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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1386 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Kolb, P., appomtment, 383, 561 Kolen, E. P., degree, 271 Kolitsch, Catherine, appointment, 792 Kolkey, E. L,, degree, 276 Kolmer, Armina H., degree, 1215 Kolpack, Sylvia E., degree, 433 Kolze, L. A., degree, 1221 Komives, E. E., certificate, 496 Komorowski, W. J., degree, 122 Kompare, J. E., degree, 269 Konecny, A. R., appointment, 1054 degree, 1023 Konigsfeld, R. F., degree, 467 Konken, E. E., degree, 113 Konrad, A. E., Jr., degree, 126 Kontos, T. C , degree, 1241 Konvicka, J. E., degree, 275 Konzelman, Dr. and Mrs. O., gift, 167 Konzo, S., appointment, 613 Koontz, C. H., appointment, 379 degree, 122, 1205 Koontz, H. D., degree, 460 Koopman, C , appointment, 780 Kootz, S. M., Gallery, purchase, 1117 Kopatz, Betty A., appointment, 745 Kopecky, C. R., degree, 473 Kopel, D. G., degree, 1232 Kopel, Rachel, appointment, 373, 557 degree, 259 Kopka, J. F., degree, 466 Koplin, A, N., degree, 864 Koplon, Sherry, degree, 271 Kopman, R. G., degree, 857 Kopp, Anne, fellowship, 107 Koppe, E. F., degree, 452 Koppel, D. M., degree, 471 Koppel, S. B., degree, 277 Koppers Co., Inc., contract, 960 Koranda, F. L t , appointment, 100, 715, 719, 1153, U54 Korb, Carolyn R., degree, 1226 Korb, Clare E., appointment, 777 Korbilas, C. P., degree, J221 Korem, R., degree, 1224 Koren, Alice H., degree, 124 Koren, J. A., resignation, 109 Korf, M. B., degree, 125 Koritz, L. A., member of advisory committee, 178 Korkowski, D. J,, degree, 856 Kornblum, W. A., degree, 1246 Kornegger, Betty J., degree, 454 Kornmeyer, M. R., degree, 116 Kornya, E. E., degree, 450 Korst, H. H., appointment, 39, 364, 386, 613 Korth, J. E., degree, 459 Kortkamp, E. W., appointment, 772 Kosirog, Mrs. Clara, appointment, 807 Kosirog, L., appointment, 788 Koska, T. R., degree, 452 Koske, Mrs. Margaret, appointment, 789 Koski, Ruth E., degree, 1205 Kosowslri^ A., appointment, 743 Kostel, C., Jr., degree, 1033 Kostelny, J. R., degree, 471 Kosterlitz, R. H., degree, 471 fellowship, 107 Kostka, E. B., degree, 459, 1207 Kostka, Florence R., degree, 269 Kostka, Helen M., appointment, 252, 716 Kostro, M. L., degree, 849 Kostrubala, J. G., appointment, 1006 Kostyniuk, P, R., degree, 466 Koszuta, E. A., degree, 272 Kotch, A., Jr., degree, 1197 fellowship, 340 Kotek, Doris E., degree, 1234 Kotowski, R. E., degree, 1028 Kott, Harriet, appointment, 811, 835 declination, 981 Kott, Mrs. Winona S., appointment, 741 Kottemann, J. B., degree, 455 Koucky, J. D., appointment, 58, 879 Knox Laundry, contract, 237 Knudson, Mrs. Catherine R-, appointment, 789 Knudson, C. A., appointment, 383, 561 Knudson, E. C , appointment, 724* 1152 Knudson, Mildred, appointment, 803 Knuerr, W. V., degree, 1033 Knuppel, B. B., degree, 1243 Knuppel, J. L., degree, 856 Knuti, L. L., appointment, 835, 1143 degree, 112, 1199 Knutzen, Bonnie L., degree, 463 Kobak, A. J., appointment, 51, 872 Koberg, G. E., degree, 1027 Kobes, H. R., appointment, 55, 302, 708, 835, 876 authority to sign name of President of Board, 287, 1042 Kobisk, E. H., degree, 271 Kobler, Gertrude, degree, 269 Koc, LaVergne, appointment, 791 Koca, H. J., degree, 1237 Koch, B. E-, degree, 265 Koch, E. M., degree, 1234 Koch, H. W., appointment, 617 declination, 843 Koch, Laurel, appointment, 794 Kochnuk, W, J., degree, 1032 Kocol, R. J., degree, 1217 Koebbe, C. H., certificate, 206 Koegei, Barbara, appointment, 793 Koehler, B., appointment, 582 salary adjustment, 1058 Koehler, F. R., degree, 860 Koehler, J. S., appointment, 992, 1006 Koehneke, J. H., degree, 258 Koeller, R. C , degree, 270 fellowship, J091 Koelling, A. C , degree, 266 Koelling, W. F., degree, 275 Koenig, Delores, appointment, 798 Koenig, F, J „ appointment, 554 Koenig, H. E., appointment, 835 degree, 933 Koenig, H. R., degree, 263 Koenig, J. F., degree, 262 Koenig, K. J., degree, 931 fellowship, 43 Koenig, Mrs. Norma E., appointment, 99, 718 resignation, 843 Koenig, Verna L,, resignation, 45 Koenigsmark, E. W., degree, 1214 Koepp-Baker, H., appointment, 252, 684, 708 member of advisory committee, 243 Koeppe, R. E., fellowship, 340 resignation, 843 Koepsel, W. D., degree, 1217 Koerber, F. R., appointment, 777 Koester, R. A., degree, 467 Koesterer, A. G-, degree, 1026 Koetter, L. C , degree, 456 Kofoed, Mrs. Martha A., appointment, 956 Kofoed, R. E., degree, 1241 Kogan, M., degree, 432 Kogen, E. R., degree, 1207 r resignation, 428 Kohankie, H., & Son*, purchase, 1065 Kohl, H. C., Jr., degree, 118 Kohlbecker, J. L„ degree, 1221 Kohlenbrener, R. M., degree, 1246, 1249 Kohler, O. M., J r . , degree, 269 Kohlman, L. C , Inc., contract, 1074 Kohlsdorf, W. R., degree, 126 Kohn, P., fellowship, 43, 426 Kohr, Doris W., degree, 861 Kohr, S. L., Jr., degree, 852 Kohtz, R. A., degree, 467 Kojima, T., degree, 1221 Koken, J. C , appointment, 835 Kokontis, W., degree, 443 Kolar, A. J., degree, 450 Kolar, G. F., appointment, 99, 547 Kolb, Helen, appointment, 798
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