UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1428]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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Olsen, Elizabeth K., appointment, 233 resignation, 345 Olsen, F. A., degree, 1211 Olsen, R. E., degree, 1243 Olsen, Ruth, appointment, 804 Olsen, Mrs. Violet, appointment, 795 Olson, A. L,., degree, 1231 Olson, A. R., degree, 1022 Olson, Abbie M., degree, 276 Olson, C. R., member of advisory committee 178 Olson, D. R., degree, 445 Olson, Dorothy C., degree, 453 Olson, E. A., degree, 1033 Olson, Enid M., degree, 435 Olson, Grace H. S., degree, 442 Olson, H. J., degree, 453 Olson, H. P., degree, 1214 Olson, Janet H., degree, 1231 Olson, Jo Ann, degree, 273 Olson, K. A., degree, 1242 Olson, K, M., degree, 461 Olson. L. W., appointment, 388, 570, 1150 Olson, M. L., degree, 278 Olson, N. O., certificate, 1035 Olson. Paul Richard, degree, 1202 Olson, Paul Robert, degree, 276 Olson, Robert Carl, degree, 463 Olson, Robert Charles, appointment, 733, 773 Olson, R. H., degree, 1217 Olson, S. \ \ \ , appointment, 988 representative on Board of Medical Directors of Institution for Tuberculosis Research, Olthoff, B. G., degree, 1242 Olwin, J. H., appointment, 58, 879 O'Mahony, J. E. T., degree, 273 O'Malia, Eunice M., degree, 852 O'Meara, T. R., degree, 122, 853 Omens, D. V., appointment, 48, 868 Omens, H. D., appointment, 48, 86S Ommen, Betty I., degree, 453 Ommen, D. \V., degree, 458 Onarga Nursery, purchase, 1065 Oncken, L. E., degree, 1019 Ondrak, T. B., appointment, 719 Ondrejcin, J. J., fellowship, 340, 374 declination, 345 O'Neal, J. C , degree, 1242 O'Neal, R. C , degree, 1239 O'Neil, Shirley M., degree, 463 O'Neil, Mrs. Thelma S., appointment, 745 O'Neill, B. P., certificate, 206 O'Neill, G. T., degree, 1033 O'Neill, J. D., degree, 849 O'Neill, Mabel I., appointment, 744 O'Neill, Mary, appointment, 793 O'Neill, R. E., degree, 1024 Ongman, Mrs. Evelyn M., appointment, 754 Ongman, H. D., appointment, 253, 608 degree, 271 Onsgard, Synneva C , degree, 113 Onstott, E. I., degree, 1010 fellowship, 340 Ooms, Marilyn AT., degree, 453 Ooms, O. J., degree, 265 Opalinski, S. J-, degree, 472 Operating engineers, wages, agreement, 2 Operating Room, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 705, 794 Operative Dentistry, budget, 696, 787 salary adjustments, 1136 negligence and malpractice claim, case dismissed, 1084 legal counsel employed, 989 Ophthalmology, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 72 books, appropriation, 995 budget, 684, 783 clinical faculty, 52, 873 graduate curriculum, 1099 research, gift, 167, 910 Opoka, Wanda, appointment, 793


Ogdon, D. P., degree, 456 Ogent, A. M., degree, 859 Ogg, C. R., Jr., degree, 266 Ogg, J. E., degree, 456 Oglesby, E. V.» appointment, 811, 837 Oglesby, P., appointment, 50 Ogness, A. M., resignation, n o Ogren, R., appointment, 1151 O'Halloran, Mrs. Lydia, appointment, 789 O'Hara, F. S., degree, 1228 O'Hara, O. C , degree, 847 O'Hara, W. T., degree, 1233 O'Hart, Maureen, appointment, 793 O'Heran, W. B., degree, 128 O'Heron, J. E., degree, 1216 Ohio Oil Co., purchase, 20, 184 Ohler, E. A., appointment, 688 Ohlsen, M. M., appointment, 1177, 1192 Ohlzen, R. E., appointment, 780 Ohm, Mignon J., degree, 1231 Ohm, R. E., degree, 1207 Ohmart, D. A.f degree, i o n Oil, fuel, temporary housing, purchase, 20, 64, 481, 983 road, Physical Plant, purchase, 64 Oil distribution system, Drill Field housing project, engineering services, 20 installation, contract, 197 Oink, Ethel G., appointment, 97S O'Kane, C. R., appointment, 880 O'Kelly, L,. I., appointment, 242, 253, 567, 1054 Oken. S., degree, 122 Okeren, T. Y., degree, 432 Okey, D. L,, contract, 334 O'Konski, Claire M., appointment, 837 Okrongly, H. H., degree, 1030 Olander, J. W., degree, 1242 Olander, M. M., director of Athletic Association, 294, 1046 member of advisory committee, 417 Old Ben Coal Co., gift, 165, 903 Oldberg, E., appointment, 683 member of advisory committee, 243 Oldenburger, J., certificate, 496 Oldfather, Margaret, appointment, 647, 661, 1088 Oldham, W. R., degree, 433 Oleari, V. P., degree, 470, 1246 O'Leary, E. J., degree, 1027 Olech, E., appointment, 181, 696, 926 Oleksy. Mrs. Margaret H., appointment, n 5 2 Olendzki, E. K., degree, 1022 Olenick, E. J., appointment, 53 Oler, Mrs. E. Louise, appointment, 775 Oler, T. E., degree, 1234 Oleson, H. D., degree, 1221 Oleszkiewicz, C. J., appointment, 805 Olin, Joyce C , degree, 1236 Otin, Virginia M., degree, 458 Olin Industries, Inc., gift, 905, 906 Olive, D. D., certificate, 1035 Oliver, ])., appointment, 756 Oliver, H. B., certificate, 1176 Oliver, Jeanne P., degree, 934 Oliver, Mrs. Jewell E., appointment, 761 Oliver, R. E., appointment, 1145 Oliver, Richard MM appointment, 48, 374, 868 Oliver, Robert M., degree, 1016 Oliver, R. P., appointment, 557, 569, 1142,


Oliver, R. T., Jr., degree, 862 Oliver, W. A,, appointment, 378, 608, 1141 Oliver, \V. J., degree, 1022 Oliver, W. P., appointment, 795 Olivero, J., degree, 1213 Olkon, D. M., appointment, 689 Olmstead, R. G., degree, 445 Olney Experimental Farm, oil and gas lease, 84, 149 Olsen, Mrs. Alice, appointment, 801 Olsen, C. E., appointment, 719