UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1410]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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Martin, Mary J., appointment, 740 Martin, Mary T., degree, 1226 Martin, Mrs. Millicent V., appointment, 101 836 decree, 853 Martin, P., degree, 1248 Martin, R. A., degree, 1028 Martin, R. E., degree, 1216 fellowship, 1137, 1193 declination, 1138 Martin, R. G., degree, 1232 Martin, Richard J., degree, 445 Martin, Ross J., appointment, 511, 613 Martin, R. M., degree, 452, 1202 Martin, R. R., degree, 463 Martin, Rachel, appointment, 776 Martin, Violet M., degree, 463 Martin, William Ellsworth, appointment, 362, 374, 633 Martin, William Eugene, degree, 1229 Martin, W. O., appointment, 771 Martinec, J. J., degree, 1033 Martinie, W. M., degree, 1214 Martinson, Jean, appointment, 805 Martinucci, Mrs. Livia M., appointment, 790 Martyn, G. W., degree, 1217 Martz, Ruby V., appointment, 253, 661 degree, 265 Marvel, C. S., appointment, 556 discovery, patent rights, release, .209, 1068 Marvell, Jean C , degree, 1027 Marvin, Phyllis A., degree, 1226 Marx, A. B., degree, 468 Marx, H. G., degree, 463 Marx, J. W., appointment, 1177, I X 9 2 Marzano, Celeste, appointment, 791 Masamitsu, K. B., degree, 1221 Masden, R. E., degree, 1019 Masemore, W. J., degree, 125 Maskel, R. H., degree, 1033 Maskowski, W. M., degree, 473 Masley, L. K., degree, 266 Maslinoff, L., degree, 860 Maslow, W. C., degree, 1244 Mason, C , degree, 932 Mason, C. C , appointment, 685 Mason, C. D., certificate, 133 Mason, D. F., degree, 271 Mason, Donna, appointment, 751 Mason, Elizabeth L., appointment, 725 Mason, Estelia, appointment, 784 Mason, H. L., degree, 1233 Mason, Mrs. Harriet L., appointment, 768 Mason, J. A., degree, 2^9 Mason, J. B., appointment, 365, 387 Mason, L. H., fellowship, 1091 Mason, Mrs. Lucille E., appointment, 735 Mason, Mrs. Maxine A., appointment, 782 Mason, R. C , degree, 468 Mason, R. H., appointment, 380 degree, 265 Mason, R. Z., degree, 860 Masonry house, nonmodular, study, 395 Massa, Louise, appointment, 794 Massanari, K. L., appointment, declination,


Marr, Lillian, appointment, 762 Marras, S. W., degree, 267 Marriott, Clarice, appointment, 789 Marroquin, A. D., appointment, 511 resignation, 1195 Mars, Doris J., certificate, 496 Marsh, C. A., degree, 122 Marsh, F. L., degree, 1028 Marsh, H., Jr., appointment, 314, 337, 645 resignation, 1096 Marsh, J. O., Jr., appointment, 39, 391, 718 Marsh, N. C , appointment, 755 Marsh, R. R., appointment, 747 Marsh, Mrs, Shirley M., appointment, 760 Marshall, B. L., appointment, 754 Marshall, C. D., degree, 930 Marshall, C. J., degree, S63 Marshall, D., degree, 475 Marshall, E. C , degree, 46S Marshall, E. R,, degree, 438 Marshall, Edith M., appointment, 662, 10881 Marshall, F. L., member of advisory committee, 416 Marshall, J. F., appointment, 39 Marshall, J. M., Jr., appointment, 688 degree, 1246 fellowship, 107, 513, 841 cancellation, 843 resignation, 513 Marshall, Lorelei T., degree, 452 Marshall, P. H., degree, 468 Marshall, P. P., Jr., certificate, 1035 Marshall, R. W., degree, 1031 Marshall, W. A., appointment, 53, 875 Marshall, William Henry, appointment, 746 Marshall. William Henry, degree, 1224 Marshall & Huschart Machinery Co., purchase, 130, 1258 Marshall Field & Co., purchase, 163 Marshall Studios, purchase, 306 Marshky, Mrs. Emma, appointment, 777 Marsik, J. G., degree, 447 Marske, R. L., degree, 472 Marsters, T. C., degree, 935 Marten, H. J., gift, 905 Martese, P. L., degree, 1205 Marthaler, J. S., degree, 123, 934 Marti, J. S., degree, 113 Martignago, A., degree, 1234 Martin, Alice M., appointment, 663 degree, 440 Martin, B. E., degree, 473 Martin, Betty J., appointment, 746 Martin, C. E., degree, 1214 Martin, C. G., Jr., appointment, 871 fellowship, 107 Martin, Carl P., degree, 265 Martin, Charles P., Jr., degree, 272, 852 Martin, Clara A., degree, 856 Martin, D. C., degree, 1219 Martin, D, L., degree, 274 Martin, D. M., appointment, 374 Martin, D. R., appointment, 378, 556, 1140 Martin, E. W., appointment, 746 Martin, G. A., Jr., degree, 859 Martin, G. B., Jr., degree, 1246 Martin, George E., appointment, 624, 1192 Martin, Gordon E., appointment, 302, 614 degree, 261 Martin, J. D., degree, 468 Martin, J. E., degree, 452 Martin, J. G., degree, 852 Martin, J. I., Jr., degree, 1241 Martin, June L., degree, 452 Martin, L. F., degree, 1209 Martin, L. W., degree, 1224 Martin, M. B., appointment, 376, 636 Martin, Marian H.. appointment, 763 Martin, Marilyn, appointment, 735 Martin, Mrs. Marion E., appointment, 738 Martin, Marjorie A., degree, 1224 Martin, Mary E., degree, 473

degree, 258 Massanari, W. S., degree, 472 Mass communications, book, printing, 479 doctor's degree, 407 Massetti, A., degree, 1228 Massey, B. H., appointment, 387, 641, 1148 Massey, H. C , degree, 269 Massie, G. E., appointment, 836 Massie, G. M., degree, 267 Massler, M., appointment, 695, 978 Massman, S. D., degree, 456 Mastenbrook, Marian F., degree, 857 Masters, Vivian V. S., degree, 1015 Masters, W. D., degree, 262 Mastro, Charlotte, appointment, 796 Mastropietro, Josephine, degree, 272