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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Smith, Harry B., degree, 126 Smith, H. C , Jr., degree, 1242 Smith, H. D., Jr., degree, 449, 1209 Smith, Harold Edward, appointment, 52, 873 Smith, Harold Edwin, Jr., degree, 865 Smith, Harry E., degree, 457 Smith, H. C , degree, 1030 Smith, Hawley L., Jr., degree, 1225 Smith, Homer L., degree, 1023 Smith, H. M., appointment, 389, 571 Smith, H. R., degree, 1235 Smith, H. W., appointment, 681 resignation, 059 Smith. Helen L,, appointment, 254, 549 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 287, 1043 Smith, I. A., degree, 160 Smith, Ida, appointment, 789 Smith, Irene, appointment, 802 Smith, J. A., degree, 865 Smith, J- B., appointment, 155, 654 Smith, J. C , certificate, 206 Smith, J. F., appointment, 1054 degree, 1015 Smith, Jay H., certificate, 496 Smith, John Hazel, degree, 859 Smith, John Henry, degree, 434 Smith, J. J,, degree, 1219 Smith, James Ohrea, appointment, 389, 618, Smith, James Oliver, degree, 1020 Smith, Jack P., degree, 859 Smith, James P., degree, 449 Smith, Joseph P., Jr., degree, 468 Smith, J. R., degree, 862 Smith, Janet, appointment, 660 Smith, Janice M., appointment, 42, 384, 495, 591, 838, 1043, 10S7 Smith, Mrs. Jean F., appointment, 593, 598 resignation, 1008 Smith, Jean L., degree, 453 Smith, Joy L., degree, 861 Smith, June A., degree, 453 Smith, K., appointment,' 803 Smith, K. L., degree, 1232 Smith, K. W., appointment, 772 Smith, Mrs. Keo G., appointment, 42, 699 Smith, L., compensation, 493 Smith, L. A., certificate, 206 Smith, Laurence C , appointment, 42 Smith, Leland C , Jr., degree, 278 Smith, Leonard C., Jr., degree, 258 Smith, Lloyd C , degree, 468 Smith, L. E., degree, 1247 Smith, L. J., degree, 262 Smith, Leonard R., degree, 1247 Smith, Lloyd R., appointment, 762 Smith, L, W., resignation, izo Smith, Mrs. Laura E., appointment, 778 Smith. Lois E., degree, 274 Smith, Mrs. Louise, appointment, 790 Smith, M. S., degree, 469 Smith, M. W., degree, 1034 Smith, Malvina, appointment, 774 Smith, Marion, appointment, 799 Smith, Marjorie, appointment, 957 Smith, Marjorie M., degree, 458, 1203 Smith, Martha j . , degree, 453 Smith, Martha R-, degree, 124 Smith, Mary E., appointment, 797 Smith, May, appointment, 662, 10SS Smith, Mildred L., degree, 857 Smith, N. H., degree, 1229 Smith, N. J-, degree, 1215 Smith, Mrs. Norma A., appointment, 751 Smith, O. A., degree, 450 Smith, O. D., degree, 864 Smith, O. M., degree, 12x5 Smith, Mrs. Oleda, appointment, 77" Smith, P. B., appointment, 1054 degree, 1199 Smith, P. H., degree, 861 Smith, P. M„ Jr., degree, 854 Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith. 1455 P. VV., degree, 933 Phyllis C , degree, 259 Richard A., degree, 1030 Robert Alamander, degree, 268 Robert Albert, degree, 1010 R. B,, degree, 1032 R. C., degree, 1204 Robert Daniel, degree, 1030 Robert Dean, degree, 1227 R. E., appointment, 754 R. C , Jr., degree, 1010 Robert Henderson, degree, 435 Robert Howard, degree, 1218 Robert Hugh, degree, 861 Richard J., degree, 266 Robert Joseph, appointment, 104, 635 Robert Junius, certificate, 496 Robert Lee, Jr., degree, 273, 1029 Robert Leon, degree, 128 R. M., appointment, 382, 559, 753, leave of absence, 293 Smith, R, P., degree, 1221 Smith, R. R., degree, 861 Smith, R. S., appointment, 582 Smith, Richard W., degree, 469 Smith, Robert W., degree, 1034 Smith, S, B., appointment, 722 Smith, S. C , appointment, 544 Smith, S. L., appointment, 758 Smith, S. P., degree, 1210 Smith, Shirley Janet, degree, 1229 Smith, Shirley Joyce, degree, 1225 Smith, Mrs. Sybil, appointment, 770 Smith, T., purchase, 130 Smith, T. A., degree, 1237 Smith, Mrs. Thetma G., appointment, 789 Smith, Virginia A., appointment, 782 Smith, W. D., Jr., degree, 1207 Smith, W. G., degree, 275 Smith, W. Hayden, appointment, 756 Smith, William Harry, degree, 123 Smith, William Homer, degree, 855 Smith, William Horn, degree, 865 Smith, W. L., degree, 1206 Smith, W. R., appointment, 747 Smith, Wanda, appointment, 775 Smith, Kline, and French Laboratories, contract, 936 • gitt, 68, 166, 909, 1169 Smith-Lever Fund, budget, 602, 752 salary adjustments, 1061 Smith Music Hall, improvements and redecorating, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 486 remodeling, appropriation, 191, 407 balance reappropriated, 71 Smithwick, J. G., certificate, 1035 Smock, Mrs. Pauline, appointment, 734 Smokowski, Julianne M., degree, 1242 Smookler, B. H., degree, 860 Smotrys, Irene, appointment, 781 Smulevitz, N., degree, 453 Smutz, W. A., degree, 267 Smykal, R., degree, 1233 Smythe, D. W., appointment, 42, 379, 625, 655 confirmation, 170 referred to President, 33 Smythe, J. E., appointment, 1144 Snader, 1). \V., appointment, 838 Snap, A. H., degree, 454, 1201 Snapp, K. M., degree, 267 Snapp, R. R., appointment, 42, 585 salary adjustment, 1058 select and negotiate for purchase of cattle, 480, 481, 901 Snavely, D. L., degree, 1215 Snead, G. M., Jr., degree, 118 Snead & Co., purchase, 1039 Snearley, E., Jr., degree, 266 Snedeker, Mrs. Amelia, appointment, 79 3 Sneed, Norma E,, degree, 1026 1144
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