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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1390 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Langeler, G. H „ degree, 1211 Langenbach, W. J., Jr., degree, 122 Langer, S. S., degree, 471 Langer, W . S., degree, 864 Langford, E., degree, 117 Langhaar, H. L., appointment, 618 Langlois, K. J., fellowship, 426, 513 Lanham, Dorothy R., degree, 452 Lanier, F. J., Jr., degree, 933 Lanier, L. H., appointment, 1186 Lanigan, J., degree, 864 Lankford, H. J., degree, 461 Lankston, R. J., degree, 1221 Lanman, Barbara L., degree, 269 Lanphere, E. E., certificate, 323 Lanphier, E. H., degree, 471, 476 fellowship, 155 resignation, 843 Lansford, W. M., appointment, 389. 618 Lanzenby, F., appointment, 557 LaPalombara, J. G., degree, 1012 LaPalombara, Lyda E., degree, 932 Lapin, S. P., certificate, 1034 LaPine, A. S., & Co., purchase, 25, 62, 183, 394, 480, 983, 1161 LaPointe, A. E., degree, 1241 Lappe, L. M„ degree, 1241 Lapresle, C , fellowship, 231 LaRabida Jackson Park Sanitarium, gift, 908, Lardner, J., appointment, 790 Large, Dorothy, appointment, 784 Larimer, M. R., Jr., degree, 459 Larimore, C. A., certificate, 132 Lariviere, Rose, appointment, 956 Larken Contractors, contract, 282 Larkin, Rosemary R., degree, 1246 Larncr, Mrs. Frances, appointment, 742 Lamer, J., degree, 850 LaRocco, C. V., degree, 1239 LaRocque, J. J., degree, 1235 Larsen, A. V., degree, 125 Larsen, Barbara K., degree, 4S8 Larsen, Gertrude M., appointment, 790 Larsen, H., appointment, 554, 559 Larsen, K. N., degree, 115 Larsen, P. W., degree, 864 Larsen, R. E., Jr., degree, 1232 J^arsen, R. P., appointment, 542, 567 Larson, A. Q., Jr., degree, 259 fellowship, 255, 342, 980 Larson, B. O., appointment, 612 degree, 1200 Larson, Carl M,, appointment, 390, 724. 835, J^arson, Charles M., degree, 128 Larson, D. K., degree, 1234 Larson, Dorothy L., degree, 472 Larson, E. B., appointment, 773 Larson, E. W., degree, 468 Larson, Eleanor F., appointment, 788 Larson, Evelyn E., degree, 454 Larson, Hattie C , appointment, 789 Larson, Mrs. Helen K., appointment, 786 Larson, J. A., Jr., certificate, 496 Larson, J. B., degree, 864 Larson, J. R., degree, 464 Larson, Janet K., degree, 456 Larson, Joanne L., degree, 121 Larson, Margaret J., degree, 458 Larson, R. A., degree, 117 Larson, R. E., degree, 278 Larson, R. F,, appointment, 613, 1147 declination, 1195 Larson, Roy G., Jr., degree, 1232 Larson, Rudolph G., degree, 268 Larson, R. K., degree, 1033 Larson, R. L., degree, 1224 Larson, S. C , contract, 65 Larson, Victoria L., degree, 433 Larson, W, R., degree, 472 Larsson, C. D., degree, 1027 LaRue, H. A., appointment, 39, 5I(> 1152, 1154 Land, cont'd taxation, payments in lieu of, 920 appropriation, 828 legislation, 528 Taylor Street, between Hermitage Avenue and Paulina Street, acquisition, 403 1712-14-16 West, purchase, 403 Wright estate, conveyance and easement to right-of-way, approved, 313 resolution, 312 Wright Street, 1007 South, sale of interest in driveway, 498 Y.M.C.A. building site, sale, 197, 290 Land, M. L., degree, 1019 Landa, R., resignation, 109 Landau, Charlotte, degree, 1024 Lande, M. J., fellowship, 980 Landen, G. R., degree, 1241 Lander, H. B., appointment, 56, 877 Landes, J. L., appointment, 337, 4^4> &33 degree, 1011 Landes, L. G., degree, 117 Landes, M., degree, 269 Landes, Verna J., degree, 1224 Landesman, R., degree, 270 Landholt, H. C , degree, 1019 Landin, J., appointment, 565, U47 Landis, G. IL, degree, 1234 Landis, P. N., appointment, 205, 252, 559 appreciation of services, 969 change in status, 968 director of Athletic Association, 293, 1046 Landreth, Mrs. Helen O., appointment, 750 Landreth, K. E.. degree, 1022 Landry, P. E., degree, 462 Landscape Architecture, budget, 637, 762 fellows, 342 Landscaping, architectural services, East Chemistry Building, 525 Physics Research Laboratory, 525 contract, East Chemistry Building, 417 Physics Research Laboratory, 417 Small Homes Council housing research project, 312, 951, 1081 Stadium Terrace area, 1081 Landscaping and grading, Chicago, release of funds, 970 Landsman, Estelle, appointment, 784 Landy, J. J., degree, 1246 Lane, Ardelle, fellowship, 107, 841 Lane, Betty I., degree, 847 Lane, D. N., Jr., degree, 862 Lane, F. C , appointment, 1139 Lane, H. J., degree, 1228 Lane, Mrs. Helen, appointment, 794 Lane, O., purchase, 1260 Lane, P. J., fellowship, 342 Lane, R. G., degree, 1219 Lane, R. H., degree, 113 Lane, R. K., degree, 1033 Lane, R. W., degree, 467 Lang, A. L., appointment, 582 salary adjustment, 1058 Lang, D. A., degree, 1246, 1249 Lang, E. N., degree, 275 Lang, Eleanor J., degree, 457 Lang, J. J., certificate, 133 Lang, J. M., appointment, 51, 872 Lang, Phyllis E., degree, 269 Lang, S. E., degree, 1033 Langan, J. K., degree, 117 Langan, M. W., degree, 1029 Langas, C. J., degree, 1026 Langdon, J. C., appointment, 926 degree, 1206 Lange, D. F., appointment, 753 Lange, Joanna S., degree, 1018 Lange, Margie L., appointment, 751 Lange, R. G., degree, 1227 Langebartel, R, G.. appointment, 100, 385, 565 degree, 158 ' resignation, n g s 1170
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