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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S Meyer, Esther, appointment, 680 Meyer, H. F., Jr., degree, 122 Meyer, H. H., degree, 446 Meyer, H. I., appointment, 58, 879 Meyer, J., appointment, 48, 868 Meyer, J. A., degree, 1220 Meyer, J. W., degree, 446 Meyer, Julia, appointment, 926, 978 Meyer, K, A., authority, execute Lincoln Avenue Residence revenue bonds, 224 member of committees, 287, 288 Meyer, L., bid, 417 contract, 297 Meyer, Lorraine H., degree, 466 Meyer, Marvin M., degree, 1030 Meyer, Morgan M., degree, 472 Meyer, R. A., degree, 1216 Meyer, R. IX, appointment, 738 Meyer, R. E., degree, 436 Meyer, R. I., degree, 261 Meyer, R. P., appointment, 59, 880 Meyer, R- W., degree, 1214 Meyer, Mrs. Sophie A., appointment, 768 Meyer, W. W., Jr., degree, 1234 Meyerhof, W. E., appointment, 616 declination, 843 Meyers, Mrs. Beatrice, appointment, 783 Meyers, C. Y., degree, 850 Meyers, D., degree, 1028 Meyers, H, F,, appointment, 40, 644 declination, 843 Meyers, K. ¥., degree, 1228 Meyers. Lulu B., appointment, 745 Meyers, M., degree, 1237 Meyers, M. ) . , certificate, 292, 496 Meyers, Patricia, appointment, 751 Meyers, S. N., degree, 119 Meythaler, M. J., certificate, 497 Mczan, R. W\, degree, 1031 Mezek, Marilyn G,, degree, 1031 Meznarich, Virginia, appointment, 792 Mezoff. M. L., degree, 1242 Miao, M. Y., degree, 1210 Micenheimer, M. M., degree, 445 Michael, C. R., degree, 864 Michael, E. D., Jr., degree, 44 1 Michael, Ellen L., appointment, 253 degree, 278 resignation, 843 Michael, G. W., appointment, 759 Michael, R. F., appointment, 749 Michael, W. A., Jr., degree, 848 Michael, W. C , certificate, 496 Michael Reese Hospital School of Nursing, affiliation, contract, 1117 Michaels, B. R., degree, 1029 Michaels, H. S., degree, 159 Michalak, Alice S., appointment, 790 Michalski, E, A., degree, 275 Michel, Mrs. Elizabeth, appointment, 781 Michel, Jane A., degree, 1024 Michel, Mary L., degree, 452 Michel, W. C , degree, 1244 Michelman, C, A., appointment, 40 Michels, C. J., appointment, 101, 391- I22 Michelson, C. K., certificate, 133 Michigan Avenue, property at 709 West, lease, 283 payment of taxes, 12 Michigan Mutual Liability Co., purchase, 903 Mickey, Betty L., degree, 446 Micklich, L. T., degree, 459 Micoli, J. F., degree, 1242 Microanalytical laboratory, remodeling, appropriation, 1082 contracts, air conditioning, 1082 electrical work, 1082 general work 1082 heating, 1082 plumbing, 1082 Microcomparator, Chemistry, purchase, 4S2 Micro forge, Zoology, purchase, 983 Microphotometer, Physics, purchase, 9S3 I409 Microscopes, appropriation, Chicago Professional Colleges, 148 Pharmacy, 1049 Zoology, 922 purchase, Botany, 164, 183, 184, 232 Ceramic Engineering, 131 Chemistry, 233 Electrical Engineering, 233 Geology, 131, 937 Horticulture, 164, 1064 Otolaryngology, 232 Pharmacy, 306, 353, 1162 Physics, 234, 482, 1064 Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, 234, 279 Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology, Zoology, 983 Middleman, L. II., degree, 1244 Middleton, H. F., degree, 1018 Middleton, J. R., degree, 449 Middleton, W. H., appointment, 53, 836, 874 Middle West Soil Improvement Committee of Chicago, gift, 67 Midwest Barley Improvement Association, gift, 165, 905 Mid-West Dynamometer & Engineering Co., purchase, 482 Midwest Inter-Library Corp., board of directors, 304 gifts, 304 purpose, 304 report of progress, 289 University's participation, 171 Mid West Plan Service, purchase, 523 Miehls, G. A,, gift, 907 Mier, W. J., degree, 1237 Miesenhelder, J. P., degree, 461 Mifflin, Mrs. Barbara, appointment, 799 Mihalkanin, J. A., degree, 1242 Mihelich, J. W., appointment, 1006 degree, 1010 resignation, 1195 Mijanovich, Alice B., degree, 47 2 Mijanovich, M., degree, 472 Mika, E. J., degree, 271 Mikhail, S". L., degree, 259 Mikolajczyk, II. L., appointment, 721, 806, Milano, C. R., degree, 273 Milcezny, Evelyn K., degree, 1012 Mildenstein, Mrs. Laura A., appointment, 778 Miler, Mrs. Margurette, appointment, 806 Miles, A. C , degree, 1236 Miles, D. E., degree, 1239 Miles, F. D., appointment, 635 Miles, H, J,, appointment, 564, 1146 Miles, J. C., appointment, 385, 613, J147 cancellation, 843 Miles, Marjorie L., appointment, 101, 642 Miles, O. F., degree, 1214 Miles, R. H., appointment, 637, 1147 leave of absence, 292 Milford, R. E., degree, 1220 Milgrom, B., degree, 126 Miliszkiewicz, C. S-, certificate, 496 Military Department, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 486 budget, 653, 765 clothing and equipment revolving account, 653 purchase, coats, 983 uniforms, 64. 85, 482, 523 quarters, remodeling, appropriation, 1181 storage facilities, appropriation, 81 Military personnel, academic instruction, contract, IT 17 Military Stable, repairs, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 72 Milk, dried, study, 237 Milk dispensers, residence halls, purchase, 937 Milking systems, parlor, study, 903 1152, 1192 234
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