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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Pelman, F. W, R., degree, 861 Pelman, Rosalind C , degree, 861 Pelrine, Ann K., degree, 1224 Pemco Corp., contract, 307 Pendleton, H. E., appointment, 1135 degree, 453 Pendleton, J. W., appointment, 584, 597 salary adjustment, 1058 Penfield, C. M., degree, 1224 Penicillin, purchase, 937 research, gift, 908 Penicillin complex compounds, relation to blood levels, research, gift, 68 Penick, S. B., & Co., gift, 67 Penman, Mrs. Jean, appointment, 742 Penn, L, degree, 270 Penn, J. F., degree, 1219 Pennell, A. E., degree, 463 Pennell, Priscilia S., degree, 453 Penney, R. C , degree, 1033 Penniman, Clara, fellowship, 1095 declination, 1096 Pennington, L. A., appointment, 102, 253, 567 declination, 45 Pennisi, L, L., appointment, 719, 1153 Pennsylvania Avenue, property at 301 West, purchase by Athletic Association, 17 property at 805 West, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71 Pentecost, E. E., fellowship, 1092 declination, 1096 Pentz, G. C , degree, 161 Penwell, B. V., degree, 1242 Penzl, H., appointment, 563 resignation, 1096 Peoria citizens, appreciation of hospitality, 93 Peoria Mat Co., purchase, 395 Peoria Tool & Engineering Co., purchase, 63, 279. 306, 355, 394 Peper, II. G., degree, 447 Pepper, Echo D., appointment, 385, 565 Pepper, M., degree, 1247 Pepper, S. C , appointment, 154 Pepple, R. C , degree, 1015 Pepsin secretion, research, gift, 69 Peptic ulcer, research, gift, 909, 910, 1172 Pera, L. B., degree, 1033 Pera, Sue M., degree, 1231 Perbix, Joyce A., degree, 466 Perbohner, A. J., degree, 275 Perce, Frances C , appointment, 47, 808 Percival, F. V., appointment, 746 Percival, H. D., degree, 460 Percival, Stella, appointment, 638 Percival farm, house, lease, 132 Percy, N. M., appointment, 57, 879 Peregoy, J. J., Jr., certificate, 1035 Pereny Equipment Co., purchase, 394 Perers, R. E., degree, 1235 Peres, C. J., degree, 1026 Perfetti, Alpha D., degree, 853 . Periodicals, Library, appropriation, 300, 1048 Peripheral circulatory changes, research, gift, 68, 1171 1425 Perkal, Mrs. Eva, appointment, 780 Perkins, A. J., appointment, 698 Perkins, E. W., degree, 278 Perkins, F. C , degree, 45 1 Perkins, G. A., degree, 126 Perkins, G. L., appointment, 57* & & 7 Perkins, Mary L., degree, 453 Perkins, Mildred E., degree, 438 Perkins, Nellie L.. appointment, 384. 59* Perkins, R. B., appointment, 7-22 Perkins, \V. F., degree, 1033 Perl, E. R., degree, 472 Perl, J. I., gift, 912 Perlman, Mrs. Bernice E. T., appointment, 102, 388, 5* 1 , 659 Perlman, E., degree, 1029 Perlman, F. R., degree, 1217 Perlman, J., appointment, 230, 699 Perlman, L., appointment, 50, S70 Perlman, R., appointment, 511, 1139 Perlstein, M. A., member of advisory committee, 244 Perlstein, Minnie O., appointment, 47, 868 Perlstein, S., appointment, 682 Perman, G., degree, 472 Permoda, E. E., degree, 865 Permutit Co., contract, 237 purchase, 394 Pernecky, P., Jr., certificate, 133 Pernokis, E. W., appointment, 48, 869 Perrine, D. B., member of advisory committee, 178 Pernno, D. J., degree, 855 Perry, B. E., appointment, 379, 557 book, publication, funds, 1165 Perry, C. D., appointment, 41 Perry, Caroline M., degree, 1224 Perry, D. E., degree, 1221 Perry, G. W., degree, 1235 Perry, Harriet N., degree, 1207 Perry, L. W., degree, 161 Perry, R. F., degree, 1033 Perry, R. M., degree, 258 Pershe, E. R., degree, 447 Person, B. C , degree, 440 Personality maladjustment, devices of measurement, research, gift, 1168 Personnel relations, advisory committee, 417 Persselin, L. E., degree, 275 Perz, R, R., degree, 463 Pesavento, R. J., degree, 1234 Peschel, Virginia, appointment, 790 Peskin, B. A., appointment, 253, 424, 614 degree, 268 Peskin, Ruth B., degree, 270 Peskind, Dorothy E., degree, 1224 Pestel, C. V., appointment, 788 Peterman, Mrs. Marcia, appointment, 754 Peters, C. D., degree, 122 Peters, C. M., Jr., degree, 460 Peters. I). T., degree, 460 Peters, Dorothy H., degree, 461 Peters, G. L., degree, 1219 Peters, J. W., appointment, 385, 564 Peters, Marily M., degree, 127 Peters, R. A., degree, 122 Peters, Ruth M., appointment, 102, 633 declination, 844 Petersanti, N. A., degree, 852 Petersen, A. S. J., appointment, 690 • Petersen, Mrs. Doris I., appointment, 750 Petersen, Dorothy L., degree, 446 Petersen, E. F., degree, 162 Petersen, Elizabeth M., appointment, 230, 557 Petersen, F. A., appointment, 607 Petersen, F. W., appointment, 685 degree, 266 Petersen, L. E., appointment, 511 Petersen, Mary A., degree, 473 Petersen, R. S., degree, 1023 Petersen, W. J., appointment, 1135 Petersen, W. T., degree, 1027 Peterson, Betty M., fellowship, 427 Peterson, C. A., degree, 1028 Peterson, C. L., degree, 460 Peterson, C. M., degree, 450 Peterson, C. R., degree, 1023 Peterson, Carolyn, appointment, 786 Peterson, Catherine L., fellowship, 1094 Peterson, D. A., degree, 1228 Peterson, E., appointment, 689 resignation, 1055 Peterson, Mrs. Erline, appointment, 792 Peterson, F. L., appointment, 303, 617, 1006, 1192 Peterson, F. Y., degree, 1232 Peterson, G. C , degree, 466 Peterson, G. R-, degree, 275 Peterson, I. L., appointment, 637 contract, 525> JoSi Peterson, J. R., degree, 45 J Peterson, J. W., appointment, 53, T OS7
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