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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Oppelt, Joan M., degree, 1238 Oppeit, R. L., degree, 464, 1210 Oppenheim, M. E., degree, 1217 Oppenheimer, L. S., degree, 461 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, budget, 696, 787 research, gift, 911, 1172 Oral Pathology, budget, 697, 787 Oral Surgery, graduate curriculum, 1098 Oravec, Vera A., appointment, 181 Orchard nutrition studies, gift, 165 Orcutt, V, G., certificate, 206 Orcutt, W. H., degree, 278 Ordah Z. J., appointment, 589 Ordemann, F. A., Jr., degree, 1219 Ordman, L, B., degree, 273 Oregon Street, property at 1210 West, lease, Orendorff, K. D., degree, 273 Orenstein, A., degree, 468 Orenstein, H. B., degree, 1029 Orenstein, H. E., degree, 123 Organ, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70, 485 Music, purchase, 234 Organizations, University membership, budget, 552 Orgill, D. H., appointment, 102, 560 Orgodny, Jeanette B., appointment, 800 Orkild, C. O., degree, 446 Orkin, R., degree, 1237 Orlich, N., degree, 865 Orlove, A. H., degree, 274 Ormiston, E. E., appointment, 379, 587, 837 cancellation, 844 Ormsbee, A. I., appointment, 40, 375, 606 degree, 441 Ormsby, O. S., appointment, 47, 868 Orne, J,, appointment, 364, 385 O'Rourke, J. M., degree, 449 Orphan, C. D., appointment, 102, 659 declination, 844 degree, 126, 852 Orphan, Gloria N., degree, 453 Orpin, R., degree, 261 Orr, W., appointment, 754 Orr, \V. H., degree, 274 Orsucci, R. L., degree, 1231 Ortaggio, G. G., degree, 1219 Orther, Marion L., degree, 270 Orthodontia, budget, 696, 787 salary adjustments, 1136 graduate curriculum, 1098 Orthopaedic Building, cleaning and tuck pointing walls, contract, 1049 water pumping facilities, contract, 1075 Orthopaedic fund for children, gift, 67, 165, 913, i i / 3 Orthopaedic Surgery, budget, Medicine, 684, 783 Research and Educational Hospitals, 705, 794 clinical faculty, 53, 875 gift, fellowship. Drama Club of Evanston, 910 132 1421 fund for children, 67. *65» 913, u 7 3 research, 911, 912 travel fund for residents, 1173 Ortiz, A., degree, 47 2 Ortlepp, Bernice, appointment, 691 Orton, E., Jr., Ceramic Foundation, gift, 67, 166, 1166 Orton, W. R., Jr., appointment, 385 Orum, C. A., appointment, 654 declination, 844 Osborn, J. E., appointment, 735 Osborn, R. C , appointment, 379, 626, 1142 Osborne, Mrs. Edith P., appointment, 743 Osborne, F. L., degree, 1219 Osborne, J. W., degree, 456 Osborne, R, T., appointment, 650 Osby, Mrs. Annabel, appointment, 798 Oschwakl, W. R-, degree, 1019 Oscillator, Bacteriology, purchase, 1259 Oscillograph, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, purchase, 306 Oscilloscopes, purchase, Electrical Engineering, 280 Physics, 1161 Ose, E. E., degree, 1228 Osgood, Mrs. Albertine W., appointment, 543, 569, 1150 Osgood, Bess G., appointment, 102, 926 resignation, n o Osgood, C. EM appointment, 567, 655 O'Shea. W. J., certificate, 133 Osheroff, S. J., certificate, 206 Oshiver, J. J., degree, 1031 Osinski, Mrs. Carolyn B., resignation, 428 Osinski, Carolyn F., degree, 855 Osinski, H. S., degree, 863 Osland, R. D., degree, 1244 Osman, M. S., fellowship, 1094 Osran, Albert, degree, 1237 Ossey, M. D., degree, 1233 Ostboe, Vivian M., degree, 857 Ostby, Mrs. Evelyn R., appointment, 738 Ostby, P. C , degree, 1019 Oster, E. A., degree, 1246 Osterberg, G., appointment, 801 Osterberg, W., appointment, 811, 837 Osterdock, Mrs. Lorolive S., appointment, 739 Ostergaard, Zada, appointment, 793 Osterheld. R. K., degree, 1198 fellowship, 375 Ostrem, J. W., certificate, 133 Ostrenga, E. P., degree, 453 Ostroff, M. M., degree, 472 Ostrowski, S. }., degree, 859 Oswald, Dolores, appointment, 801 Oswald, F. M., certificate, 292 ! Oszakewski, L. S., degree, 466 Otis, Harriet, degree, 1228 ; Otis, Mrs. Mary J., appointment, 763 ; Otis, R. E., appointment, 751 I Otis Elevator Co., contract, 8, 406, 940 J change, 998 j Otolaryngology, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 487 books, appropriation, 995 budget, 684, 783 clinical faculty, 54, 875 microscopes, purchase, 232 research, gift, 911, 912, 1173 Otolaryngology Laboratory, remodeling and equipment, appropriation, 174 I contract, 329 O'Toole, Mrs. Anna M., appointment, 797 , O'Toole, L. J., degree, 447 1 Ott, Fina C , appointment, 663, 1088 j Ott, M. D., degree, 1022 j Ottens, R. W., degree, 861 , Otterson, P. A., appointment, 837 I Otto, Helen, appointment, 778 I Otto, W. C , certificate, 292 [ Ottoson, Mrs. Barbara W., appointment, 761 j Oudyn, G. M., appointment, 383, 561 I Outlaw. G. H., degree, 113 j Oven, Agronomy, purchase, 234 j Overaker, A. E., appointment, 230, 659 ! degree, 1018 Overbey, R. A., degree, 1238 Overman, O. R., appointment, 587 leave of absence, 293 Overstreet, P., degree, 1235 Overstreet, \V. W\. Jr., degree, 862 Ovitz, J, W., member of advisory committee, 178 Ovresat, R. C , scholarship, 427 Owen, Aleta L., appointment, 804 Owen, Mrs. Betty J., appointment, 102, 633 Owen, R. V., degree, 1247 Owen, Mrs. Royene F., appointment, 593, 597 salary adjustment, 1060 Owen. W. M., appointment, 618, 1151 degree, 442
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