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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1454 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Smallwood, V. K., degree, 473 Smargon, K. I., degree, 1034 Smarsty, R. E., degree, 123 Smart, D. M., degree, 1242 Smarzo, Marjorie M., appointment, 547 Smaus, R. F., degree, 1025 Smeby, R. R., degree, 1227 Smedsvik. Sicily A., degree, 848 Smidl, W. C , degree, 1242 Smilay, M. B., degree, 457 Smiley, I., degree, 1232 Smiley, J. R., appointment, 303, 561, 620 book, printing, 1038 Smiley, W. T., Jr., degree, 260 Smissman, E. E., degree, 124 Smith, A., degree, 1225 Smith, A. H., Jr., degree, 468 Smith, A. P., degree, 1218 Smith, A. W., appointment, 1054 Smith, Mrs. Alma G., appointment, 764 Smith, Ann P., appointment, 783 Smith, B., Jr., appointment, 381, 512, 611, 1144 degree, 262 Smith, B. A., degree, 271 Smith, B. O., appointment, 380, 629, 1142 leave of absence, 1047 Smith, Mrs. Beverly, E., appointment, 756 Smith. Bonnie L., degree, 272 Smith, C. C , degree, 1216 Smith. C. D., appointment, 576 salary adjustment, 1056 Smith, C. E., appointment, 1149 Smith, Chandler G., degree, 274 Smith, Charles G., degree, 1034 Smith, C. J., degree, 274 Smith, C. O., appointment, 52, 746, 873, 1087 Smith, C. R. G., degree, 436 Smith, C. W., appointment, 759 degree, 472 Smith, Carol J., degree, 1229 Smith, Caryl A., degree, 466 Smith, Clara E., appointment, 782 Smith, Constance R., degree, 453 Smith, D. A., degree, 465 Smith, Dean B., degree, 1245 Smith, Douglas B., appointment, 626, 927 Smith, Durward B., degree, 1242 Smith, D. C , degree, 123 Smith, D. G., degree, 268 Smith, D. L., degree, 445 Smith, Mrs. D. Lavonne, appointment, 733 Smith, Donald W., degree, 1015 Smith, Douglas W., degree, 1028 Smith, Danise J., degree, 123 Smith, E. A., degree, 1030 Smith, Earl C , member of advisory committee, 178 Smith, Elbert C , degree, 1226 Smith, Enos C , degree, 433 Smith, E. Evelyn, appointment, 591, 795, 1146 Smith, E. G., appointment, 732 Smith, E. J., appointment, 736 Smith, E. P., degree, 1225 Smith, Elwood R., degree, 1220 Smith, Everett R., appointment, 751 Smith, E. Z., degree, 1225 Smith, Mrs. Ellen, appointment, 768 Smith, F. B., appointment, 772 Smith, F. J., Jr., degree, 450 Smith, F. M., degree, 865 Smith, F. W., degree, 858 Smith, Flora D., degree, 457 Smith, Flora P., degree, 1015 Smith, G., member of advisory committee, Smith, G. F., appointment, 377, 556 cancellation, 513 Smith, G. R., degree, 278, 1231 Smith, G. W., resignation, 513 Smith, Mrs. G. Maxine T., appointment, 736 Smith, Grace B., degree, 861 Smith, Harold B., degree, 162 Slaughter, D. P., appointment, 690, 691, 702 Slavens, Mrs. Harriet D., appointment, 734 Slavens, Mrs. Lillian A., appointment, 740 Slavick, Esther L., degree, 270 Slavik, R. G., degree, 274 Slayman, R. A., degree, 1030 Sleeper, R. W., certificate, 173 Sleeter, S. R., degree, 865 Sleight, L. G., appointment, 182 degree, 1204 Slepicka, I. M., Jr., degree, 160 Slepyan, A. H., appointment, 48, 425, 868 Slevin, G. V., degree, 1235 Slezak, G. C , degree, 278 fellowship, 427, 513 declination, 981 Slezak, J., member of advisory committee, 1177 SHchenmyer, J. E., degree, 461 Slichter. C. P., appointment, 374, 616 Slife, F. W., appointment, 583 degree, 260 salary adjustment, 1058 SHfkin, L. M., appointment, 1193 SHger, H. J., degree, 1032 Sloan, G. H., degree, 278 Sloan, L. H., appointment, 48, 868 Sloan, L. N., degree, 468 Sloan, Marian A., appointment, 782 Slobodin, H., appointment, 57, 878 Sloman, Sophie S., appointment, 47, 57, 303, 681. 878 Slosberg, C. B., degree, 460 Slota, E., appointment, 801 Sloth, E. N., degree, 455, 1205 Slothower, W, R., degree, 1201 Slott, I., appointment, 51, 871 Sluka, Dorothy, appointment, 782 Sluser, Mrs. Ruth A., appointment, 766 degree, 119 Slutsky, H., degree, 1242 Slutsky, J., degree, 1033 Slutzker, B., degree, 472 Slutzky, P., certificate, 206 Sly, J. L., degree, 1234 Small, Dorothy M., degree, 1201 Small, Helen D., appointment, 769 Small, J. J., degree, 1215 Small, Marie, appointment, 785 Smaller, P., degree, 1220 Smalley, D. A., appointment, 42 Smalley, R. A., Planing Mill, purchase, 306 Small Homes Council, acting coordinator, appointment, 490 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71 budget, 658, 767 housing research project, annexation to city of Urbana and to Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District, 326 appropriation, 196, 227 balance reappropriated, 485, 487 architectural services, 196 authorization, 196, 226 bond issue, 817 bids, 886 legal services, 326 resolution authorizing, 887 contract, general work, 312, 358 rejection of bids, 313 landscaping, 312, 951, 1081 site improvements, 312 utilities installations, 501 estimated cost and allocation of funds, revisions, 27 loan, extension of amortization period, location, 196 nursery stock for landscaping, purchase, 1065 revenue bonds, deposit agreement, 1004 sanitary sewer, 827 streets, dedication, 501 publications, revolving account, 658, 767
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