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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OP I L L I N O I S Mechanical Engineering, cont'd purchase, cont'd pig iron, 233 recorder, 1261 tester, 63, 184 scholarship, gift, John Morse Memorial Foundation, 903 Mechanical Engineering Building, contract, electrical work, addition, 402, 413, 502 general work, addition, 150, 210, 246, 297 parking lot, 810 funds, release, 80, 366 name, 368 purchase, furniture, 280 Venetian blinds, 164 Mechanical engineering services, maintenance program, contract, 282 Mechanics, See Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Medbery, C. A., Jr., fellowship, 107 cancellation, 182 Medendorp, A. R., degree, 861 Medendorp, Helen J., degree, 1215 Medendorp, Ruth E., degree, 458 Medical and Dental College Laboratories Building, Anatomy Laboratory, acoustical treatment, 328 lighting, 328 Biological Chemistry quarters, remodeling, release of funds, 1048 cleaning and tuck pointing walls, contract, 1049 dental units, installation, 411 electrical feeders, installation, release of funds, 1180 emergency lighting, contract, 366 fire alarm system, 329 lighting controls in first unit, contract, 483 remodeling, appropriation, 922, 970, 1127 balance reappropriated, 72, 485 contract, 973. 1183, 1187 steam distribution, extension, contract, 76 Medical and Dental History, budget, 696, 787 Medical Center Commission, housing projects, agreements, 1261 approved, 1188 changes requested, 1123 financing, procedures, 311 report, 197 land, purchase, 7 request, 136 Institution for Tuberculosis Research property, transfer of title to University, legislation, 528 land, acquisition, appropriation, legislation, 529 negotiations, 403 exchange, 1045 resolution, 1061 purchase, 948 transfer to University, 1079 steam service to institutions in Medical Center District, contract, 810, 865 resolution, 810, 86=; Medical Center District, steam heating plant, appropriation, legislation, vetoed in part by Governor, 529 Y.M.C.A. building, site, sale of land, 197. 290 Medical Center Steam Co., construction of plant, appropriation, legislation, 529 funds from Illinois Department of Public Health, 1183 financing, legal services, payment, 920 lease, 961 site, acquisition, 403? 49 2 purchase, 948 transfer of land, 1079 steam service to institutions in Medical Center District, 358 contract, 936 changes, 492, 516 resolution, 492, 5*3 I407 Medical Center Steam Co., cont'd steam service to Veterans Administration hospital, 815 tax status, 999 Medical librarians, special course, contract, 483 Medical Records, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 704, 791 Medical service, See Hospital and medical service. Medical Social Service and Social Case Work, administration, plan, 944 Medicine, College of, appropriations, balance reappropriated, 72, 485 equipment, 80 lighting control and public address system, 245 museum cases, 174 projectors, 245 remodeling office of dean, 191 budget, 677, 781 cancer exhibit, construction, funds, 909 clinical faculty, 15, 46, 810, 866 dean, appointment, 988 resignation, 946 degrees conferred, 470, 1244 fees, adjustment, 1131 part-time students, 1158 schedule, 1159 gifts, dean's fund, addition, 911, 912 dermatological library account, 66 fellowship, Ruettinger, J. W., 68 funds for improvement of cancer teaching, 67 research, 68 scholarship, Russell, Helen M., 66 Yarros, V. S., 66 graduate curricula, 1098, 1099 laundry service, 280 malpractice insurance, policy, 199 purchase, camera, 960 centrifuge, 902, 959 laboratory table, 902 lathe, 62 milling machine, 62 refrigeration unit, 394 safes, 306 Medicine, Department of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 72 budget, 682, 782 clinical faculty, 48, 868 electrocardiograph-stethograph, purchase, 482 fellows, 344, 1096 research, gift, 008, 909, 911, 1169, 1170, Medow, Beverly L., degree, 275 Meduna, L. J., appointment, 689, 1192 book, printing, 938 Meece, Mrs, Winifred L., appointment, 768 Meehan, Marjorie, appointment, 57, 878 Meehling, W. F., degree, 162 Meek, C , member of advisory committee, 178 Meek, Mabel F., appointment, 799 authority to sign name of President of Board, 287, 1042 Meeker, Mary J., degree, 452 Meerman, Gerardine M., degree, 1228 Meers, Hazel L., degree, 1238 Meerson, M. A., certificate, 206 Mefford, V. K., degree, 1033 Meginnis, P. J., member of advisory committee, 79, 818 Megran, J. C , degree, 1234 Mehl, B., degree, 272, 1015 Mehlman, J. S., appointment, 50, 870 Mehr, R. I,, appointment, 379, 625 Mei, C. A., fellowship, 255 Mei, H. H., degree, 262 Meid, W. J., appointment, 606 degree, 1204 Meier, E. A., degree, 468 Meier, G. G., degree, 278 Meier, G. W., degree, 849 1171, 1173
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