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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Piatt County Agricultural Conservation Association, contract, 954 Piatt County Service Co., purchase, 901, 959 Piazza, A. JR., degree, 1235 Piazza, E. G., degree, 1234 Pi Beta Phi Serority, driveway, sale, 498 Piccione, L. N., degree, 1247 Pichon, D, JR., Jr., degree, 274 Picht. D. R., degree, 1234. Pick, Daisy, degree, 853 Pick, J. F., appointment, 58, 879 Pickands Mather & Co., purchase, 233 Pickard, A. E., gift, 165 Pickard, G. E. F., appointment, 919, 926 Pickard, W. L., appointment, 102 Pickens, P. O., degree, 865 Pickering, Q. H., degree, 1017 Pickering, Roxy, appointment, 783 Picker X-Ray Corp., purchase, 279, 1003, 1161 Pickett, A. I)., appointment, 390, 717, 1151 Pickett, C. A., Jr,, degree, 121 Pickett, W. O., degree, 1214 Piech, R. C , degree, 123 Piedlow, K. A., degree, 1232 Piemonte, Helen, appointment, 800 Piepenbrok, F. W., appointment, 788 Pieper, Mrs. Nelle (i., appointment, 745 Pier, J. O., degree, 1015 Pierce, Mrs. Barbara, appointment, 736 Pierce, Beverly J., appointment, 1192 Pierce, (I. R., appointment, 610 Pierce, J. B., degree, 466 Pierce, J. YV., degree, 865 1429 Pingry, R. E., appointment, 210, 230, 630, Pinhasik, Ann, appointment, 181 resignation, 844 Pinkerton, Norma L., degree, 1228 PinkstarT, M. L., degree, 458. 1207 Pinkston, C. S., degree, 1025 Pinkus, A; G., degree, 261 Pinkus, Marillyn D., degree, 1031 Pinnell, S. W., degree, 437 Pinnix, Elsie, appointment, 797 Pinska, Elizabeth J., appointment, 956 Pinsky, J., degree, 1228 Pinsky, M., degree, 472 Pinsky, Sylvia, appointment, 718 Pipe, Physical Plant, purchase, 522, 900, 901, Pipe covering, contract, Research and Educational Hospitals Addition, 940 Physical Plant Service Building, 1126 Piper, R. H., degree, 453 Pipher, W. P., degree, 468 Piping, contract, Abbott Power Plant, 29, 409 Utilities Distribution System, addition, 297 1160 Pirani, C. L., appointment, 685 Piscitello, Caroline M., degree, 1210 Pister, K. S-, appointment, 374, 618 Pistorius, A. \V., degree, 275 Piszczek, E. A., appointment, 47, 878 ; Piszkiewicz, F. J., appointment, 87S j Pital, A., degree, 850 Pitcairn, J. C , degree, 446 fellowship, 342 Pitesky, 1., degree, 470 Pierce, Mrs. Kittie B., gift, 903 Pitkin, S. H., degree, 1221 Pierce, N. C , degree, 430 Pitluk, M. J.. degree, 114 Pierce. S. II., appointment, 605, 612 I Pitman, Boneta U, degree, 124 Pierce, S. M., degree, 1242 j Pitney-Bowes, Inc., contract, 936 Pierce, T., Jr., degree, 445 ! Pittard, Verna K., resignation, 183 Piercy, Bede E., degree, 1207 j Pittman, G. A., appointment, 741 Piercy. Doris A., degree, 433 Pittman, H. L., certificate, 496 Pierle, Ruth C , degree, g^o j Pittman, R. A., degree, 460 Pierobon. R. L., degree, 1033 I Pittman, V*. H., appointment, 765 Pierro, J. J., degree, 449 ! Pitts, Jill, degree, 1215 Piersma, Joyce M., diploma, 1247 Pitts, \ \ \ , appointment, 956 Pierson, Mrs. Bettv J., appointment, 760 I Pitts, W. C, degree, 857 Pierson, Irene D., appointment, 668 ; Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Co., gift, 166, Pierson. S. B., degree, 1019 907 Pierzhala, Alice E., degree, 274 : Pitzeie, Elyse S., degree, 1027 Pierzynski, T. S. J., degree, 1037 1 Pitzer, Leona S.. degree, 855 Pietrangeli, Angelina R., appointment, 561, ! Pizzolato, P. J., degree, 1198 ! Placek, C., appointment, 956 569, 1150 j Placek, S., degree, 1242 Pietrzak, C. L., degree, 278 ! Placement Bureau, budget, 549, 739 Pietz, V. J., degree, 1031 j Plaezek, W. P., degree, 1222 Pigage, L, C., appointment, 613, 649, 657 ; Plagakis, Mary, degree, 114 Pi^gott, B. C , degree, 852 Plagge, J. C , appointment, 679 Pig iron. Mechanical Engineering, purchase, j Plain, H. A., degree, 1240 ! Plankenhorn, Mary R., appointment, 75 1 Pignato, R. A., degree, 276 I Piankenhorn, \V. J. t appointment, 607 Pigott, M. T., degree, 114 1 degree, 1013 Pihera, (>. J., degree, 438 1 Plant, \V. J., degree, 466 Pihl, j . L.. degree, 468 I Plants, study, nutrient requirements, 525 Pikna, R. J., degree, 860 i phosphorus utilization, 65 Pikramenou, Marika, fellowship, 4-/ \ Plastic* testing machine, Theoretical and ApPilchard, E. J., appointment, 603 j plied Mechanics, purchase, 306 salary adjustment, 1001 ' Plastids, genetically induced mutations, rePilchard, R. A., degree, 1214 j search, gift, n 67 Pile, O, W., appointment, 746 \ Plates, rectangular flat, study, n 58 Pilgrim, F. J., degree, 158 1 Piatt, J. G., degree, 449 Pilkenton, G. K., degree, 468 Piatt, 1022 Pilkington, Mrs. Betty G., appointment, 741 I Plant, J. W., degree, 450 P. E., degree, Pilkington, R. L., degree, 865 Playe, G. L., degree, 431 Pilling, \V. C , appointment, 871 Player, Donnie E., degree, 113 cancellation, 1055 Player, J. M., Jr., degree, 1033 Pilot, 1., appointment, 682 Pleissner, Ella D., appointment, 56 Pilot, M. L. t fellowship, 980 declination, 45, n o Pilots, aircraft, desirable qualifications, study, Plepel, J. K., degree, 1031 Fletcher, T. E.. degree, 113 355 , 0 Pletsch, Helen V., degree, 1228 Pinckney, P. W., appointment, 364, 38 1 Plews, H. E., degree, 123^ PincofEs, Lolita, degree, 1029 Pliml, J, R., degree, 1216* Pines, S. H., degree, 437 Pliskin, I., degree, 271 fellowship, 340, 1091 Plouffe, J. B,, appointment, 837 Pinger, E. F., degree, 1242
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