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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Pordy, Delores E., degree, 272 Pordy, H. S., degree, 273 Poremba, C. J., degree, 858 Poris, J. E., degree, 1030 Pork, flavor, effect of benzene hexachloride, study, 961 Portas, C. E., degree, 437 Porter, Beverley D., degree, 860 Porter, Dorothy E., appointment, 748 Porter, E. G., appointment, 383 degree, 848 Porter, F. M., appointment, 612 Porter, I. L., elected Treasurer, 286 Porter, R. E., appointment, 803 Porter, R. L., appointment, 613 resignation, 981 Porter, Mrs. Ruth E, L., resignation, 513 Porter, T. B., degree, 860 Porter, V. L., degree, 437 Porter, W. J., degree, 1232 Porterfield, Helen E., degree, 453 Portis, S. A., appointment, 48, 869 Posey Iron Works, Inc., purchase, £40 Posinski, Mrs. Eugenia, appointment, 806 Posner, B., degree, 162 Possehl, R, J,, degree, 466 Post, D., degree, 1221 Post, Mrs. Hariette, appointment, 791 Post, John, appointment, 50, 870 Post, W. E., appointment, 48, 868 Postel, S., degree, 470, 1247 Postgraduate, Medicine, budget, 678, 781 Postgraduate Studies, Dentistry, budget, 693, 786 Postlewait, Grace E., degree, 438 Postlewait, Libbie F., degree, 120 Postlewaite, Florence J., degree, 463 Posto!, S. M., degree, 270, 1202 Potel, J. J., degree, 461 Potentiometers, purchase, Chemical Engineering, 902 Chemistry, 305 Potter, Ann M., appointment, 1006 Potter, Dorothy E., degree, 1224 Potter, C. A., Jr., degree, 856 Potter, F. S., degree, 1220 Potter, Frances, appointment, 778 Potter, J. C , certificate, 206 Potter, J. H., appointment, 408, 424, 613 Potter, J, N., appointment, 102 degree, 119 Potter, L. A., Jr., appointment, 638 Potter Electric Co., bid, 1081 contract. 810 PottUorT, E. F., appointment, 380, 542, 628 Pottorf, I. D., degree, 268 Potts, A. G., appointment, 747 Potts, L., appointment, 749 Potts, R. C , degree, 12S Poultry nutrition, study, 236 Pouncey, A, T., appointment, 364, 384 Pouncey. Lorene, appointment, 662 Poust, G. O., degree, 468 Poust, Mrs. Louise, appointment, 769 Poust, W. L., degree, 1029 Powell, C. B., appointment, 51 resignation, 183 Powell, D., appointment, 594. 597 salary adjustment, 1060 Powell, H. E., degree, 126 Powell, H. R., degree, 270, i o n Powell, M., gift, 905 Powell, Mrs. Priscilla G-, appointment, 253, 543 Powell. P. M., degree, 445 Powell, Wilna L., degree, 124 Power, Ruth T.. appointment, 424. 663, 1088 Power engineering option, Electrical Engineering, changes, H79 Power Equipment Co., purchase, 522, i n 6 Power Farm Implement Co., purchase, 62, 131, 164, 280, 306 143* Power Plant, Chicago Professional Colleges, negotiations with Commonwealth Edison Co., 290 Powers, C. L., degree, 865 Powers, C. W., appointment, 741 Powers, Dorothy E., degree, 1210 Powers, G. H., appointment, 52, 754 Powers, H. L., degree, 1019 Powers, J. R., degree, 1242 Powers, J. W., degree, 267 Powers, Mary F., degree, 859 Powers, N. E„ degree, 47°, 1247 Powers, R, F., degree, 459 Powers, T. J., degree, 278 Pownall, W. W., degree, 1232 Poyten, Patricia J., degree, 276 Pozeck, G. W., degree, 1221 Pracht, J. W., certificate, 133 Praetorians of Illinois, gift, 904 Praglin, J., degree, 1017 Prairie Farmer Station W L S , Christmas Neighbors Club, gift, 66 Prairie Farms Creameries, gift, 1165 Prange, C. W., degree, 266 Pranke, D. W., appointment, 59 Pranske, A., degree, 1028 Prather, Elizabeth G., degree, 463 Pratt, C. H., appointment, 544 authority to sign name of President of Board, 287, 1042 Pratt, D. W., appointment, 1006 Pratt, F. E., resignation, n o Pratt, F. H., degree, 864 Pratt, H., Co., Inc., contract, 1075 Pratt, J. T\, degree, 1242 Pratt, P. E., degree, 1020 Pratt, R. J., degree, 271 Pratt, V. E., degree, 468, 1210 Pratt, W-, appointment, 1151 Pray, D. F., degree, 128 Precision Scientific Co., purchase, 234, 393 Predental students, grade-point requirement, IS Preilwitz, E. C , certificate, 206 Premedical students, grade-point requirement, 15 Prendergast, J. D,, degree, 266 Prentice, Clara G., degree, 440 Prentice, D. R., degree, 278 Prentice, L. H., Co., contract, addition, 366 Prentiss, Barbara I., degree, 1216 Presbitero, Julia, appointment, 1006 Presbyterian Hospital, School of Nursing, affiliation, contract, 1117 Prescott, J. A., Jr., degree, 1206 Prescott, ] . F„ degree, 865 President of Board, election, 286, 1042 signature, delegation, 287, 1042 facsimile, 287, 1043 President of University, authority, employment of agent familiar with dealings in farm land, 289 introduction of University legislation in General Assembly, 241 revisions in allocation of funds for buildings and capital improvements, 361 automobile, purchase, 494 Blodgett case, report, 1189, 1276 installation proceedings, publication, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 69 salary, 491 study, appointment of D. W . Smythe, 33 joint meeting with Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, 813 Kenny litigation, 919, 944 revision of by-laws of Athletic Association, 1078 survey of state-owned property, legislation, 529 President's House, remodeling and improvements, appropriation, 5 balance reappropriated, 71 contracts, 5
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