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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1414 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Murphy, Mary E., degree, 859 Murphy, RM 388, 570, 1150 Murphy, R. A., degree, 1235 Murphy, R. E., Jr., degree, 1228 Murphy, R. H., appointment, 874 Murphy, Ruth E., degree, 1027 Murphy, S. L., Jr., appointment, 1054 degree, 10JO Murphy, W., appointment, 806 Murphy, William Delrner, appointment, 602 salary adjustment, 1061 Murphy, William Dennis, degree, 275 Murphy, W. F,, Jr., appointment, 877 Murphy, W. G., appointment, 618 declination, 844 Murphy, Wandalou, appointment, 741 Murphy & Miller, purchase, 233 Murray, Anna, appointment, 799 Murray, Catherine M., degree, 1201 Murray, D. S., degree, 1238 Murray, E. W., degree, 468 Murray, Gerald L., degree, 1242 Murray, Gordon L., certificate, 1035 Murray, H. H., degree, 1015 fellowship, 427. 1093 Murray, T. A., appointment, 600 Murray, J. M., degree, 123 Murray, J. T., certificate, 206 Murray, Mary L., appointment, 741 Murray, Mary T., degree, 453 Murray Manufacturing Corp., purchase, 352 Murrell, Clare H., degree, 932 Murrell, D. W., degree, 472 Murrell, M. T., appointment, 741 Murrell, T. A., appointment, 381, 610 cancellation, 45 declination, 428 Murrin, D. C , degree, 858 Murtha, J. F-, Jr., degree, 865 Muscato, S. M., degree, 276 Muschler, Alice M., degree, 1226 Muscular relaxation, research, contract, 936 gift, 909, 1170 Museum cases, Medicine, appropriation, 174 purchase, 305 Museums, See Classical, European Culture, Modern Art, Natural History, and Science and Industry. Musgrave, C. E., appointment, 765 Musgrave, R. J., degree, 1027 Musgrave, T. C , degree, 1208 Musgrove, H. T., appointment, 757 Music, School of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70, 484, 485 budget, 637, 762 summer session, 386, 1147 console for organ, appropriation, 148 engagement of I. Stravinsky, 20 equipment, appropriation, 947 fellows 343> 1004 gifts, Colonial Iron Works Co., 907 scholarship, Anderson, Mrs. Margaret, 903, 1164 Presser Foundation, 1165 Russell, Helen M., 66 Sinai Temple Congregation of Champaign-Urbana, 903 lecture by Mary Garden, contract, 936 piano, rebuilding, 1039 purchase, console for pipe organ, 234 piano, 234, 983, 1038, 1163 viols, 130 remodeling, appropriation, 191 residence at 608 South Mathews Avenue, rehabilitation, appropriation, 175 Music Extension, budget, 650, 764 Music Research Foundation, Inc., gift, 166 Musick, V. J., degree, 447 Musko, M., degree, 1022 Mussay, M. C , degree, 1242 Mussett, C. W., degree, 120 Muster, W. N., degree, 1236 Mutchmk, M. E., degree, 465 Mueller, W. A., degree, 861 Mueller, W. R., degree, 457 Mueller Construction Co., contract, 339, 1003, 1187 Muirhead, B. M.. degree, 278 Muirhead, Peggy P., appointment, 390, 511, 717 resignation, 1008 Muirheid, B. P., appointment, 581, 600, 603 Muirheid, Julia M., degree, 1231 Mukherjee, B., degree, 854 Mula, F. J., degree, 276 Mulcahy, Roselen L., degree, 456 Mulch, R. F., degree, 446 Mullahy, T. F., degree, 1242 Mullaney, J. T., appointment, 1192 Mullen, H., appointment, 40, 338, 612 declination, 844 Mullen, J. B., contract, 822 Mullen, Katherine, appointment, 743 Muller, E. H., degree, 439 resignation, 256 Muller, F. W., degree, 1021 Muller, W. A., certificate, 133 Mulliken, \V. D., degree, 456 Mullin, C. F., Jr., degree, 1031 Mulliner, D. W., certificate, 133 Mullins, E. R-, Jr., appointment, 1147 degree, 259 Mullins, G. E., degree, 464 Multigraph Sales Agency, purchase, 130, 1038 Mulvaney, D. L., appointment, 1087 degree, 1019 Mulvey, J. F., degree, 450 Mumford, F. E., fellowship, 340, 1091 Mumford, L. F., degree, 460 Mumford, W. P., degree, 265 Mumford HaU, finishing room 404, appropriation, 148 library, bookstack addition, purchase, 1039 remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 486 Mumford House, alterations, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71 Mumps vaccine, study, 282, 1117 Mundt, G. H., Jr., appointment, 53» 874 Munkvold, Ruth B., degree, 456 Munnis, Mrs. Janet B., appointment, 662, 1088 Munnis, W. V., appointment, 739 Munoz, J., appointment, 680, 1006 Munro, H. S. t degree, 449 Munroe, M. E., appointment, 564* 1146 Munroe, W. F., degree, 1211 Munsch, Pauline M. S., degree, 113 Munse, A. R-, degree, 262 Munse, VV. H., appointment, 608 Munsey, F. A., appointment, 56, 877 declination, 928 Munson, B. E., degree, 865 Munson, Mrs. Evelyn, appointment, 732 Munson, J. L-, appointment, 746 Munson, K. F., degree, 1242 Muntyan, M., appointment, 253, 549 Munzer, Charlotte M., appointment, 718 resignation, 981 Muraro, J,, Jr., degree, 1242 Murdock, Arlene C , degree, 847 Murdock, J. E., appointment, 746, 749 Murphy, C. E., degree, 119 Murphy, E. C , degree, 1243 Murphy, E. J., degree, 443 Murphy, F., Jt"-, degree, 1242 Murphy, F. G., appointment, 53, 875 Murphy, H. R., degree, 278 Murphy, J. B., degree, 1231 Murphy, J. C , degree, 1023 Murphy, J. E., degree, 162 Murphy, Mrs. Josephine, appointment, 765 Murphy, K. H., appointment, 40, 391, 719 Murphy, L. W M appointment, 384, 645 Murphy, Mabel C , degree, 438 Murphy, Margaret, appointment, 794
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