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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Muth, Jean M., degree, 1224 Mutti, R. J-, appointment, 376, 579, 598 Mutual Contracting Co., contract, 973, 998, 1187 Muzak Corp., contract, 410 Myers, A., degree, 449 Myers, Alice J. B., degree, 1239 Myers, E. L., degree, i2jg Myers, Evelyn, appointment, 751 Myers, F. C , appointment, 749 Myers, G. G., degree, 1216 Myers, Hazel E., appointment, 732 Myers, J. J-, appointment, 611 declination, 844 Myers, J- V., degree, 446 Myers, Margaret J., degree, 1231 Myers, Mary G., degree, 1215 Myers, O. G., appointment, 770 Myers, R. D., degree, 268 Myers, R. E., degree, 472 Myers, Richard H,, degree, 1216 Myers, Robert H., degree, 1239 Myers, R. W., certificate, 206 Myers, W. F., degree, 272 Myers, W. H., degree, 1246 Myhre, B. A., degree, 1228 Myklestad, N, O., appointment, 618 Mylashus, Adele P., degree, 852 Mylius, R. D. ( degree, 1242 Mylroie, R. L., degree, 261 Mynard, F. H., appointment, 603 salary adjustment, 1061 Myrick, Ruth A., appointment, 734 Naaf, Lydja, appointment, 796 Naas, R. M., degree, 278 Naatz, R. A., degree, 1219 Nace, W. R., degree, 1026 Nachbar, A, S., degree, 1228 Nachenberg, H. P., certificate, 133 Nachtmann, F. W., appointment, 101, 561 Nack, Helen J,, degree, 1226 Nadamoto, I., degree, 472 Nadar, R. F., degree, 472 Nadeau, O. E., appointment, 58, 879 Nadworny, Edna J., degree, 465 Nadybai, T., degree, 462 Naess & Murphy, architectural services, student residence halls in Chicago, 991 Naft, Barbara Z,, degree, 1024 1 Nagai, Inez, appointment, 101, 39 , 7-24. U53 Nagarkatti, A. S., degree, 1010 Nagel, C. R., degree, 447 Nagel, Edith L., appointment, 811, 836, 1149 Nagel, F. C., degree, 464 Nagel, H. T-, appointment, 877 Nagle, Mrs. Betty A., appointment, 763 Nagle, Mrs. Mary E., appointment, 743 Nagle, Sybil K., appointment, 770 Nagle, W. E., degree, 1242 Nakada, J., degree, 453 Nakagawa, Grace, appointment, 791 I O Nakamura, C. Y., fellowship, 1095, °6 Nakamura, E. L., degree, 1228 Nakamura, G. R., degree, 475 Nakamura, T,, fellowship, 340, 1055, 1137 resignation, 958 Nakata, A. H., degree, 1221 Nakayama, T., appointment, 1135 Nalbandov, A. V., appointment, 585 research, gift, 67 salary adjustment, 1059 Nalbandov, Olga, fellowship, 5 *3 Nalepa, H. J., degree, 860 Naleway, H. W-, appointment, 777 Nally, Marilyn J., degree, 453 Nally property, taxes, payment in lieu of, Nance, G. H., degree, 126 Nance, J. F., appointment, 377* 555 Naney, W. H., appointment, 101, 739 Nanzig, R. P M appointment, 52 Napier, Mary L., degree, 1224 921 1415 Napier, S. D., degree, 1239 Napkin dispensers, Chicago Undergraduate Division, loan, 237 Napoleon, Marie, appointment, 794 Narcisi, E., degree, 1221 Narevsky, A. H., degree, 1228 Narusis, J., Jr., degree, 274 Narut, L. F., appointment, 338, 871 Nash, C. C , Jr., appointment, 610 degree, 930 Nash, Mrs. Elizabeth H., appointment, 797 Nash, G. E., degree, 276 Nash, H. B., degree, 468 Nash, J. b . , degree, 852 Nash, J. P., apiwintment, 967, 978 Nash, W. R., degree, 278 Naslund, Leota D., degree, 1216 Nast, Ruth E., degree, 1201 Nastoff, Virgie-Ann, degree, 162 Natalie, E. K., degree, 468 Nathan, I., degree, 456 Nathan, Marilyn A., degree, 466 Nathan, R., degree, 1224 Nathercut, G. W., appointment, 873 National Academy of Sciences, contract, 355 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, contract, 1117 National Arts Foundation, Inc., contract, 936 National Association of Thoroughbred Breeders, gift, 1165 National Broom Manufacturers Association, contract, 395 National Bureau of Standards, contract, 1158 National Cancer Institute, gift, 166 National Cash Register Co., purchase, 480, XT - 1 1 1 5 National Committee for Mental Hygiene, Inc., gift, 167, 910 National Dairy Council, contract, 903 National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, Inc., gift, 910 National Institute of Health, gift, 906, 910 National Korectaire Co., contract, 996 National Lead Co., purchase, 902, 1162 Baroid Sales Division, gift, 1166 National Plan Service, Inc., purchase, 393 National Research Corp., purchase, 1259 National Research Council, gift, 67, 1167 National Spectro graphic Laboratories, purchase, 1038 National Vocational Guidance Association, quarters in Davenport House, remodeling, 335 Natof, H. E., degree, 1228 Natoush, W. R., fellowship, declination, 1138 Natural History Building, electrical distribution system, improvements, engineering services, 999 fire protection improvements, contract, n 28 release of funds, 1181 remodeling, appropriation, 17, 25, 148, 175, 824, 922 balance re appropriated, 71, 486 contract, electrical work, 810, 1081 general work, 810 changes, 1258 heating system on fifth floor, 1130 plumbing and heating, 810 ventilating and air conditioning, 1081 Natural History greenhouse, remodeling, appropriation, 922 Natural History Museum, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70, 484 budget, 572, 744 purchase, diorama, 937 truck, 394 Natural Resources Garage, alterations, contract, 503 Natzke, P. R., degree, 1210 Nau, R. H., appointment, 381, 611 Naudzius, D. A., degree, 1027 Nauert, C. G., Jr., fellowship, 1093 Naughton, C. E., degree, 1029
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