UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1404]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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Lincoln Avenue Residence, cont'd name, 368 purchase, draperies, 184 fire insurance, 522 furniture, 91 lamps, 306 nursery stock for landscaping, 1065 rugs, 163, 1164 revenue bonds, authority to issue, 212 deposit agreement, 301 Lincoln Hall, exit devices, purchase, 480 remodeling, appropriation, 499 contract, 822 Lincoln Office Supply Co., purchase, 353, 959 Lind, Evelyn R., appointment, 39, 100 resignation, 156 Lindahl, A., degree, 448 Lindahl, H. A., degree, 1226 Lindherg, A, C , degree, 1219 Lindblad, R. L., degree, 459 Linde Air Products Co., purchase, 902 Lindelius, Elizabeth, appointment, 797 Lindell, Phyllis A., fellowship, 1095, 1137 declination, 1096 Lindemann, J. A. S., degree, 1228 Linden, C. T., appointment, 48, 868 Linden, J. D., degree, 1224 Linden, J. S., certificate, 1126 Lindenmuth, Norma L^, degree, 276 Linder, C , degree, 468 Linder, C. D., degree, 278 Linder, R. J., degree, 1219 Lindgren, Joanne E., degree, 1228 Lindholm, R. A., degree, 450 Lindley, C. E., degree, 121, 1243 Lindman, T. C., degree, 456 Lindquist, J. A., certificate, 206 Lindquist, R. F., degree, 125 Lindroth, D. E., degree, 459 Lindroth, J. R., degree, 857 Lindsay, D. B., appointment, 635 Lindsay, J., appointment, 801 Lindsay, J. E., Jr., appointment, 926 degree, 119 Lindsay, K. L., degree, 124 Lindsay Light & Chemical Co., gift, 1166 Lindsay, M. G., degree, 278 Lindsay, W. C , Jr., degree, 1029 Lindsay, W. E., appointment, 772 Lindsey, Mrs. Audry H., appointment, 100, 633 Lindsey, W. A., degree, 265 Lindstrom, C. M., degree, 1237 Lindstrom, D. E., appointment, 3 76, 568, 578, 1138 Lindstrom, M. K., degree, 1214 Lindstrom. R. C , degree, 268 Lindstrom, T. I., degree, 447 Lindvall, C. M,, degree, 1201 Line, R. M., appointment, 635 Linens, Residence Halls, purchase, 63 Linen Service, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 704, 791 Linford, M. B., appointment, 811, 836 Ling, R., degree, 450 Linhart, C. G., degree, 1248 Link, Beata A., appointment, 790 Link, Blythe M., degree, 1224 Link, Mrs. Helen H., appointment, 181, 337, 39i degree, 113 Link, Marilyn C , degree, 438 Link, R. P., appointment, 596, 644 degree, 115 Link, W. A., appointment, 100, 696, 978 Link Aviation, Inc., purchase, 481 Linke, C. A., degree, 1246 Linkhart, E. G., degree, 854 Linkhart, E. J., appointment, 661 Linkus, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 779

sale, 211

Lieberman, L., degree, 278 Lieberman, R., degree, 864 Lieberman, R. C , degree, 461 Lieberstein, S. H., degree, 1224 Lieberthal, M., degree, 1233 Liebhafsky, E. E., appointment, 380, 1142 Liebig, R. A., degree, 468 Liebling, A. H., degree, 273 Liebman, S., appointment, 181, 878 Liebow, J., degree, 1027 Liechty, H. B., degree, 446 Lie detector, Psychology, purchase, 1038 Lierman, Frances J., appointment, 774 Life, J. R., fellowship, 426 declination, 428 Life Insurance Association of America, gift, T 167 Life Insurance Medical Research Fund, gift, 167, 910 Liff, Judith E., degree, 1224 Lifschultz, P. I,, degree, 459 Lifvendahl, R. A., appointment, 51, 872 Light, B. H., degree, 159 Light, Phyllis, appointment, 762 Light, K. F., degree, 272 Light, R. E., Jr., degree, 930 Lightcap, R. O., degree, 267 Lightcap, Sara R., appointment, 791 Light fixtures, Physical Plant, purchase, 279, 280, 960 Veterinary Medicine Building, contract, 996 Lighting improvements, streets adjacent to campus, University's share of cost, 1186 Lighting system, McKinley Hospital, emergency, 245 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 486 Medical and Dental Building, emergency, contract, 366 Nurses Home, alterations, contract, 948 Lightning rods, Allerton Farms, purchase, 960 Ligon, Mrs. Mary S., appointment, 592, 603 salary adjustment, 1060 Lileikis, Sylvia T., certificate, 132 Lilien, A., degree, 1013 Lilienstein, E., degree, 123 Lillibridge, N. P., degree, 452 Lillie, I). F., degree, 1217 Lilly, E., & Co., contract, 282, 1039, 1117 gift, 165, 907, 1166, 1169 license agreement, streptomycin products, 1044 Lilly, M., appointment, 53 Lim, R. K., appointment, 940, 956 Lima bean seed, introduction, contract, 984 Limarzi, L, R., appointment, 682 research, gift, 68 Limestone, purchase, Agricultural Economics, 61, 901 Institute of Aviation, 523 Lin, C , fellowship, 341 Lin, Margaret H. D., appointment, 59, 880 Lincicome, J. R., degree, 448 Linck, L. J., appointment, 47, 868 Lincks, Arlie V., degree, 1207 Lincoln Avenue, property at 1008 South, purchase, 3 Lincoln Avenue Residence, advisory committee for purchase of furniture, 91 budget, 670, 777 contract, general work, addition, 85 changes, 508 extension of time, request denied, 13 settlement of financial items, 194 committee, 195 heating, addition, 76 laundry machines, 1258 paving of terraces, 1049 loan, legal services, 17