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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Moriarty, J. H., appointment, 1146 Marin, J. A., degree, 438 Morison, W. H., certificate, 496 Moriwaki, Betty S., degree, 271 Morlan, Jean E., degree, 465 Morphy, Elizabeth J., degree, 466 Morrell, W. E., appointment, 40, 376, 543, Morrill, C. C., appointment, 596, 644 salary adjustment, 1061 Morris, C. L., degree, 434 Morris, D. G., degree, 124 Morris, D. J., appointment, 392, 720, 1154 Morris, E. E., degree, 1244 Morris, Elizabeth C , degree, 852 Morris, J. H., degree, 119 Morris, J. I., appointment, declination, n o Morris, J. K., request for hearing, 78 statement, housing for Veterinary Medicine and Home Economics, J 42 Morris, James R., appointment, 390, 724, 1152 Morris, John Robert, degree, 445 Morris, John Russell, degree, 115 Morris, J. S., certificate, 206 Morris, O. G., appointment, 40 declination, n o Morris, P. G,, member of advisory committee, 417 Morris, R. L., degree, 1217 Morris, R. S., appointment, 871 Morris, V., appointment, 801 Morris, \V. O., appointment, 624, 1140 Morrisett, R. N., degree, 1033 Morrisey, J. D., Jr., degree, 1213 Morrison, C. T., Jr., degree, 1024 Morrison, D., appointment, 56, 878 Morrison, D. R., certificate, 1035 Morrison, Mrs. Elizabeth, appointment, 758 Morrison, J. C., degree, 1027 Morrison, Mrs. Jean, appointment, 776 Morrison, M. F., degree, 456 Morrison, R. W., degree, 443 Morrison, S. A., certificate, 20C Morrison, S. E., degree, 1027 Morrison, T. G.f degree, 268 Morrison, \V. P., degree, 1019 Morros, J. L., appointment, 696 salary adjustment, 1136 Morrow, G. B., degree, 460 Morrow, G. W., Jr., degree, 859 Morrow, W. S., degree, 472 Morse, J., Memorial Foundation, gift, 903 Morse, K. M., appointment, 47, 878 Morse, M., degree, 1226 Morse, P., appointment, 744 Morse, \V. A., degree, 1222 Morthland, Mrs. Charlotte, appointment, 737 Morthorst, Rosemary A., decree, 1236 Mortimer, J, D., degree, 860 Mortimer, J. T., degree, 1234 Mortland, Mrs. Clarabelle, appointment, 956 Mortland, M. M., appointment, 424, 583, 1054 Morton, D. G., degree, 1022 Morton, R. A., & Sons, gift, 905 Morton, S., member of advisory committee, 416 Morton, W. D., degree, 117 Morwitz, S. M., appointment, 54, 875 Morwood, Mary A., degree, 454 Mosborg, R, J., appointment, 303, 609 degree, 261 Moscatelli. E. A., degree, 8s 1 Moscato, Ruth, appointment, 793 Moscinski, W. P., degree, 1248 Moseley, G. A., appointment, 101, 654 Moser, G. M., appointment, 388 Moses, I., degree, 1238 Moses, Irma R., appointment, 40 Moses, Mrs. Toby, appointment, 759 Moses, W. T„ degree, 1212 Mosgrove, Louise, appointment, 749 Mosher, D. H., degree, 1219 Mosher, Mrs. Dorothy J., appointment, 708 558, 1151 I413 ! Mosher, M. L., appointment, 578, 597, 603 ' Mosher, R. G., certificate, 1035 Mosher, W. J., degree, 278 Mosier, J. E., appointment, 811, "836 Mosko, M. M., appointment, 49, 869 Moss, A. J., certificate, 1035 Moss, C. S., degree, 1014 Moss, E. L., degree, 446 Moss, F. A. J., fellowship, 1091 Moss, Florence E., degree, 1228 J Moss, P. L., degree, 1032 ! Moss. S. P., degree, 1033 ! Moss, W. G., appointment, 1135 i Moss, VV. M., degree, 472 I Mosser, E. C., Jr., degree, 445 Mosser, N., appointment, 747 Mossey, R. O., appointment, 880 Mossman, R. L., degree, 1234 Mostafa, M. K. K., degree, 116 Moston, Carol, appointment, 800 : Motal, Vlasta M., appointment, 791 I degree, 470 ! Motion picture camera, Speech, purchase, 1064 ! Motorola, Inc., gift, 67, 906, 1167 purchase, 305 Motter, W. V., degree, 1028 Mottershaw, W. J., degree, 1021 Mottet, R. F., degree, 1217 Mottet, R. J., degree, 1234 Mottus, E. H., appointment, 1141 Moulden, Vivian J., appointment, 805 Moulton, R. D., degree, 1237 Mount, H. E., degree, 1210 Mount, O. E,, member of advisory committee, 365, ii77 Mouritsen, Barbara L., degree, 1235 Moutier, F. L., Jr., appointment, 101 Mouzakeotis, T. C., appointment, 52, 873 Mowbray, A. Q., Jr., appointment, 61S degree, 855 Mowery, C. IX, degree, 1214 Mowery, G., appointment, 690 Mowery, R. B., degree, 1020 Mowery, R. W., appointment, 154, 581 salary adjustment, 1057 Mowrer, O. H., appointment, 387, 567, 620, 655, 1149 I lease, 238 Moye, J., degree, 128 ! Moyer, C. A., appointment, 623, 1140 '. member of committee to hear objections to ; wage rates at Robert Allerton Park, 506 , Moyer, J. A., appointment, 836 J Moyer, J, E., appointment, 377 I degree, 160 Moyer, K. E., appointment, 40 resignation, 256 Mozer, P. I., fellowship, 1137 Mracek, Georgene F., degree, 1224 fellowship, 1093 Mraz, Shirley E., degree, 463 Mrazck, \V. J., degree, 1248 Mucha, T. A., appointment, 722 Mudge, J. G., degree, 278, 1018 Mudge, \V. A., appointment, 230, 615 Mudrak, A., degree, 930 Muehlberger, C. W., appointment, 56, 877 Muehling, A. J., degree, 1217 Muehling, C. L., degree, 454 Mueller, A. F., Jr., degree, 865 Mueller, A. G., appointment, 579 Mueller, A. J., degree, 449 Mueller, A. O., degree, 1219 Mueller, C , appointment, 801 Mueller, Carolyn J., degree, 1224 Mueller, H. D., degree, 124 Mueller, H. L., appointment, 388, 570, 630 Mueller, M. H., degree, 258 Mueller, Marie, appointment, 793 Mueller, Miriam E., appointment, 769 Mueller, P. F., degree, 453, 1200 Mueller, R. A., degree, 1228 Mueller, R. J., degree, 1028
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