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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1444 BOARD O F TRUSTEES Sanders, J. A., degree, 1234 Sanders, J. W., degree, 468 Sanders, Juanita J., degree, 1225 Sanders, K. L., Jr., degree, 1219 Sanders, M. B., degree, 468, 1217 Sanders, Myrla J. L., degree, 124 Sanders, R. A., degree, 437 Sanders, W. B., Jr., appointment, 389, 618 degree, 1212 Sanders, W. D., degree, 113 Sanders, W. W., Jr., degree, 1226 Sanderson, Betty J., degree, 1236 Sanderson, J., Jr., degree, 1199 fellowship, 342 Sanderson, J. A. N., degree, 128 Sanderson, W. R., degree, 445 Sandiford, R. E., degree, 1209 Sandler, C. H., degree, 1236 Sandman, G, L., degree, 1236 Sandrock, G. H., appointment, 807 Sandrolini, E. H., degree, 456, 1204 Sands, A., appointment, 775 Sands, Barbara L., degree, 458 Sands, C , degree, 473 Sands, Nancy H., degree, 123 Sands, Mrs. Vera, appointment, 763 Sands, W. B., degree, 1021 Sandstrom, G, A., appointment, n 36 Sand urns, purchase, Physical Plant, 481 Robert Allerton Park, 351 Sandusky, E, L., degree, 1214 Sandwick, J. F., degree, 276, 1015 Sandy, C. E., degree, 267, 1015 Sandy, Mrs. Hildred E., appointment, 740 Sane, S. C., degree, 1204 Sanford, C. VV-, appointment, 631, 927 director of Athletic Association, 293, 1046 Sanford, E. T., appointment, 659 Sanford, H. N., appointment, 691 Sang, D. G., degree, 1215 Sanga, Purna C. R., degree,'1216 San Galli, C. R., degree, 450 Sanger, R. B., degree, 1033 Sangster, W., appointment, 103, 390, 5 11 * 717, 1151 Sanitary Engineering Laboratory, equipment, appropriation, 1049 remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 486 Sanitary plant, improvements, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 530 Sanitary sewer, improvements, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 530 cost, University's share, 91 Small Homes Council housing research project, 827 temporary housing area, contract, 227, 330 additions, 411, 507 Sanko, T. S., degree, 1033 Sanner, Fern A. R., fellowship, 1096 Sanner, S. W., degree, 1210 Santer, Betty L., degree, 453 Santos, A. A., degree, 1202 Santos, C. B., degree, 1249 Santos, F., Jr., fellowship, 107 Santos, Ines M. H., degree, 472 Santos-Martines, J., degree, 474 Saper, J., degree, 122 Saphir, O., appointment, 55, 876 Sapienza, A. R., appointment, 50, 870 Sapora, A. V., appointment, 641 Saposnik, M. M., degree, 469 Saposnik, R., degree, 473 Sapp, P. H., Jr., degree, 1235 Sappanos, L. "M., degree, 1029 Sargent, E. H., & Co., purchase, 25, 62, 164, 183, 234, 279, 305, 353, 394, 480, 482, 523, 983, 1116, 1161 Sargent, F., II, appointment, 103, 870, 1070, 1087 Sargent, H. W., appointment, 560 Sargent, J. W., degree, 1025 Sargent, Rebecca A., degree, 1226 St. Louis Lightning Protection Co., purchase, 960 St. Louis Marketing Area, Market Administrator, gift, 67 St. Louis milk markets, study of formula pricing, gift, 67 St. Luke's Hospital School of A urging, affiliation, contract, 984 St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Co., purchase, 1261 St. Pierre, A. J., degree, 122 Sakaizawa, Y. M., appointment, 782 Sakal, L. J., degree, 119 Salaba, R. R., degree, 1234 Saladino, J. C , degree, 1018 Salary ranges, civil service, changes, 408 Salberg, L. M., degree, 446 Salerno, H. F., appointment, 1136 Saley, June R., degree, 1236 Salgat, Anne M., degree, 1226 Salinger, H., member of advisory committee, 416 Salinger, L. A., degree, 1226 Salisbury, D. C , degree, 1242 Salisbury, G. W., appointment, =87 lease, 132 Salk, A. P., degree, 464 Salk, R. S., degree, 470 Salk, Ward, & Salk, Inc., loan, apartment building at Urbana, 9 resolution, 369, 395 Sallach, H. J., degree, 1198 Salladay, Ruth M., appointment, 797 Sallee, Mary E., appointment, 735 Salogga, F. W., appointment, 635 declination, 844 Salomon, D., appointment, 779 Saloom, J. A., Jr., degree, 262 Saltsgaver, H. L., degree, 1242 Saltiel, Natalie, certificate, 1035 Saltiel, T. P., appointment, 55, 877 Saltz, A, M., degree, 124 Saltz, E., degree, 114 Saltzman, G., degree, 1027 Saitzman, L. M., degree, 1244 Salzer, Jeanne K., degree, 433 Salzman, C , fellowship, 1095, 1137 Salzman, H. H., degree, 463 Salzman, P. F., degree, 445 Samaras, N., degree, 1219 Samborski, N. J., degree, 1202 Sammet, Jean E., degree, 434 Samoore, A. S., degree, 1206 Sampson, J., appointment, 596, 644 salary adjustment, 1060 Sampson, J. P., degree, 1030 Samson, Elaine, degree, 271 Samter, M., appointment, 154, 682 Samuel, A. L., appointment, 381, 610 declination, 428 discovery, patent, status, 965 resignation, 844 Samuel, Esther, appointment, 785 Samuels, E. A., degree, 1229 Samuels, P. S., degree, 1225 Samuels, T. \\., Jr., degree, 470, 1247 Samuelson, F. J., degree, 859 Samuelson, Mae, appointment, 794 Samuelson, Q. E., certificate, 133 Sanborn, Marjorie L., degree, 1201 Sanchez, J., appointment, 41, 391, 718, 1152 Sanchez, L, A., appointment, 1136 Sancken, E. H., degree, 857 Sandage, C. H., 41, 623, 645, 655, 1140, 1146 Sandberg, A. G., degree, 1023 Sandberg, Joan, appointment, 181 Sandberg, S. W., Jr., degree, 855 Sandburg, R. L., degree, 1219 Sanden, R. G., degree, 1218 Sander, M. H., degree, 267 Sanders, C, W., degree, 465 Sanders, Dorothy, appointment, 793 Sanders, -H. L., degree, 433
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