UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1413]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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McCurley, Norma L., degree, 266 McCutchan, C. D., degree, 445 McDade, J. A., degree, 278 McDade, R. H., appointment, 746 McDaniel, J. D., appointment, declination, 45 McDaniel, M. E., degree, 1033 .McDaniel, M. H., degree, 278 McDaniel, O. K., degree, 1033 McDaniel. W. G.. degree, 270 McDaniel, W. W., degree, 859 McDaniels, C , degree, 1232 McDaniels, H. E., appointment, 47, 878 McDavid, J. A., degree, 1015 McDavid, R., appointment, 302, 559 McDermott, J. W., degree, 468 McDonald, D. W., degree, S52 McDonald, H. K., insurance purchased, 522 McDonald, H. M., member of advisory committee, 178 McDonald, J. K., appointment, 101, 659, 874, 1149 McDonald, J, H., appointment, 59 McDonald, J. M., degree, 468 McDonald, J. R., degree, 1244 McDonald, Madelyne O., degree, 475 McDonald, Marietta G., degree, 1024 McDonald, R. G., degree, 1232 McDonald, R. L„ degree, 858 McDonald, R. N., appointment, 613 declination, 843 degree, 441 McDonald, V. J., degree, 1219 McDonald, \V. H., appointment, 1145 McDonnell, Helen, appointment, 756 McDonough, T. O., degree, 1235 McDougal, Estelle M., degree, 114 McDougal, T. C , appointment, 52, 873 McDougle, Mary E., degree, 1202 McDowell, A. J., appointment, 386, 638, 653, 1148 McEldowney, H. B,, appointment, 721, 1192 McElhaney, J. L., degree, 473 McElhiney, Frances C., degree, 1224 McElligott, Josephine, appointment, 796 McElroy, D. L., appointment, 101, 836 McElroy, K. C , degree, 460 McElroy, R. E., degree, 1244 McElvain, Margaret J., degree, 1215 McEnery, P. T., appointment, 806 McEvoy, R. H., appointment, 626 McEvoy, R. J., appointment, 606 degree, 1204 McEwen, J. P., degree, 1232 McFadden, C. E., degree, 464 McFadden, R. H., degree, 1226 McFall, LoAnna, appointment, 737 McFarland, \V. E., certificate, 133 McFarlane, Betty P., degree, 458 McFarlane, Isabel, appointment, 797 McFeron, D. E., appointment, 614, 1147 McG ahey, II. R., appointment, 771 McGann, K. F., degree, 267 McGann, Katherine, appointment, 789 McGarry, D. J., degree, 864^ McGarry, H. Isabelle, appointment, 684 McGarry, Mrs. Nancy S-, appointment, 511, 836 McGaughey, Joda L., appointment, 1006 degree, 1017 McGee, H., appointment, 749 McGec, P. R„ fellowship, 1095, H37 McGee, R. S., degree, 446 McGhee, G. L., degree, 122 McGhee, J. R,, appointment, 636 McGhee, R., appointment, 757 McGinn, Mrs, Frances S., appointment, 787 McGinnis, Mary F„ degree, 458 McGinty, Clara F., degree, 113 McGlinn, \V. F., certificate, 206 McGlothlin, Margaret P., appointment, 576 salary adjustment, 1056 McGonagil, W. J-, jr., degree, 1220 McGovney, C. A., Jr., degree, 464


McGowan, D. M., degree, 1228 McGrady, J. P., degree, 278 McGrath, C. D., appointment, 871 McGrath, G. D., appointment, 629, 631, 649, "35 resignation, 1195 McGrath, Helen, appointment, cancellation, McGraw, K. O., Jr., degree, 1224 McGreevy, Carrie, appointment, 762 McGregor, J. C , appointment, 388, 568, 1149 McGregor, R. F., degree, 124 McGregor, W. C , degree, 852 McGregor, W. S., degree, 864 McGrew, Elizabeth A., appointment, 55> 685, 705 McGrew, f., insurance purchased, 522 McGuigan, H. A., appointment, 687 McGuire, B. J., Jr., degree, 1033 McGuire, Blanche B., appointment, 718 McGuire, C. A., appointment, 757 McGuire, Mrs. Daisy, appointment, 792 McGurk, J. L., degree, 115 McHarry, Liesette J., appointment, 630, 632, McHenry, K. W., degree, 846 McHood, J. O., degree, r22 McHood, P. H., Jr., degree, 1217 McHugh, J., Sons, Inc., contract, addition, Mcllrath, Patricia, appointment, 570 Mcllvoy, J. C , degree, 262 Mclnerney, W. B., degree, 126 Mcintosh, R. W., degree, 862 Mcintosh, Ruth E., appointment, 781 Mcintosh, V. G., appointment, 7SS Mcintosh, W. R., appointment, 1143 member of advisory committee, 191 Mclntyre, W. B., appointment, 771 McKaig, Nancy, appointment, 570 McKay, Doris R., degree, 1229 McKean, Marjorie, appointment, 777 McKee, Mrs. Jeanette L., appointment, 741 McKee, Mary A., appointment, 592» 604 salary adjustment, 1060 McKee, Nancy A., appointment, 783 McKee, Patricia A., degree, 276 McKee, R. V., member of advisory committee, 79, 818 McKeel, M. F., I l l , degree, 47^ McKelvey, F. II., appreciation of services, 288 telegram, 288 McKelvey, R. N., degree, 1241 McKenna, J. R., appointment, 791 McKenzie, C. A., degree, 120 McKenzie, Mrs. Rosalind, appointment, 762 McKenzie, W. E., appointment, 753 McKenzie, W. L., degree, 1241 McKeown, Marilyn H., fellowship, 1007 McKeown, Sally, degree, 1031 McKey, Beula, appointment, 592, 598 salary adjustment. 1060 McKibben, G. E., appointment, 577. 600 salary adjustment, 1057 McKibben, T. W., certificate, 1035 McKibbin, G. B., member of advisory committee, 416 McKie, C, H., degree, 1214 McKillip, G. B., member of advisory committee, 79 McKinley Hospital, bedding, purchase, 352 budget, 548, 672, 777 emergency lighting system, appropriation, 245 balance reappropnated, 486 contract, 245 fire escape, contract, 1076 fire protection improvements, contract, 953 McKinney, A. J., degree, 1201 McKinney, Mrs. Margaret A., appointment, 738 McKinzie, J. C , degree, 1235

150, 210, 297 1143