UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1447]

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Riddle, W. A., degree, 278 Ridenour, L. N., appointment, 616, 620 lease, 132 leave of absence, 402, 1122 Rideout, Cecily R., appointment, 41 Rider, L., degree, 1229 Rider, O. L., Jr., degree, 865 Rider, R. L., appointment, 1192 Ridge, E. R., certificate, 133 Ridge, G. S., degree, 1219 Ridge, Mrs. Tabitha J., appointment, 736 Ridge Service Guild, gift, 165, 913 Ridgeway, Marian £., fellowship, 1137 Ridgeway Avenue, property at 508 South, lease, 132 Ridgley, Merle, appointment, 758 Ridgway, Helen A., appointment, 1146 Ridgway, J. T., degree, 1229 Ridker, L. A., degree, 124 Ridlen, S. F., appointment, 585, 603 salary adjustment, 1059 Ridler, I)., fellowship, 928, 958 Ridley, E. T., degree, 1029 Ridley, Ellen, appointment, 785 Riebe, C, W„ degree, 450 Riechers, Caroline, appointment, 691 Riedcsel, Phyllis E.? degree, 465 Riedinger, Alice L., appointment, 680 Riegel, Iris M., degree, 1225 Riegel, R. W., purchase, 1039 Rieger, I. T., appointment, 881 Riegert, J. A., degree, 865 Riehle Testing Machines Division, American Machine & Metals. Inc., purchase, 353 Rieke, Anna, appointment, 696 Rieke, J. K., degree, 455 Riemer, R. V., appointment, 694 declination, 844 Riener, E. F. C , fellowship, 340, 841 Rienzi, T. M. M.r degree, 118 Ries, Carol E., resignation, 231 Ries, R. E., degree, 453 Riesen, D. E., appointment, 230, 617, 119-2 Rieser, L., degree, 270 Rieser, \V., Jr., degree, 447 Rietz, A. L., certificate, 1035 Rietz Lumber Co., purchase, 483 Rife, J. I-,, degree, 1242 Rifken, H. L., degree, 1232 Rigg, Jo M., degree, 266 Riggin, Barbara J., degree, 854 Riggins, C , appointment, 770 Riggs, Bess, appointment, 744 Riggs, E. W., degree, 449 Riggs, R. C , degree, 858 Riggs, R. H., degree, 1210 Rigney, Eleanor, fellowship, 1093 Rigney, H. R., degree, 859 Rigo, H. S., appointment, declination, 45 Riker, W. L., appointment, 59 Riley, Alyce, appointment, 789 Riley, Jean G. M., degree, 273 Riley, M., purchase, 183- 481, 1038, 1163 Riley. Mrs. Mary J., appointment, 774, 79° Riley, R. F., degree, 456 Riley, W. C , degree, 1016 Riley Music Co., purchase, 959 Rilke, Rainer M., collection of letters, purchase, 1039 Rimbey, D. H., degree, 1022 Rimbey, W. R., degree, 1220 Rinaker, Clarissa, appointment, 559 Rinder, G. G., certificate, 1035 Rinder, H. R., degree, 1219 Ring, R. M., degree, 270 Ring, W. F., Jr., degree, 1234 Ringgenberg, Bonnie E., degree, 453 Ringger, Patricia L., degree, 1216 Ringhausen, P., member of advisory committee, 178 Ringness, W. H. J-, degree, 862 Ringstad, E. F., degree, 1234 Ringstrand, Elizabeth M., degree, 4°3


Rink, W. W., degree, 114 Ripley, Marietta, degree, 458 Rippel, B. W., degree, 278 Rippelmeyer, Helen A., degree, 113 Ripper, Mrs. Kathleen P., resignation, 428 Ripper, R. F., appointment, 734 Ripper, W. E., degree, 446 Risdon, R. R., degree, 468 Riser, R. O., appointment, 52, 873 Riske, Sylvia, appointment, 797 Ristau, Edna, appointment, 793 Ritch, C. O., appointment, 59, 881 Ritchie, Mrs. Joyce, appointment, 732 Ritholz, J., degree, 273 Ritland, L. O., appointment, concellation, 46 Ritter, I. I., appointment, 49, 870 Ritter, J. B., degree, 1033 Ritter, Mrs. JoAnn, appointment, 767 Ritter Co., Inc., purchase, 193, 307, 481 Rittschof, F. P., degree, 1207 Ritzlin, M. C , certificate, 1035 Riva, Mayme, appointment, 799 Rivera, R. E., degree, 468 Rives, T. C , appointment, 495, 511 resignation, 1138 Rivlin. G. B., degree, 1232 Rizk, R. K., degree, 435 Rizzo, P. P., degree, 270, 1012 Rizzoli, Mary J., degree, 271 Roach, Carol I,, degree, 1017 Roach, Carol R.. appointment, 1054, n 50, "93 Roach, J. M., Jr., degree, 1242 Roach, Joan M., degree, 465 Roadman, J. W., degree, 1028 Roady. T. G., Jr., appointment, 1146 degree, 434 Roan, C. C , degree, 1010 Roan, J. R., degree, 263 Roantree, J. E., Jr., degree, 447 Roback, R. A., resignation, n o Roback, S. S., degree, 439 fellowship, 341, 1093 Robb, R. Y., appointment, 41 Robb, W. C , appointment, 154. 622, 625, 1142 Robb, W. L.( degree. 933 fellowship, 339 Robbery insurance, policy, 199 Robbins, E. H., degree, 113 Robbins, E. T., appointment, 585 Robbins, E. W., appointment, 41 declination, 46 Robbins, H. R., degree, 933 Robbins, J. H., degree, 270, 1207 Robbins, J. M., appointment, 956 Robbins, Lois H., degree, 119 Robbins, Margaret A., degree, 932 scholarship, 255 Robbins, R. K., degree, 1026 Robbins, W. A., degree, 1023 Roberg, N. B., appointment, 49, 869 Robert Allerton Park, budget, 651, 764 director, appointment, 77 electric service, contract, 525 Four-H Memorial Camp, lighting and power requirements, contract, 936 purchases, bedroom furniture, 351, 352 carpeting, 351 draperies, 351 dumbwaiter, 481 kitchen equipment, 351 lamps, 351 piano, 902 refrigerator, 351 sand urns, 351 tables and chairs, 351 remodeling, appropriation, 407, 824, 1127 balance reappropriated, 485 contracts, award, 372 referred to Buildings and Grounds Committee, 333 report, 370 right-of-way agreement, 936