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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Kempf, J. E., appointment, 680 Kempner, Dorothy, degree, 1224 Kempner, T, H., decree, 462 Kendall, K. A„ appointment, 588 cancellation, 109 salary adjustment, 1059 Kendall, R., degree, 124, 436 Kendeigh, S. C , appointment, 571, 1151 Kendell, H. W., appointment, 687, 706 leave of absence, 174 member of advisory committee, 244 Kendl, A., degree, 473 Kendrick, A, B., appointment, 682 Kendrick, Dorothy Q., degree, 1027 Kendrick, Frances I., degree, 456 Kendrick, T. L., degree, 1019 Keneipp, J . M., degree, 267, 1014 Keneipp, Phyllis D., degree, 266 Keneipp, Virginia M., appointment, 835 degree, 853 Keniston, Muriel C , degree, 431 Kennady, J. C , degree, 1250 Kennedy, Alice E,, degree, 452 Kennedy, Alice F., degree, 434 Kennedy, D. R., degree, 1239 Kennedy, D. T., degree, 1218 Kennedy, Eleanor C , degree, 1224 Kennedy, Frances M., degree, 118 Kennedy, J. B., degree, 446 Kennedy, J. O., degree, 859 Kennedy, J. W., appointment, 636, 1139 degree, 856 Kennedy, Maxine H., appointment, 658 Kennedy, R. E., appointment, 684, 723 resignation, 843 Kennedy, R. F., degree, 1217 Kennedy, W. E,, appointment, 583 Kennedy, W. H., degree, 1228 Kenner, C. A., appointment, 610 Kennett, Patricia M., degree, 123 Kenney, D. T., fellowship, 1095 Kenney, G. R., degree, 1224 Kenney, H. E., appointment, 387, 640 Kenney, R. E., degree, 1022 Kenney, W. E., degree, 1239 Kennicutt, R. B., degree, 1221 Kenny, Mrs. Anna W., appointment, 718, 1152 Kenny, Virginia A., appointment, 79 6 litigation, employment of special counsel, 170 legal services, payment, 404, 945 status, report, 816, 9 J 9 Kent, Ann, degree, 452 Kent, B. F., appointment, 590, 600 salary adjustment, 1059 Kent, Gwendolyn L., degree, 861 Kent, L. W., degree, 467 Kentner, Irene F., appointment, 252 degree, S49 Kenworthy, R. D., appointment, 757 Kenyon, I. H., degree, 123 Kenyon, W. R., Jr., degree, 277 Keoughan, Marian J., degree, 470 Kephart, J. E.. degree, 434 Kephart, Rosella M.. degree, 852 Keplinger, E. W., degree, 1241 Keplinger, O. C , Jr., degree, 430 Kerman, R. O., appointment, 387 degree, 119 fellowship, 343, 1094 Kerman, W. Z., appointment, 55 Kern, G. H., Jr., certificate, 496 Kernats, G., degree, 1032 Kerner, W. R., Jr., degree, 1023 Kerns, H. T., degree, 1023 Kerns, Lela L., degree, 1027 Kerr, D. W\, appointment, 99, 693, 1054 Kerr, J. S. S-, degree, 439 fellowship, 341, 1092 Kerr, J. W., degree, 1203 Kerrigan, Ann, resignation, 45 Kerrigan, W. E., degree, 441 1383 Kerruish, R. H., degree, 859 Kershaw, W. D., degree, 861 Kerst, D. W., appointment, 617 discovery, patent right, 917 Kerstin, E. M., degree, 1221 Kersulis, W. T., degree, 1241 Kerwick, Mrs. Marion S., appointment, 718 Kerwin, R. V., certificate, 132 Kerwin, W. D., certificate, 496 Kerwood, L. O., authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 2S7 Kesel, R. G., appointment, 693, 977 degree, 1224 report, status of work on eradication of dental caries, 1045 Kesinger, D, E., degree, 857 Kesler, C. E., appointment, 510, 618 Kesler, R. L., appointment, 50, 870 Kesler, V., appointment, 749 Kesling, R. V., degree, 431 fellowship, 43 Kessel, W. H., & Co., purchase, 131, 164, 233, 234, 305, 352, 482, 937, 960, 983, 1064 Kessinger, J. N., degree, 446 Kessinger, Marilyn S., degree, 1026 Kessinger, Mary E. J., degree, 456 Kessler, Elizabeth D., appointment, 510 degree, 1209 Kessler, H., appointment, 386, 637, 1147 leave of absence, 292 Kessler, H. E., degree, 1237 Kessler, J. F., degree, 268 Kessler, M. S., appointment, 733 Kesten, Lila S., degree, 1026 Kester, Martha, fellowship, 1093 Keswick, G. M., degree, 456 Keswick, Mrs. Marguerite, appointment, 766 Ketcheson, J. W., degree, 1204 Ketchum, G. MM appointment, 39 declination, 45 Ketchum, P. W., appointment, 564, 1146 Kettelkamp, G. C., appointment, 630, 1143 Keuer, J. R., degree, 1228 Kevern, W. L., Jr., degree, 447 Kewaunee Manufacturing Co., contract, increase, 412 purchase, 279 Key, Helen J., degree, 1224 Key, M., appointment, 746 Keys, Ruth v., appointment, 99 Keyser, C , degree, 852 Keyser, D. B., appointment, 724 degree, 1211 Khachaturian, N., appointment, 510 • Khoobyarian, N., degree, 1017 Kibler, F., appointment, 757 Kibler, W. T., degree, 445 Kidder, R. W., appointment, 510 Kidneys, research, gift, 1169 study, 1062 Kidwell, Mrs. Margaret, appointment, 780 Kieback, Priscilla A., degree, 1228 Kiefer, A. R., degree, 125 Kiefer, J. H., appointment, 691 Kiel, B. J., degree, 445 Kiel, H. S., degree, 1224 Kiel, R. E., degree, 272 Kiely, J. M., appointment, 956 degree, 1250 Kiely, J. P., appointment, 956, 977 degree, 476 resignation, 1096 Kieres, R. T., degree, 102S Kiernan, Aldine M., degree, 1224 Kiesele, Adele J., degree, 435 Kiesling, R. W., degree, 122 Kiger, R. E., degree, 1217 Kilander, A., & Co., contract, 298 Kil-Bar Electric Co., contract, 176 addition, 409 Kilbourne, B„ appointment, 58, 880 Kilburn, D. G., degree, 274
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