UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1407]

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Lucus, Hildred M., degree, 458 Ludgin, Mr. and Mrs. E., gift. 1169 Ludlow Valve Manufacturing Co., purchase, 960 Ludvik, G. F., degree, 258 Ludwig, E. W., degree, 1233 Ludwig, F. A., Jr., degree, 859 Ludwig, H., degree, 448 Ludwig, M. C , appointment, 1192 Ludwig, M. W., degree, 1216 Ludwig, Mildred, appointment, 797 Ludwig, R. E., degree, 1208 Ludwig, Virginia G., degree, 1231 Luecking, Evelyn M., appointment, 1192 degree, 932 Lueking, W. C , degree, 447 Luers, B. I L degree, 1224 Luesse, C. G., appointment, 754 Luesse, R. G., degree, 465 Luethje, H. F., appointment, 788 Luft, Virginia J., degree, 269 Luhr, G. H., appointment, 784 Luhrman, M. C , degree, 273 Lukachik, J., Jr., degree, 276 Lukas, Georgianna J., diploma, 1247 Lukas, F. J., degree, 1023 Lukas Microscope Service, purchase, 183, 232 Lukasik, T. T., degree, 456 Luke. E. D., appointment, 385, 613, 1147 Luken, M. G., appreciation of services, 288 Luken, Marjorie H., degree, 1030 Luken, R. W., degree, 1029 Lukens, J. G., degree, 472 Lukitsch, W. F., degree, 1028 Lukov, R. S., degree, 262 Lulu, D. J., degree, 472 Lumber, purchase, Agricultural Engineering, 131 Agriculture, 62 Aviation, 1260 Foundation, 355 Physical Plant, 164, 184, 305, 354, 483, 937. 960, 983, 1038, 1039, 1116, 1162 Lumber Dealers Research Council, contract, 525 Lumber dealers short course, textbook packages, purchase, 393 Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Co., purchase, 1163 Lumsden, R. K., appointment, 740 Lunchick, M. E., appointment, 836 Lund. A. J., decree, 1246 Lund, D. A., degree, 857 Lund, H. H., degree, 858 Lund, Suzanne S., degree, 452 Lundberg, A. G., degree, 1023 Lundberg, A. J., degree, 1015 Lundberg, Beverly A., degree, 1236 Lundberg, J. B., degree, 463 Lundeen, T. C , degree, 468 Lundgren, A. L., degree, 1214 Lundgren, C. A., Jr., degree, 935 Lundgren, E., gift, 908 Lundgren, R. H., degree, 1244 Lundien, E. C , degree, 1239 Lundman, A. Tress, appointment, 39, 558 Lundquist, B. R., degree, 1214 Lundquist, L. M., Jr., degree, 268 Lundy, C. J., appointment, 48, 869 Luneburg, D. A., degree, 86i Luria, S. E., appointment, 1070, 1087 Lurie, R, F., degree, 1221 Lush, Mary E., appointment, 836 Lusk, Barbara J., degree, 457 Lusk, E., degree, 857 Lusk, F. B., appointment, 48* 869 Lusk, J. F., degree, 1208 Lusk, J. W., Jr., degree, 1234 Lussman, D. J., appointment, 100, 698 Lustig, H., degree, 442


Luthans, R. L., degree, 1022 Luther, Kathryn L., appointment, 384, 1146 Luther, Mildred M„ appointment, 768 Luttrell, E. A., degree, 864 Lutz, E. E„ degree, 1243 Lutz, G., degree, 447 Lutz, J. F., appointment, 52, 873 Lutz, Kathryn A., degree, 1224 Lutz, T. D., degree, 1214 Lutz, W. F., degree, 855 Lutz, W. W., degree, 465 Lyle, G. R., appointment, 364, 385 Lyman, E. M., appointment, 616 Lyman, T. W., Jr., degree, 468 Lynch, C. H., degree, 452 Lynch, D. L., appointment, 584* 597 degree, 115 Lynch, Mrs. Dorothy B., appointment, 746 Lynch, E. D., appointment, 606 Lynch, G. A., degree, 118 Lynch, Mrs. Harriet, appointment, 779 Lynch, J, F., degree, 278 Lynch, J. H. G., appointment, 376, 636 Lynch, M. E., degree, 1241 Lynch, R. J.. degree, 459 Lynn, G., certificate, 132 Lynn, N. M., degree, 1033 Lyon, L. S., member of advisory committee, 365 Lyon, R. O., appointment, 600, 603 salary adjustment, 1060 Lyon, W. F., appointment, 58, 879 Lyon & Healy, purchase, 1038, 1260 Lyons, D., appointment, 786 Lyons, H. B.f Jr., degree, 1216 Lyons, J. C., appointment, 584 degree, 160 Lyons, Margaret E., appointment, 768 Lyons, Mary M-, appointment, 59, 881 Lyons, R. A., degree, 438 Lyons, T. J., degree, 126 Lyons, \V. Id., appointment, 740 Lytle, P. D., appointment, 771 Lytle, R. R., degree, 1241 Lytle, W. F., appointment, 376, 581 salary adjustment, 1057 Ma, H. N., fellowship, 255, 1092 Ma, R. H., degree, 1197 fellowship, 339 Ma, T. C , degree, 437 Maack, K. B„ degree, 1241 Maas, L., appointment, 836 Maassen, Selma F., appointment, 790 Mabry, J. E., degree, 437 Mabry, M. C , degree, 437 Macabee, June M., degree, 1211 MacAdam, G. L., degree, 1241 Macdonald, B. C , degree, 468 Macdonald, J. B., degree, 474 MacDonald, R. S., degree, 128 MacDonald, W. M., fellowship, 1095 declination, 1138 MacDougall, Janice W., degree, 1236 MacEachron, L. A., degree, 120 Macewicz, L. J., degree, 461 MacFadyen, D. A., appointment, 47» 867 Macfarlane, D. W., degree, 470 fellowship, 928 MacFate, R. P., appointment, 685, 703 MacGregor, Ellen, appointment, 100 resignation, 256 MacGregor, J. R-, Lead Co., purchase, 984 Machamer, R. E., degree, 1031 Machan, Helen W., degree, 1198 Machell, J. V., Jr., degree, 1198 Machen, Mrs. Alice C , appointment, 787 Machine Tool Laboratory, transfonnera, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 72 Machlett, E., & Son, purchase, 1038 Machovec, C. R., degree, 1210 Mack, B. C , degree, 275