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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LaRue, K. W., degree, 1246 LaRussa, S. A., degree, 433 Lary, B. G., fellowship, 1096 Laryngology Laboratory, furniture, purchase, 279 Lasak, E. M., degree, 1221 Lasakow, Betty R., degree, 272 LaSalle Hotel, quarters for Illini Center, lease, 421 Lasater, R. W., degree, 860 Lasco, R- H., degree, 1227 Lash, A. F., appointment, 51, 872 Lash, H., Jr., degree, 1033 Lash, Hattie W., degree, 847 Lash, R. C , degree, 468 Lashbrook, A. M., appointment, 835 Lashbrook, B. H., degree, 852 Lasher, R. J., certificate, 132 Lasker, A. P., degree, 434 Lasker Boiler & Engineering Corp., purchase, 1064 Laskowski, A. L,, degree, 448 Lasner, J., appointment, 880 Lass, H., appointment, 565, 1147 Lasser, J. K., certificate, 817 Lassers, Elisabeth S., degree, 472 Lasslo, A., appointment, 698 degree, 474 Lasswell, D. L., degree, 860 Lasswell, Mary L., degree, 446 Last, J. H. t appointment, 687 resignation, 1096 Lata, G. F., degree, 1197 Lateer, J, E,, degree, 1235 Lateer, R. W., degree, 1215 Latenser, J. F., appointment, 880 Latham, D. E., appointment, 543, 641, 1151 Latham, (). F., appointment, 926, 1087 Latham, R. A., Jr., degree, 128, 1243 Lathe, purchase, Agricultural Engineering, 394 Chemistry, 306, 355 Division of General Studies, 234 Electrical Engineering, 63 Mechanical Engineering, 63 Medicine, 62 Physics, 305, 354. 1038 Lathrop, J. W., degree, 121 Latina, M, J., degree, 860 Latter, T. C., certificate, 1034 Laubenfels, D. J. de, fellowship, 1093 Lauber, J. E., degree, 1017 Lauchner, J. H., degree, 468, 1217 Lauchner, Mary P., degree, 435 Lauder, Ellen J., degree, 126 Lauder, J. W., degree, 859 Laue, F. C , degree, 128 Lauer. C. D., degree, 128 Lauer, P. H., certificate, 1034 Laufer, Gwen A., degree, 1239 Laughlin, J. S-, appointment, 39, 690, 926, 1087 Laughnan, J. R., appointment, 39, 555 Lautier, Twilla, appointment, 751 Laumer, J. K., degree, 864 Laundry equipment, Athletic Association, purchase, 31, 194 Laundry machines, coin-operated, installation in certain housing facilities, 1063 contract, Lincoln Avenue Residence, 1258 student and staff apartments, 1258 Laundry service, 280, 523, 936 Laurence, P. II., degree, 1244 Laurent, Ann A., degree, 123 Laurent, W. A., degree, 128 Laurin, E. F., certificate, 1035 Lauritz, J., Jr., degree, 1224 Lauschke, Corinne R., degree, 1231 Lauter, L. H,, degree, 1029 Lauterbach, Gloria J., degree, 1024 Lauterbach, W. M., degree, 117 Lavenhagen, Mrs. Eva, appointment, 778 Lavers, G. D., degree, 476 1391 Laverty, Helen, appointment, 374, 835 Lavery, R. M., degree, 1028 Lavine, E. R., degree, 264 Law, College of. budget, 645, 763 summer session, 384, 1146 degree of Doctor of Law, discontinued, n 78 degrees conferred, 120, 161, 264, 443, 856, graduate curricula, 1178 quarterly magazine, printing, 233, 901, 983 remodeling, appropriation, 1077 contract, 32 Law, G. C , appointment, 640 Law, K. M., degree, 466 Law, Mary L., appointment, 154, 685 resignation, 958 Law, R. D., degree, 1241 Law, R. W., Jr., appointment, 695 declination, 843 Law, Sybil, appointment, 798 Law Building, architectural studies, 248 plans, preparation, application for federal funds, 971 Lawburgh, C. H., degree, 1202 Lawder, Harold L.. scholarship, 1092 declination, 1138 Lawder, Homer L., appointment, 337, 835 resignation, 843 Lawler, Mable A., degree, 852 Lawler, R. L., degree, 1028 Lawless, B. W., Jr., degree, 1239 Lawless, J. M., degree, 264, 1213 Lawless, L., degree, 1033 Lawn repairs, temporary dormitory area, contract, 330 Lawrence, D. E., certificate, 132 Lawrence, E. D., member of advisory committee, 178 Lawrence, Mrs. Helen, appointment, 100 Lawrence, L. L., Jr., degree, 275 Lawrence, Mrs. Marguerite, appointment, 768 Lawrence, N. M., appointment, 386, 565, 835 resignation, 843 Lawrence, R. D., degree, 1026 Laws, J. F., fellowship, 344 Lawson, D, G., degree, 128 Lawson, J. S., Jr., degree, 264 Lawson, M. Florence, appointment, 387, 629, 642, 1148 cancellation, 109 Lawson, Mrs. Marguerite, appointment, 804 Lawson, Winifred H., degree, 123 Lawton, S. E., appointment, 58, 879 Lawton, W, J., Jr., degree, 266 Layman, R. R., appointment, 748 Laymon, R., appointment, 771 Layson, Doris J-, appointment, 642, 1148 Layton, B. O., degree, 1020 T-ayton, F. R., degree, 271 Layton, L. L., appointment, 385 degree, 263 Layton, Lee A., degree, 452 Lazanas, J. C , degree, 1224 Lazerson, E. H., degree, 278, 1012 Lazerson, Mrs. Rita M., appointment, 739 Lazier, M. M., degree, 276, 852 Lazowick, L. M., degree, 851 Leach, C. E., degree, 276 Leach, J. L., appointment, 613 degree, 1210 Leach, M, J., degree, 1219 Leach, P. S., degree, 118 Leach, R. D., certificate, 496 degree, 273 Leader, Jean M., degree, 463 Leader, S. A., appointment, 57, 878 Leader Iron Works, Inc., purchase, 393 Leake, Lucy H., degree, 121 Leake, R. G., degree. 1012 Learned, D. M., degree, 864 Learner, A., appointment, 685 Learner, A. H., degree, 1029 933, 1018, 1212
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