UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1393]

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Kitchen cabinets, purchase, Home Economics, 183 Physical Plant, 280 Kitchen equipment, Research and Educational Hospitals addition, contract, 940 Robert Allerton Park, purchase, 351 Kitsch, E. A., degree, 1022 Kitsch, Lois L., degree, 454 Kitsuse, N. Y., appointment, 99, 699 Kitsuse, R, Y., degree, 456 Kittel, E., appointment, 788 Kittermaster, J. A., degree, 1241 Kittoe, E. D,, appointment, 1145 Kitzmiller, J. B., appointment, 389, 571 Kiviat, L., degree. 436 Kiwanis Club of Champaign-TJrbana, gift, 974 Kizer. Betty J., degree, 471 Kjelshus, P. K., appointment, 741 Klabacha, Mrs. Audrey M., appointment, 783 Klabacha, J. J., degree, 1246 Klaiman, M. M., degree, 864 Klamen, S., degree, 467 Klapperich, A. J., appointment, 99, 723, 926 Klaric, W-, degree, 1023 Klassen, C, W., appointment, 47, 877 Klassen, P. P., appointment, 99, 392, 720, ii54 Klassen, R. M., degree, 473 Klauber, \V. A., appointment, 57, 879 Klaus, G. L., degree, 272 Klawans, A. H,, appointment, 51, 872 Kleb, O., degree, 275 Kleban, W. G., degree, IOJ6 fellowship, 426 scholarship, 107 Klee, Florence C., degree, 1248 Klcemann, H. J., degree, 1219 Kleiman, G. C , degree, 849 Klein, C , degree, 859 Klein, E., degree, 276 Klein, F,, degree, 261 Klein, M. Jane, appointment, 546 Klein, P. R., degree, 269, 1202 Klein, Ruth E., appointment, 732 Klein, S., appointment, 956 Klein, W. E., degree, 1241 Kleiner, Alena, degree, 269 Kleiner, E. F., degree, 1026 Kleiner, G. A., appointment, 379, 626 Kleinman, B., degree, 860 Kleinman, Norma R., degree, 457 Kleinschmidt, E. E., appointment, 688 Kleitsch, A. E,, degree, 124 Klema, E. D., resignation, 156 Klemm, M. W., degree, 1214 Klettka, Mrs. Violet, appointment, 7S8 Klevans, Sylvia, appointment, 782 Klewin, J. W., degree, 272 Klich, E., degree 1221 Klier, Helen M., degree, 269 Kliger, P. I., appointment, 99, 657 degree, 159 resignation, 1195 Klima, L. J., degree, 437 Kline, J. L., degree, 450 Kline, L. E., resignation, 231 Kline, Marlys I., appointment, 99, 379 resignation, 428 Kline, T., degree, 1029 Kling, A., degree, 1228 Kling, C. E., appointment, 757 Kling, J. W., degree, 849 Klingel, A. B., appointment, 99> 641 KHngenberg, P. H., appointment, 99 resignation, 344 Klink, D. E., degree, 1024 Klion, D. E., degree, 1221 Klitzing, V. C , appointment, 734 Klockner, H. R., degree, 447 Klockner, Helen K., degree, 470 Klockner, Mrs. Neva B., appointment, 744 Klockzien, V. H., degree, 1221 Klopsch, R. A., degree, 1.202


Klose, J. B., degree, 443 Klotz, A. H., certificate, 206 Klotz, H. G., degree, 272 Kluiber, R. W., degree,-1227 Klukos, I., degree, 1018 Klumb, P. J., Jr., degree, 464 Klund, J. W^ degree, 275 Klupar, W. G., degree, 1029 Kmiecik, L., degree, 1224 Knaack, R. E., degree, 1033 Knable, Mrs. Dawn C., appointment, 797 Knackmuhs, G. G., degree, 459 Knake, E. L., degree, 857, 1212 fellowship, 841 Knap, J, E., appointment, 1141 fellowship, 1137 Knapp, C. G., appointment, 380, 387, 630, **43 Knapp, M. J., degree, 1243 Knapp, R. G., degree, 860 Knauf, R. C , appointment, 39, 654 Knauss, F. J., degree, 1208 Knauss, Marjorie R., degree, 1238 Kneier, C. M., appointment, 4, 15, 99, 387* 566, 656 change in status, 968 Knell, K. W., degree, 121 Knepper, T. S-, degree, 1239 Knezevich, Helen, degree, 124 Kniering, R. F., appointment, 978 Knight, A. A., appointment, 49, 869 Knight, A. R., appointment, 381, 610, 1143 Knight, A. W.„ Jr., degree, 1208 Knight, H. C., degree, 121 Knight, H. T., degree, 1205 Knight, J. B., certificate, 496 Knight, J. D., appointment, 154, 230 resignation, 45, 428 Knight, J. F., appointment, 779 Knight, Keith C., degree, 1209 Knight, Kenneth C , resignation, 345 Knight, Mrs. Katherine G., appointment, 835 Knight, Lucile S., degree, 1238 Knight, R. E., degree, 1246 Knight, T. C , degree, 276 Knights, Helen I., appointment, 763 Knipp, Helen B., appointment, 1143 Knipper, Mrs. Ann, appointment, 790 Knobbe, C. B., certificate, 1046 Knohbe, E. A., degree, 452 Knobloch, J. J., Jr., degree, 467 Knoblock, Dolores E., degree, 1246 Knoblock, P. T., degree, 443 Knoch, Jean M., degree, 1225 Knoch, Marjorie A., degree, 454 Knock, Frances F., appointment, 956, 1006,


Knodell, J. D., degree, 1213 Knodle, D. H., degree, 126 Knodle, R. D., degree, 161 Knoebel, H. W., appointment, 1006 degree, 1022 Knoedler & Co., Inc., purchase, 1117 Knoll, Elta W., appointment, 867 Knoll, G. C , Jr., degree, 860 Knop, I., appointment, 779 Knopp, Mrs. Marcella C., appointment, 737 Knopp, R. G., degree, 934 Knorr, A. K., certificate, 1035 Knott, Eva M. G., degree, 1027 Knowles, Elizabeth P., appointment, 661, 1088 Knowles, G. N., degree, 1019 Knowles, Pauline, appointment, 99 Knowlton, D. A., degree, 277 Knowlton, W. J., degree, 462 Knox, C. W., resignation, 256 Knox, E. G., degree, 265, 1204 fellowship, 339 scholarship, 255 Knox, J. G., degree, 1219 Knox, Margaret E.» appointment, 99 Knox, Margaret F., degree, 458