 958, 1194 Soya products, use in manufacture of dairy products, study, 961 Soybeans, research, gift, 905, 1168 study, 395, 525 Spacher, Lorraine, appointment, 791 Spadaro, Constance, appointment, 783 Spaeth, C. E., degree, 264 Spaeth, Elizabeth L., appointment, 839 degree, 475 Spaeth, J. N., appointment, 590 Spaeth, Marcia J., degree, 1240 Spaeth, R., appointment, 686 Spak, B. M., degree, 934 Spalding, Patricia G., degree, 458 Spalding, VV. B., appointment, 627 lease, 187 Spangler, J. D., degree, 1034 Spanish, fellows, 343, 1095 Spanish-American War Veterans Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, gift, 66, 904, 1165 Spanish and Italian, budget, 569, 743 summer session, 388, 1150 Sparberg, Dorothy E., degree, 861 Spargo, Mrs. Gladys, appointment, 806 Sparks, E. R., Jr., degree, 1219 Sparks, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 756 Sparrey, L., degree, 1240 Sparteine, synthesis of, discovery, release of patent right, 193 Spasari, T. P., degree, 1034 Spataro, A. J., degree, 1231 Spear, Edna, degree, 1240 Spear, H. Gladys, appointment, 57 Spears, G. E., degree, 268 Spears, Rozanne, degree, 1236 Specht, W. K., degree, 1243 Speck, N. T., degree, 1249 Speck, S. J., degree, 851 Spector, H., resignation, 156 Spectrograph, Physics, sale, 171 Speech, purchase, 352 Spectrophotometer, purchase, Chemistry, 305, 353 Pharmacy, 354 Spectroscopic Laboratory, remodeling, appropriation, 191 Speech, appropriation, balance reappropnated, 70, 484 audiometer, appropriation, 17 budget, 569, 743 summer session, 388, 1150 doctor's degree, 16 fellows, 343. 1095 , . laboratory equipment, appropriation, 81 purchase, electronic equipment, 184 motion picture camera, 1064 recorder, 183 spectrograph, 352 remodeling property at 601 East John Street, appropriation, 824 contracts, 997 revolving account, 57* . scholarship, gift, Zeta Phi Eta, 907 Speech Clinic, equipment, appropriation, 1048 piano, gift, 1169 remodeling, contracts, 997 . Speech Laboratory, location in Ilhni Hail, appropriation, 335 Speed, K., appointment, 58, 879 Speer J F., appointment, 382, 560 Speer, Mrs. Leona E., appointment, 743 Speers, E. J., degree, 462


Speigel, I. J., appointment, 51, 872, 1007 Speiser, A., fellowship, 341 declination, 375 Spelbring, W. H., degree, 463 Spellberg, M. A., appointment, 49, 869 Spence, J. M., appointment, 696 Spence, J. W., degree, 270 Spencer, Alice A., degree, 1230 Spencer, E., appointment, 746 lease, 132 Spencer, E. M., degree, 857 Spencer, J. F., degree, 125 Spencer, J. O., degree, 121 Spencer, T. R,, degree, 463 Spencer, Lila L., degree, 446 Spencer, P. R\, certificate, 206 Spencer, R. E., degree, 275 Spencer, W. F., appointment, 583 resignation, 928 Spencer Chemical Co., contract, 960 Speranza, G. P., degree, 437 fellowship, 340, 1091 Sperelakis, P., degree, 267 Spero, A. F., appointment, 338, 512, 621 degree, 439 Sperr, E. j . , degree, 1222 Sperry, Martha J., degree, 1020 Spesard, Barbara J\, degree, 1208 Speyer, F. J., certificate, 133 Spicer, E. E., appointment, 764 Spiegel, Mildred, degree, 458 Spiegel, Phyllis, degree, 45S Spiegel, Yevette, degree, 1229 Spiegelman, S., appointment, 408, 425, 620, Spiegler. R. W., degree, 462 Spiek, D. R-, degree, 863 Spielberger, Marda B., degree, 463 Spieler, R. J., degree, 862 Spielman, P. M., degree, 1024 Spierling, P. R., degree, 1229 Spiers, J. L., Jr., degree, 447 Spiesman, I. G., appointment, 54, 875 Spiess, J. C , member of advisory committee, Spillar, E. E. J., degree, 628 Spindel, M., degree, 457 Spinka, H. M., appointment, 1007 Spinks, R. J., Jr., degree, 464 Spinner, B. H., degree, 1218 Spinner, Mrs. Eileen H., appointment, 769 Spinner. M. L., degree, 1034 Spira, H. L., degree, 1024 Spira. M. A., degree, 453 Spirduso, G. F., degree, 852 Spiro, E. I)., degree, 1232 Spitler, J. C , appointment, 575 retirement, 257 Spitler, R. E., degree, 268 Spittler, Mary L., degree, 857 Spitz, C. S., appointment, 747 Spitz, J. R., degree, 1018 Spitz, Mrs. Mary K., appointment, 740 Spivack, J. L., appointment, 58, 879 Spivack, Mrs. Sarah S., appointment, declination, H I Spivey, C , appointment, 104, 377, 624, 1140 Spofford, F. A., degree, 1229 Spongberg, F., appointment, 785 Spongberg, H. W., degree, 469 Spoor, M. R., degree, 454 Spotti, W. V., degree, 469 Sprachner, J. B., degree, 857 Spradling, P. A., appointment, 384, 646, 766 Sprague, D. L., degree, 449 Sprague, Lois J., degree, 1027 Sprague, M. A., appointment, 636 degree, 1017 Sprague, R. E-, degree, 268 Sprague, R. S., degree, 930 Sprankel, Charlene M., degree, 441 Sprankel, Ruth E., degree, 1211 fellowship, 342 Sprattling, W „ Jr., degree, 263