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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Nozzle, atomizing, discovery, patent rights, release, 369 Nubie, J. F., degree, 447 Nucleic acids, research, gift, 910 Nudelman, Edith, degree, 269 Nuess, Vivian R., appointment, 380, 632 Nufer, L. J., degree, 468 Nufer, K. J., degree, 468 Nugent, R. L., appointment, 741 Nugent, Sarah A., appointment, 735 Nugent, T. J., appointment, 154, 641, 659 Nurse, M. B., degree, 278 Nursery School, Education, mentally retarded children, remodeling, 81 Division of Special Services for War Veterans, budget, 660, 767 summer session, 379, 1148 Nursery stock, Physical Plant, purchase, 352, 1065 Nurses Residence, budget, 704, 794 contract, hot and cold water system, 997 lighting^ system alterations, 948 steam lines, installation of, 197 hair dryer, purchase, 65 locks for closet doors, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 485 Nursing, School of, budget, 700, 788 degrees conferred, 1247 wheel chair, gift, 912 Nursing, University of Illinois-Cook County School of, associate director, appointment, 989 director, appointment, 989 training program, 348 admission requirements, 349 approved, 315 fees, 350 Nursing Department, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 704, 791 Nusbaum, Barbara H., degree, 1027 Nusbaum, W . S., degree, 1032 Nusinow, R, J., degree, 468 Nutrient requirements of plants, study, 525 Nutrients in wheat germ oil. research, gift, 165 Nutrition Foundation, Inc., gift, 68, 910, 1167 Nutrition research, contract, effect on convalescence, 237 poultry, 236 swine, 235, 1158 gift, 909, 911, 1170 Nutrition Research Laboratory, gift, 68, 167 Nutting Truck & Caster Co., purchase, 63 Nuveen, J., & Co., revenue bonds, Small Homes Council housing research project, 817, 886 Nuzik, M. E., degree, 450 Nwagbo, Uzoechina, degree, 1026 Nykiel, F. P., certificate, 1035 Nyman, C. O., degree, 933 fellowship, 156 resignation, 844 Nyman, E, E,, degree, 472 Nymeyer, F., gift, 912 Nystrom, Arlene, degree, 1244 Nystrom, Janice, appointment, 390, 723 Nystrom, Mary J. T., degree, 1231 Nystrom, R. F., appointment, 40, 586, 621 Oak, W. L., degree, 1232 Oakes, R„ member of advisory committee, 178 Oakes, V., appointment, 757 Oakley, J, P., degree, 468 Oas, Virginia, appointment, 797 Obal, T. J.} degree, 435 fellowship, 339, 1089 scholarship, 107 O'Bannon, M. J., degree, 454» I O * 1 O'Bannon, R. H.. appointment, 560 Oberheide Coal Co., purchase, 975 Oberhill, H. R., appointment, 253, 872 Oberholtzer, J. R., degree, 449 Obery, L. J., degree, 121 Oblander, J. M., degree, 458 1419 Obodzinski, H., appointment, 801 O'Brien, D. E., appointment, 51, 871 O'Brien, F. B., certificate, 206 O'Brien, J. A., degree, 1028 O'Brien, t. D., degree, 468 O'Brien, J. W., degree, 1219 O'Brien, L. F., degree, 1213 O'Brien, L. J., Jr., degree, 1220 O'Brien, Marie A., appointment, 761 O'Brien, Mrs. Yvonne, appointment, 773 Obstetrics and Gynecology, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 485 budget, 683, 783 clinical faculty, 51, 872 display cases, appropriation, 824 films, gift, 912 graduate curriculum, 1099 research, gift, 1171 O'Byrne, J. M., degree, 856 Occupational Therapy, budget, 687 gifts, funds, 68, 911, 1170 scholarships, Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, 66, 903, 1164 Ocnaschek, F. J., degree, 267 O'Connell, Mrs. BilHe, appointment, 803 O'Connell, G. L., degree, 1234 O'Connor, C. J., degree, 1242 O'Connor, F. R., appointment, 756 O'Connor, H. R., degree, 1242 O 'Con nor, J. R., degree, 1219 O'Connor, Katherine M. E., degree, 1233 O'Connor, T. M., appointment, 752 O'Connor, William Kavanagh, Jr., degree, io33 O'Connor, William Kirley, degree, 278 Oczkowshi, E. T., degree, 270 Odegaard, C. E,, resignation, n o Odell. C. W., appointment, 380, 629, 1142 Odell, Dorothy T., appointment, 836 Odell, H. R., certificate, 206 Odell, R. K.. degree, 1224 Odell, R. T., appointment, 583 salary adjustment, 1058 Odell, Ruth, appointment, 56 declination, n o Oden, R. J. E., appointment, 58, 879 Odes. R. L., degree, 1244 Odie, H, A., degree, 267, 1015 Odle, Mrs. Thelma C., appointment, 74 2 Odom, E. K-, Jr., degree, 468 Odom, M., bid, 297 O'Donnell, D. P., appointment, 771 O'Donnell, Eileen A., degree, 1215 O'Donnell, F. H., degree, 1029 O'Donnell, J., appointment, 786 O'Donnell, T. E., appointment, 635 O'Donohue, R. C., degree, 1023 Odor, Joan, degree, 453 Odum, B. D., degree, 1239 Oehmke, C. M., appointment, 732 Oehmke, G. J., appointment, 756 Oesterllng, M, Jane, appointment, 102, 837 Oesterling, W. A., degree, 439 Oestreich, W. H., appointment, 804 Oetjen, A. H., degree, 863 Offenhiser, J. J., degree, 270 Officers, Board of Trustees, delegation of signatures, 287, 1042 election, 286, 1042 Office Supply Store, purchase, desks, 353 envelopes, 61, 232 paper, 64, 130, 163, 184, 232, 233* 234, 279t 305. 354, 480, 481, 490, 960, 983, 1038, 1160, 1162, 1260 Official Test Revolving Account, budget, 588, 748 Offner, D. H., appointment, 40, 614 Offner, Electronics, Inc., purchase, 3°7> 353 Offset printing press, Print Shop, appropriation, balance reappropriated, t 483 purchase, 354 Oftedahl, C , appointment, 940, 956, H45 Ogden, Mrs. Phyllis W., appointment, 102, 718
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