UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1438]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Political Science, cont'd chairman of department, appointment, 15 fellows, 343, 1095 Polivka, J. VV., degree, 1242 Polk, G. A., appointment, 511, 614 degree, 441 Polk, H. K., appointment, 610, 1144 declination, 1195 degree, 853 Polkowski, L. B., degree, 1217 Polk Street, land for Y.M.C.A. building, sale, 197, 290 sidewalks and curbs, contract, 329 Pollack, M. H., degree, 1244 Pollard, C. A., degree, 1027 Pollard, C. E., Jr., degree, 468 Pollard, C. N., degree, 1025 Pollard, Jane D., degree, 1216 Pollard, Mrs. Margaret, appointment, 738 Pollard, Ruth F., degree, 466 Pollard, VV. S., Jr., appointment, 338, 608 Pollen, L. K., degree, 439 Polley, T. 2., appointment, 50, 870 Policy, W. P., degree, 852 PolH, J. F., degree, 474 fellowship, 182, 841 resignation, 1195 Pollock, F. J., appointment, 54, 876 Pollock, G. H., appointment, 57, 878 Pollock, M. D., degree, 473 Poison, Alma I., fellowship, 1093 declination, 1138 Poison, J. A., appointment, 613 Poiyacrylonitrile solvent, discovery, release of patent rights, 209 Polymeric chemicals as drugs, research, contract, 1039 gift, 1169 Pomeroy, 1). S., appointment, 567, 1149 Pomeroy, O. R., appointment, 253, 837 degree, 262 resignation, 844 Pomeroy, P. G., degree, 862 Pomrenze, J. L., certificate, 496 Poncher, H. G., appointment, 253, 686 member of advisory committee, 243 research, gift, 68 Pond, C. P., appointment, 102,. 641 Ponder, D. A., degree, 446 Ponder, Marian N., degree, 272 Ponleithner, H., Jr., degree, 1236 Ponsor, F. W., certificate, 133 Pontious, G. H., appointment, 779 authority to sign name of President of Board, 287, 1042 Pontious, R. L., degree, 450 Ponto, Irene H., degree, 272 Ponton. P. R.. degree, 1242 Pool, E. H., Jr., degree, 443 Pool, Peggy L., degree, 1235 Poole, Mrs. Dorothy D., appointment, 764 Poole, R. E., appointment, 764 Poore, W. D., degree, 468, 1201 Poos, G. I., degree, 1 o 1 o fellowship, 340 declination, 345 • Popcorn, introduction of new variety, 65 Pope, J. D., Jr., degree, 1027 Pope, J. T., degree, 128 Pope, Sarah E., mortgage release, 984 Pope, \V. A., Co., contract, 76, 310 addition, 29, 85, 297 Pope, W. T., appointment, 694 salary adjustment, 1136 Popelka, Blanche M., appointment, 102, 154, 688, 795, 837 Popham, J. E., degree, 1212 Popp, J. W., certificate, 1035 Poppinga, J. E., fellowship, 1095 declination, 1097 PopyanchefT, Christine, degree, 1224 Porcelain ware, laboratory, Chemical Storeroom, purchase, 900, 1160

Ploughs, Virginia, degree, 472 Plow, gift, Agricultural Engineering, 1168 Dixon Springs Experiment Station, 165 Plowen, Shirley S., degree, 1228 Pluda, M. T., degree, 27S Plumart, P. E., degree, 1214 Plumbing, contract, Animal Sciences Laboratory, 1074 Cafeteria Building, addition, 19 John Street, property at 601 East, 997 Men's Old Gymnasium,- 151 microanalytical laboratory, 10S2 minor alterations and remodeling, 18 Natural History Building, 810 Noyes Laboratory, 950, 1081 Physical Plant Service Building, 1126 Physical Plant Service Building Annex, 410 President's House, 5 Research and Educational Hospitals Addition, 940 change, 1050 Student and Staff Apartments, 8, 406 addition, 211, 298, 997 Veterinary Medicine Building, 996 Plumbing systems, study, 1062 Plummer, R. B., appointment, 1054 Plummer, T. T., degree, 438 Plunkett, W. K., degree, 1033 Plywood, Physical Plant, purchase, 233 Pneumatic tubes, Research and Educational Hospitals Addition, contract, 940 Pocius, J. B., degree, 449 Pockrass, R. M., degree, I T 8 Poczatek, J. J., Jr., appointment, 837 degree, 450 Podall, Jane M.. degree, 124 Poehler, Mrs, Lucille A., appointment, 745 Poelker, J. A., degree, 1232 Poetzinger, A. P., appointment, 801 Poff, Adrienne M.. degree, 12.24 Poggenpohl, Marianne, degree, 1231 Pogue, D. G., degree, 1018 Pogue, E. G., appointment, 380, 630 declination, 844 degree, 432 Pogue, W. G-, appointment, 511 Pohl, E. J., degree, 1216 Pohl, R. G., degree, 123, 1017 Pohlman, N. F., degree, 1214 Pohlman, P. H., degree, 473 Pohn, G. J., certificate, 496 Pohn, Shirley, degree, 460 Poindexter, H. C , degree, 1033 Poisall, R, P., degree, 1033 Poitras, A. W., appointment, 377, 1139 fellowship, 255, 339 Pojman, V., degree, 1237 Poklen, L. W., degree, 1238 Pokraiac, Smilja, appointment, 789 Polakovic, Dolores K., degree, 859 Polansky, S. M., degree, 273 Polarigraphs, purchase, Pharmacy, 353 Clinical Science, 164 Polartmeter, Chemistry, purchase, 352 Polenske, Alberta F., degree, 273 Polenske, Helen S., degree, 1245 Polensky, Mrs. Meryl H., appointment, 779 Polglase, Margaret F., degree, 851 Police, uniforms, purchase, 280 Pohn, Mrs. Harriet, appointment, 738 Polin, Marty, degree, 1030 Poling, C. E., Jr., degree, 1221 Poliomyelitis, research, gift, 910 Political meetings, use of University premises, 1068 practice of other universities, report, 1123 referred to Committee on General Policy, io6g Political Science, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 484 budget, 566, 743' summer session, 387, 1149