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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Miner, E. N., degree, 1221 Miner, J. E., certificate, 1035 Miner, Julia E., degree, 275 Miner, O. T., appointment, 748 Miner, Phyllis A., degree, 1026 Miner, Ruth, appointment, 753 Minich, Edith C , degree, 852 Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71 4S6 budget, 615, 7^6 summer session, 386 gift, fellowship, Olin Industries, Inc., 905 painting, 66 scholarship, Illinois Mining Institute, 165 Old Ben Coal Co., 903 Peabodv Coal Co., 165, 903 infrasizer, purchase, 960 Minkus, G. M., degree, 461 Minkus, H. B., certificate, 206 Minkus, Marilyn, appointment, 785 Minn, J, P., fellowship, 341 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co., gift, 67, 907, 1166 Minning, R. J., degree, 274 Minnis, H. K., degree, 1231 Minor, G. R., appointment, 101 resignation, 844 Minton, Frances E., degree, 117 Minutes, approved, 75, 169, 189, 285, 309, 402, 809, 915, 963, 987, 1067, 1175 Miodus, M. D., degree, 472 Miranti, Mary M., degree, 1248 Mirchandani, H. C., degree, 430 Mirza, J., degree, 430 Mischel, T., resignation, 156 Mishkin, H. L., appointment, 58, 880 Miskowicz, S., gift, 912 Miskus, R. P., degree, 1228 Misner, D. E.. appointment, 630, 633 Mississippi Valley Structural Steel Co., purchase, 305 Misthos, G. E., degree, 1219 Mistic, G., degree, 267 Mistretta, J. J., degree, 449 Mistry, S. D., degree, 442 Mitch, F. M., degree, 122 Mitch, Mary, appointment, 789 Mitchel, P. H., certificate, 1035 Mitchell. D. A., degree, 269, 1213 Mitchell, D. B,, degree, 123, 849 Mitchell, D. L,, certificate, 133 Mitchell, D. R., degree, 1213 Mitchell, H., degree, 1217 Mitchell, H. H., appointment, 585, 596 property, purchase, change in recommendation, 77 research, gift, 67 Mitchell, J. C., degree, 443 Mitchell, Jack Clifton, degree, 1248 Mitchell, J. E., degree, 1028 Mitchell, James H., appointment, 47, 868 Mitchell, Joseph H., degree, 1033 Mitchell, J. O., degree, 1242 Mitchell, Josephine M., appointment, 40, 5^5) 1147 1411 Mix, H. M., resignation, 256 Miyake, M., certificate, 206 Miyata, T. I., degree, 1248 Mizell, J. W., appointment, 744 Mizell, M., degree, 1033 Mizuta, T., degree, 1224 Mladiner, S. J., degree, 1248 Moake, F. B., appointment, 374, 1144 Moake, F. M., appointment, 560 Moate, L. T., certificate, 133 Moats, J. E., degree, 1214 Moberg, H. M., degree, 450 Moberly, D. L,, degree, 463 Mock, G. D., degree, 1027 Mock, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 742 Mocnik, H. V., degree, 126 Model Laundry, contract, 936 purchase, 523 Modern Art, Museum of, contract, 237, 2S2, 936 films, rental, 984 Modern Motors, Inc., purchase, 64 Modern Woodmen of America, loan, apartment building at Urbana, resolution, 369, Modesitt, Mrs. Lorraine, appointment, 767 Modigliani, F,, appointment, 210, 230, 627, 956 Modjeska, G. S., degree, 472 Moe, Mrs. P. Jeanne, appointment, 777 Moe, R. L., degree, 1221 Moeckel, B. R., appointment, 384 degree, 441 Moede, H. H., degree, 851 Moehle, H. E., Jr., degree, 468 Moeller, A. N., appointment, $054 degree, 266 Moeller, G. T., appointment, 556, 1140 Moeller, J. R., fellowship, 342 declination, 345 Moeller, R. A., degree, 1033 Moeller, R. E., certificate, 496 Moeller, T., appointment, 378 Moeller, Virginia L., degree, 466 Moenkhaus, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 740 Moffett, A. W., degree, 464 Moffett, June P., appointment, 794 Moffett, T. H., degree, 266 Mbffitt, M. T., degree, 464 Mogan, L. T., degree, 1214 Mohan, J. T., appointment, 926 degree, 856 Mohan, R. A., degree, 265 Mohler, M. A., degree, 436 Mohr, C. H.f appointment, 749 Mohr, Courtney A., degree, 1029 Mohr, Mrs. Elizabeth B., appointment, 181, 836, 10S7 Mohr, G. J., appointment, 56, 878 Mohr, P. H., appointment, 4 2 4 degree, 1197 fellowship, 107, 1007 Moljr, R. C., degree, 273 Mohrman, D. W., degree, 1227 Moise, N. L., degree, 124 Mojonnier Brothers Co., purchase, 353 Molasky, S. L., degree, 278 Molcar, C. P., degree, 860 Moldermaker, \Y\ A., appointment, 101, 724, 1152 Mitchell, M., degree, 1232 Mitchell, Marion M., degree, 847 Mitchell, R. G,, degree, IOIQ Mitchell, R. H., degree, 1221 Mitchell, R. L., degree, 1024 Mitchell, R, V., appointment, 624, 1140 leave of absence, 256 Mitchell, W. H., degree, 449 Mitchell, W. I., appointment, 618 declination, 844 Mitchell, W. P., degree, 1033 Mitchell, W. R., degree, 274 Mite, E. A., degree, 27S Mitsdarfer, J., appointment, 747 Mittenthal, H. E., certificate, 206 Mitterling, P. I., degree, 15° Mittlesteadt, W. W., Jr., degree, 859 Molesky, W. F., degree, 118 Molinaro, L. A., fellowship, 1092 Moller, C. A., degree, 861 Moller, Mrs. Katherine T., appointment, 767 Mollgren, C. A., degree, 468 Mollman, R. E., degree, 1022 Molloy, J. J., appointment, 794 Molnar, A. J., degree, 1029 Molnar, E. J., degree, 1232 Molo, A. S., degree, 465 Molo, W. L, Jr., degree, 852 Moloney, G. H., member of advisory committee, 417
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