UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1397]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Laboratory ware, General Chemical Stores, purchase, 279 La Boutique des Huit Chapeaux et Quarante Femmes, gift, 66 Labow, J. A., degree, 456 fellowship, 928 Labrecque, J. A., degree, 1241 Lach, E. F., degree, 1027 Lacky, A. D., appointment, IOO, 633 declination, 109 degree, 1211 Laclede-Christv Co., gift, 907 LaCroix, W. E., degree, 1201 Lacy, A, L, degree, 1219 Lacy, J. T., degree, 1217 Lacy, W. E., Jr., degree, 1244, 1246 Lad, S. M., degree, 261 Lader, S. H., degree, 1235 Laderman, A. F., degree, 467 Ladik. Mrs. LaDora F., appointment, 745 Ladof, L. G., degree, 448 Ladof, Mrs. Nina S., resignation, 375 Lafayette Coal Co., contract, 24, 179 purchase, 1001 LaFief, J. W., degree, 855 LaForge, W. C , appointment, 59 Lager, J. W., degree, 1217 Lagerquist, H. W., degree, 471 Lahey. Mrs. Margaret M., appointment, 786 Lahey, Therese M., degree, 1024 Lahey, W. S., Jr., degree, 463 Lahey Laundry, purchase, 280 Lahl, Sue F,, degree, 1224 Lahvic, W. R., Jr., degree, 261 Laible, D. G., degree, 1236 Laible, F. D., degree, 445 Laing, A. K., appointment, 510, 635, 1139 declination, 1195 leave of absence, 1047 Lair, L. J., degree, 467 Laird, Mrs. Ann L., appointment, 154, 700, 702, 704, 705 Laird. G. E., degree, 864 Laird, J. G., degree, 128 Laird, W. J., certificate, 496 Laitnla, E., appointment, 39, 510, 613, 1147 Laitinen, H. A., appointment, 377, 556, 1140 Lakeland Foundation Fund, gift, 69, 910 Laks, S., degree, 1029 Lally, E. J., degree, 1239 Lally, R. W,, degree, 263 LaMantia, Virginia M., degree, 859 LaMarche, C. R., degree, 1235 Lamb, E. R., degree, 1220 Lamb, Marian R., degree, 1215 Lamb, Virginia, appointment, 799 Lamb, W. L., degree, 1214 Lamb, W. R., degree, 1033 Lambdin, S., degree, 1221 Lambert, A. F., degree, 1207 Lambert, B. H., degree, 458 Lambert, C. N., appointment, 684 Lambert, C. V., degree, 862 Lambert, J. H., appointment, 631 degree, 470, 1246 Lambert, Mrs. Lillian, appointment, 761 Lambert, Nanna J., degree, 847 Lambrecht, Kathryn M., degree, 1231 Lambs, Animal Science, purchase, 130, 902 Laminates, plastic, mechanical properties at elevated temperature, study, 236 Lamkin, Mrs. Glenna H., appointment, 512, 592 Lamm, E. C , degree, 461 Lamm, K. L., appointment, 39, 615, 835 degree, 119 resignation, 1138 Lamming, G. E., degree, 435 fellowship, 958 LaMon, W. H. A., degree, 465 Lamoree, D. J., degree, 454 Lamp, N. E., degree, 1214


Lampert, H. S., degree, 1224 Lampert, S., appointment, declination, 109 Lampitt, B. E., Jr., degree, 1217 Lampley, Ruth L., degree, 1224 Lamport, D. K., degree, 460 Lamport, K, W., degree, 1023 Lamps, purchase, Lincoln Avenue Residence, 306 Physical Plant, 1260 Residence Halls, 164 Robert Allerton Park, 351 Lampson, Mrs. Elaine S., resignation, 375 Lampson, F, K., degree, 268 Lamson Corp., contract, 940 Lanan, H., gift, 905 Lanan, J. P., degree, 445 Lancaster, F. L., appointment, 765 Lancaster, Mrs. Leila, appointment, 764 Lancaster, R. E., certificate, 132 Lancour, A. H., appointment, 646, 1089 Land, acquisition, authority to negotiate for purchase, 964 recommendations, 964 release of funds, 1180 adjoining horticultural farm, purchase, 196,



offer withdrawn, 289 Alhambra experiment field, transfer of title to Hitz estate, 952 annual payments on purchases, 499 Chicago, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71, 486 housing project, acquisition, 136 action rescinded, 313 appropriation, 7 site for Medical Center Steam Co., purchase, 948 transfer to Medical Center Steam Co., 1079 . Cook County Experiment Station, sale recommended, 497 DeKalb Agricultural Experiment Field, status, 993 Delaware Avenue, property at 701 West, purchase, 2 Flournoy Street, 1745 West, exchange, 1045 resolution, 1061 Funk Forest Natural Area, acquisition, 1082 donors, list, 1118 Funk Timber Tract, purchase, 815 Hermitage Avenue, 718 South, acquisition, 1045 resolution, 1061 Illinois Street, property at 1209 West, purchase, 3 Illinois Street and Mathews Avenue, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 486 purchase, 359 Illinois Terminal right-of-way, T purchase, 148 Indiana Avenue, property at 7 o West, purchase, 76 John and Sixth Streets, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 486 purchase, 360 Kamerer-Webber tract, purchase, 310 Lincoln Avenue, property at 1008 South, purchase, 3 Lincoln and Pennsylvania Avenue, transfer for general purposes, 993 McCullough farm, rental, 395 Nevada Street, property at 909 West, purchase, 3 property at 1005 West, purchase, 1122 Sixth and John Streets, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 486 purchase, 360 Small Homes Council housing research project, 196 annexation to city of Urbana and to Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District, 326 Sullivan tract, purchase, 310