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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1428 BOARD OF T R U S T E E S Physics, cont'd purchase, cont'd donut sections, 305 electrometer, 306, 983, 1259 electronic material, 130 equipment, 281 ;enerator, 63 athe, 305. 354, 1038 microphotometer, 983 microscope, 234, 235, 482, 1064 milling machine, 354 monochromator, 960 oscilloscopes, 1161 pumps, 1259 Q meters, 1259 recording timers, 1261 screws and nuts, 163 shear blades, 184 steel. 281, 351 Tritium, 937 wire, 164 spectrograph, sale, 171 Physics Betatron, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70 budget, 617, 757 Physics Laboratory, addition, plans, preparation, application for federal funds, 971 lecture tables, appropriation, 1127 repowering and relighting, appropriation, 174, 1128 balance reappropriated, 486 contract. 294, 331, 507, 1128 engineering services, 1128 urgency, 321 Physics library, remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71, 486 Physics Research Laboratory, contract, asphalt tile flooring, 227 landscaping, 417 sidewalks and driveways, 76, 810 waterproofing exterior walls, 420 landscaping, architectural services, 525 Physiological adjustments to changes in environment, research, gift, 909 Physiology, Dentistry, gift, 913 Liberal Arts and Sciences, animal quarters, construction, appropriation, 407, 947 contract, 951 budget, 566 summer session, 1149 equipment, appropriation, 995 fellows, 1095 graduate curriculum, 1072, 1097 head of department, appointment, 249 purchase, automobile, 901 furniture, 901, 1116 steam cage sterilizer, 982 remodeling, appropriation, 995 contract, electrical work, 810, 1081 general work, 810 heating, 810 plumbing, 810 ventilating and air-conditioning, 1081 research, gift, 906 Medicine, budget, 688, 784 clinical faculty, 56, 877 equipment, appropriation, 995 gift, electron microscope fund, 913 research, 167, 909, 910, 912, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1172 graduate curriculum, 1101 purchase, centrifuge, 902 galvonometer, 1063 Piano, Chicago Undergraduate Division, purchase, 163 Music, purchase, 234, 983, 1038, 1163 rebuilding, 1039 Physical Plant, purchase, 481, 1260 Robert Allerton Park, purchase, 902 Speech Clinic, gift, 1169 Piatt County, roads serving the Allerton Farms, improvement, contract, 84 University property, payments in lieu of taxes, 828, 921 Physical Plant Department, cont'd purchase, cont'd lumber, 164, 184, 233, 305, 354, 482, 483, 937, 960, 983, 1038, 1039, 1116, 1162 metallic tubing. 1160 nursery stock, 352, 1065 paper supplies, 164, 184, 279) 354, 901, 983* 1-259 payroll machine, 480 piano, 481, 1260 pipe, 61, 522, 900, 901, 1160 police uniforms. 280 ranges, 280, 1065 refrigerators, 280, 1065 road tar, 64, 900, 1260 rubber matting, 395 safety switches, 1038 sand urns, 481 tractor and snow plow, 163 transformer, 1038 transmitter and receiver set, 305 tree treatment equipment, 392 trucks, 184, 235, 354, 355, 395, 937, 984, Venetian blinds, 164, 900, 1162 ventilating fans, 983 watchmen's clocks, 1162 water coolers, 240 water softeners, 394 white lead, 129, 902, 984, 1116, 1162 silo repair, labor and material, 353 student lockers, repairing and relocation, appropriation, 824 water distribution system, trench excavation, Department of Animal Science, 937 Physical Plant Service Building, brickmasons classroom, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 486 remodeling, appropriation, 1126 approval, 1080 architectural services, 172 authority to request bids, 1080 contract, electrical work, 1126 general work, 237, 1125 heating, 1126 pipe covering, 1126 plumbing, 1126 ventilating, 1126 release of funds, 1181 urgency, 321 Physical Plant Service Building Annex, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 530 contract, electrical work, 410 general work, 410 heating, 410 plumbing, 410 Physical Plant Warehouse, resurfacing roof, 523 ^ Physical Sciences, budget, 719, 804 summer session, 391, 1153 padlocks, purchase, 394 Physical therapy equipment, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, purchase, 306 Physicists Research Co., purchase, 62 Physico-Chemical Biology, fellows, 1094 Physics, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70, 484 budget, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 722, 80s Urbana-Champaign departments, 616, 756 summer session, 387, 1149 building improvements, appropriation, 1077 fellows, 343, 1094 fellowship, gift, Strong Educational Foundation, 1166 purchase, betatron material, 480 camera equipment, 393, 959 cameras, 900 choke coil, 352 cylinders, 522 decade scalers, 1259 degassing equipment, 63 detector, 393. 1115 1117 ?
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