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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I4i8 BOARD OF TRUSTEES North campus, electrical distribution, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 530 North Carolina Granite Corp., purchase, 1065 Northern Illinois Experimental Field, development, funds, gift, 67, 165, 904 headquarters building, 64 lumber, 131 house, contract. 1182 status, 993 Northern Illinois Utilities Co., contract, 936 Northern Trust Co., deposit agreement, Illini Union Building revenue bonds, 33 Lincoln Avenue Residence revenue bonds, handling of pension and insurance accounts for Athletic Association, payment, 194, 33i Northwestern Heating & Plumbing Co., contract, 972 Norton, F, B,, appointment, 743 Norton, H. W., appointment, 1070, 1087 Norton, L. J., appointment, 578, 582 leave of absence, 292 salary adjustment, 1057 Norton, M. N., appointment, 757 Norton, R. P., appointment, 101 resignation, 256 Norton, W. B., appointment, 771 Norton Co., purchase, 130 Nortridge, V. W., degree, 273 Nortrup, L. W., degree, 461 Norwood, R. H., degree, 1242 Noto, A. J., degree, 1021 Nouzak, Mrs. Doris, appointment, 802 Novack, Beverly J., degree, 1228 Novak, E. K., degree, 1219 Novak. G. J., degree, 454 Novak, H., degree, 271 Novak, Mrs. Helen, appointment, 754 Novak, J. P., degree, 1217 Novak, L., degree, 461 Novak, L. L., degree, 268 Novak, M, V., appointment, 253, 680, 699 research, gift, 68 Novak, Marie C , degree, 470 Novak, Mrs. Mary E., appointment, 801 Novak, P. M., degree, 1239 Novak, R. A., degree, 128 Novak, R. J., degree, 1242 Novick, R. G., appointment, 57, 878 Novotny, A. J., degree, 472 fellowship, 1096 Novotny, W. E., degree, 1021 Novy, P. H., certificate, 1035 Nowacki, C. R., degree, 267 Nowak, E. J., degree, 278 Now ell, C. E., appointment, 383, 563 Nowicki, H. E., degree, 456 Nowlan, F, S., appointment, 101, 391, 719 Nowlin, G., appointment, 424, 557 fellowship, 928 Noyes, F. B., appointment, 692 Noyes Laboratory, fire prevention and safety improvements, appropriation, 204, 995 balance reappropriated, 486 contracts, 949 release of funds, 970, 1077 urgency, 321 remodeling, appropriation, 191, 407 balance reappropriated, 486 Bacteriology quarters, contract, electrical work, 1081 general work, 1081 plumbing, 10S1 ventilating, 1081 microanalytical laboratory, appropriation, 1082 contract, air conditioning, 1082 electrical work, 1082 general work, 1082 heating, 1082 plumbing, 1082 temperature and humidity control equipment, contract, 82 301 Noble, A. H., degree, 276, i o n Noble, D. D., degree, 446 Noble, J, W., degree, 1242 Noble, Lena M., degree, 847 Noble Motor Co., purchase, 395, 984, 1163 Nock, F . J., appointment, 101, 383, 563, 1145 Noe, C. R., degree, 113 Noecker, R-, appointment, 765 Noehre, E. H., certificate, 206 Noel, D. W., degree, 1029 Noel, R. W., degree, 1021 Noerdinger, G. J., degree, 860 Nofftz, Edna, appointment, 735 Nolan, A. W., appointment, 628 Nolan, E. A., degree, 1221 Nolan, Grace, appointment, 719. H53 Nolan, W. J., appointment, 57, 878 Nolan, \V. M., degree, 456, 1205 Noland, A. R., appointment, 253 degree, 262 Noland, Pearl, resignation, 45 Nolen. R. M., appointment, 379> 625 Noll, C. R., jr., degree, 1205 scholarship, 255 Nommensen, E. W., degree, 430 Nonacademic budget, summary, 730 Chicago Professional Colleges, 779 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 803 Urbana-Champaign departments, 732 Nonacademic employees, civil service class specifications and salary ranges, changes, 408 compensation plan and class specifications, amendment, 174 policy and rules, amendment, 244 wages adjustments, approved, 414 increase, request, 362 Nonacademic Personnel Office, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 69, 485 budget, Chicago Professional Colleges, 676, 780 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 716, 803 Urbana-Champaign departments, 545. 737 remodeling and equipment, appropriation, 245, 1049 ventilating attic of Davenport House, appropriation, 204 Noonan, R. M., degree, 439 Noordhoff, L. J., appointment, 10r, 600 Noper, Alice T., fellowship, 1092 declination, 1138 Norberg. Betty, appointment, 781 Nordbye, L. E., degree, 1028 Nordeen, C. H., degree, 1219 Nordheden, A. P., degree, 1215 Nordholm, P., appointment, 774 Nordin, Hillewy H., degree, 1225 Nordlum, Clarice A., degree, 1246 Nordsieck, A. T., appointment, 383, 616 Nordstrom, Carolyn E., degree, 453 Nordstrom, F. B., degree, 472 Nordstrom, G. L., degree, 1023 Noreen, A. E., appointment, 386, 614, 1 r47 Normal schools, teacher training in agriculture, statement, 1084 Norman, E. R., appointment, 1006 Norman, L. DT, degree, 847 Norman, N. E., degree, 1197 Norman, N. F., appointment, 101, 564 degree, 158 Norman, V. C , appointment, 776 Normann, A., scholarship, cancellation, 156 Norrell, Virginia M., degree, 472 Norris, Mrs. Alphild F., appointment, 791 Norris, C. F., degree, 1030 Norris, N, W., degree, 449 Norris, R. M,, degree, 1232 Norris Beverage Dispenser, Inc., purchase, 937 Norris Electric Cooperative, contract, 936 Norsen, Jeannette M., degree, 1228 North, D. O., gift, 1165 Northam, Joanne D., degree, 1026
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