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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1412 BOARD OF T R U S T E E S Moore, H. T., degree, iaip \ Moore, Mrs. Helen B., appointment, 778 Moore, J. A., Jr., degree, 1032 Moore, J. J., degree, 1029 Moore, James O'Bryan, degree, 1230 Moore, James Ottis, degree, 1024 Moore, J. S., gift, 1164 Moore, Jean M. E., degree, 861 Moore, K. H., degree, 1244 Moore, K. R., degree, 464 Moore, L,, gift, 1164 Moore, L. W., degree, 1234 Moore, Mrs. Lois S., appointment, 740 degree, 275 Moore, Lucille M. ( degree, 120 Moore, M. C , appointment, 758 Moore, M. S., degree, 864 Moore, Mary L., degree, 1224 Moore, Mary V., degree, 121 Moore, Mildred J., appointment, 181, 631 Moore, Mrs. Mildred R., appointment, 784 Moore, P., appointment, 511 Moore, P. J., degree, 472 Moore, Richard A., certificate, 1035 Moore, Robert A., certificate, 1035 Moore, R. D., degree, 119 Moore, R. E., degree, 454 Moore, R, H., appointment, 40, 101, 382, 560 resignation, 844 Moore, Stanley G., appointment, 782 Moore, Stuart G., degree, 1219 Moore, Shirley A., degree, 453 Moore, Sylvia L. D., degree, 117 Moore, T. E., degree, J 239 Moore, V. B., degree, 1019 Moore, W. A., degree, 276 Moore, W. C.( degree, 1242 Moore, W. D., appointment, 777 Moore, W. F., appointment, 772 Moore, Walter J., Jr., certificate, 1035 Moore, William J., certificate, 133 Moore, W. L., degree, 1242 Moore, W. O., degree, 1248 Moorefield, C. M., degree, 859 Moorman, H. E., degree, 258 Moorman Manufacturing Co., contract, 236 Moorthy, V. K., degree, 1205 Mooshil, J. P., degree, 1224 Moran, A. T., degree, 1033 Moran, E. B., member of advisory committee, 417 Moran, J. J., degree, 264 Moran, Mrs. Margaret E., appointment, 101 resignation, 375 Morava, G. A., Jr., degree, 1248 Morehouse, Zella Z.. degree, 852 Morehouse & Wells Co., purchase, 234 Moreland, C. C , Jr., degree, 1248 Moreland, Virginia L., degree, 470, 1246 Morelli, Theresa, appointment, 793 Morello, D., degree, 463 Moretti, Mrs. Elizabeth L., appointment, 788 Morey, H. E., Jr., degree, 1021 Morey, L., appointment, 544, 623 elected Comptroller, 286, 1042 Morgan, A. J., degree, 269 Morgan, D. H., appointment, 637, 639 Morgan, E. P., degree, 1217 Morgan, G. E., certificate, 496 Morgan, J. K., degree, 1026 Morgan, Katherine D., degree, 861 Morgan, L. T., appointment, 40 Morgan, Mrs. Marian M., appointment, 768 Morgan, Martha A., degree, 465 Morgan, N. D., appointment, 635 Morgan, Nola M., degree, 847 Morgan, O. D., Jr., degree, 1199 Morgan, R. K., degree, 449 Morgan, T. N., degree, 434 Morgan, W. H. L., degree, 450 Morgan, W. J., certificate, 133 Morganstine, Greta, degree, 275 Morgenstern, L., degree, 1212 Monarch Machine Tool Co., purchase, 354 Monasee, M. B., certificate, 133 Moncreiff, W. F., appointment, 52, 873 Monell, L., purchase, 305 Monette, J., appointment, declination, 844 fellowship, 5I3 Money, receipt and deposit, procedure, 12 Monfort, A. A., degree, 1221 Monical, Marilena A., appointment, 772 Monical, W., appointment, 753 Monter, L., gift, 904 Monitor equipment, operation and servicing, study, 236 Monk, H. H., member of advisory committee, 416 Monk, R. M., member of advisory committee, 4i7 Monke, E. J., degree, 1217 Monochromators, purchase, Bacteriology, 1161 Physics, 960 Monroe, C. W., appointment, 58, 879 Monroe, R, S., degree, 443 Monroe, W. S., appointment, 633 Monsanto Chemical Co., gift, 906, 1166 Monson, A. E., appointment, 754 Monson, Louise E., degree, 123 Montcalm, B. W., appointment, 725 Montgomery, E. G., degree, 1201 Montgomery, J. W., purchase, 1260 Montgomery, M. M., appointment, 682 Montgomery, R. B., appointment, 548 Montgomery, R. E., degree, 1210 Montgomery, W., purchase, 481 Monticello Grain Co., lease, 1063 Monto, A. V., degree, 1228 Montor, Joan P. A., degree, 124 Montoye, H, J., degree, 931 Montross, R. C , degree, 122 Monts, W. D., degree, 460 Monypenny, P., appointment, 566 Moody, Earlene, appointment, 799 Moody, G. H., degree, 1214 Moody, G. J., degree, 465 Moody, Mrs. Jean B., resignation, 182 Moon, Alice J., appointment, 745 Moon, G. R., appointment, 676 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 287, 1043 Moon, J. L«, degree, 267 Moon, P. K., degree, 1250 fellowship, 841 Mooney, F. P., appointment, 867 gift, 1173 Mooney, H. T., degree, 278 Mooney, J. T., degree, 1224 Mooney, P. C , degree, 1023 Mooney, Patrick and Bertha Memorial Fund, gift, 912 addition, 1173 Mooradian, M., degree, 859 Moore, A., Jr., gift, 1164 Moore, A. C., Jr., appointment, 836 Moore, A. W., degree, 474 Moore, Barbara J., degree, 453 Moore, C. G., member of advisory committee, 417 Moore, T). E., degree, 1019 Moore, D. K., degree, 863 Moore, D. P., degree, 456 Moore, D. W\, degree, 465 Moore, E. B., degree, 1222 Moore, E. F., appointment, 1135, 1177 Moore, E. H., certificate, 1035 Moore, E. J., degree, 855 Moore, E. R.. Co., purchase, 982 Moore, E. S., appointment, 682 Moore, Eunice M.. appointment, 719 resignation, 1138 Moore, F. L., Jr., certificate, 1035 Moore, F. M., degree, 117 Moore, G. E., appointment, 554, 564 Moore, G. P., degree, 1032 Moore, H. F., appointment, 618
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