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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1404 BOARD OF TRUSTEES McClelland, P. W., degree, 1214 McClintock, I. R„ degree, 449 McCHnton, Elvie, appointment, 780 McClinton. L. T.. degree, 472 McClish, Myrtle W., degree, 269 McCloskey, L. D., degree, 448 McCloy, R. W., appointment, 375, 511, 606 McClughen, Mrs. Barbara D., appointment, 767 McCluhan, F. J., degree, 1022 McClure, Betty J., degree, 458 McClure, C. A., degree, 265, 855 McClure, L, W., appointment, 384, 646 McClure, M. T., appointment, 565 McClure, Phyllis, degree, 161 McClure, R. E., degree, 1219 McClure, Ruth H., degree, 855 McClurg, Ruth J., degree, 461 McCiuskey, R. E., certificate, 1035 McOymonds, C. M., degree, 450 McCollam, G. V., degree, 1217 McCollom, K. A., degree, 439 McCollom, Katherine T.. appointment, 154 McCollom, R. M., Jr., degree, 459, 1203 McCoJIough, F. J., degree, 468 McCollum, J. D., degree, 860 McCollum, J. P., appointment, 594 leave of absence, 1047 salary adjustment, 1060 McCollum, S. C , degree, 448 McComb, J. E-, degree, 1220 McConiga, D. W., degree, 858 McConnell, J. L., appointment, 379, 626 McConnell, Jane E., degree, 452 McConnell, W. F., degree, 278 McConnell, W. R., degree, 458 McCord, C. J., member of advisory committee. 178 McCord, R- D.. degree, 430 McCorkle, Verna J., degree, 124 McCormick, J. B., degree, 472 McCormick, J. E., appointment, 57, 230, 878 declination, 109 McCormick, J. W., degree, 438 McCormick, M. H., fellowship, 43 McCormick, Rose M., degree, 435 McCown, Mrs. Delia R., appointment, 756 McCoy, R. E., appointment, 39, 657, 664 McCraw, \V. E., Jr., degree, 1016 McCray, J. C , degree, 1241 McCray, R. M-, degree, 456 McCreery, J. A., Jr., degree, 450 McCreery, P, W., degree, 450 McCreight, L. R., appointment, 607 degree, 436 resignation, 928 McCreight, M. E.. degree, 1033 McCrimmon, J. M., appointment, 558 McCue, \V. H., degree, 459 McCulloch, H., appointment, 836 McCulloch, H. R., degree, 1214 McCulloch, W. S., appointment, 56, 689, 877 purchase, 482 research, gift, 68 McCullough, Mrs. Dorothy C , appointment, 798 McCullough, Helen E., appointment, 592» 59^ salary adjustment, 1060 McCullough, Patricia A., appointment, 745 McCullough Farm, fencing, appropriation, 1182 forestry plantation, appropriation, 1049 development, 993 purchase, annual payment, 499 remodeling building for Veterinary Research, appropriation, 1049 rental, 395 McCune, G., certificate, 1035 degree, 459 McCurdy, H. E., degree, 1232 McCurdy, J. G.. degree, 1214 McCurdy, W. H., Jr., degree, 115 fellowship, 1091 Mazique, D. W., appointment, 876 M. B. Manufacturing Co., purchase, 352 McAdam, Annette R., degree, 4S2 McAdam, R. C , degree, 439 McAdam, R. E., degree, 855 McAdoo, D. P-, degree, 447 McAfee. W. C , degree, 159 McAllister, H. G., degree, 1021 McAllister, M. T.. degree, 1241 McAllister, W. E., degree, 852 McAllister, W. G., appointment, 567, " 4 9 McAllister, W . R., fellowship, 343 declination, 345 McAlpine, Mrs. Gertrude, appointment, 785 McAnally, A. M., appointment, 291, 302, 647, 660, 1088 McAnly, H. T., member of advisory committee, 416 McArdle, E. J., degree, 1235 McArdle, J. J-, degree, 27^ McArthur, E. Maxine, appointment, 680 resignation, 958 McArthur, S. W., appointment, 57, 879 McArthur. Mrs. Walleah, appointment, 659 McArty, C. R., appointment, 73 6 McAtee, J. C , degree, 1033 McAvoy, \V. C , appointment, 382, 511, 560, ii45 McBride, D. D., degree, 452 McBride, D. F., appointment, 51, 871 McBride, E. F., certificate, 206 McBride, Edith, appointment, 770 McBride, H. J., degree, 1241 McBride, K. J., certificate, 133 McBride, L., degree, 847 McBride, M. T., appointment, 741 McBride, R. C., degree, 1235 McBride, Ruth B., degree, 452 McCabe. N. G., degree, 862, 1206 McCabe, P. T., degree, 445 McCaffrey, J., appointment, 801 McCaffrey, J. L., degree, 1023 McCahey, F . M., degree, 274 McCain, Ida H., fellowship, 341 declination, 345 McCall, B. C , appointment, 926 McCall, Jane F., degree, 442 McCall, L. R., certificate, 497 McCall, Mrs. Rita, appointment, 762 McCall. Shirley A., appointment, 735 McCallum, J. D., Jr., certificate, 496 McCambridge, R. S., Jr., degree, 1224 McCammon, C. J., degree, 472 McCammon, Ruth H., degree, 472 McCann, Janice H., degree, 452 McCann, R. E., degree, 1033 McCarthey, R. G., degree, 862 McCarthy, Cecilia, appointment, 662, 1088 McCarthy, F. J., degree, 1241 McCarthy, Michael J., degree, 858 McCarthy, Morris J., certificate, 1035 McCarthy, R. C , degree, 856 McCarty, D. K., degree, 1238, 1239 McCarty, R. B., degree, 462 McCarty, T. I., degree, 849 McCaskill, D., appointment, 880 McCaskill, O. L., appointment, 645 McCauley, R. J., degree, 160 McCausland, C. J., degree, 1020 McCausland, Mrs. Virginia, appointment, 752 McClatchey, R. F., degree, 1234 McClay, C. H., appointment, 386, 614 degree, 441 McCleary, L. E., degree, 27Z McClellan, Mrs. EmiHe F., appointment, 806 McClellan, J. F., degree, 119 fellowship, 1095 McClelland, A. L,, fellowship, 340 declination, 345 McClelland, Janet W „ degree, 463 McClelland, Mrs. Jean C , appointment, declination, 109
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