UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1388]

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i 3 8o


Jones^ D. R., degree, 860 Jones, Mrs. Doris, appointment, 737 Jones, Dorothy D., degree, 454 Jones, E. D., Jr., degree, 262 Tones, Edwin L., Jr., degree, 1216 Jones, Elmer L., degree, 277 Jones, E. O., Jr., degree, 854 Jones, E. T., appointment, 874 Jones, Edith C , appointment, 662, 663, 1088 Jones. F. M. ( appointment, 623, Jones Faustine C. C , fellowship, 1095 Jones, G. E,, appointment, 834, 1145 Tones, G. H. t degree, 127 Jones G. N., appointment, 377.. 555,, 1*39 Jones, G. P., appointment, termination, 304 Jones, H. A., degree, 1232 Jones, Howard L., member of advisory committee, 4*7 Jones, Howard Lyle, degree, 269 Jones, Harold W., certificate, 173 Jones, Herbert W., degree, 452 Jones, Helen M., degree, 454 Jones, Irene M., degree, 124 Tones, J. B., degree, 467 Jones, J. L., degree, 460 Jones, J. M. T., degree, 1232 Jones, J. O., appointment, 724 Jones, J. S., Jr., degree, 1028 Jones, J. \V., fellowship, 1089 declination, 1138 Jones, Janet E., degree, 1230 Jones, Jean R., appointment, 99 Jones, Joan C , degree, 1224 Jones, K. G., appointment, 54, 875 Jones, L. L., degree, 162 Jones, L, W., degree, 1217 Jones, Mrs. Margaret M., appointment, 7S5 Jones, Mary E., degree, 113 Jones, P. C , degree, 1220 Jones, P. G., appointment, 389, 618, 1151 Jones, P. V. B., appointment, 563, 1145 Jones, Phyllis A., degree, 456 Tones, R. A., appointment, 636, 926 Jones, R. H., degree, 1224 Jones, R. J., degree, 128 Jones, R. M-, appointment, 49, S69 Jones, Robert W., degree, 1028 Jones, Rolland W., degree, 847 Jones, S. C , request, increase in wages of nonacademic employees, 362 Tones, S. L., appointment, 392, 720, 1154 Tones, T. L., Jr., degree, 448 Tones, Thomas Smith, appointment, 681, 834 Jones, Thomas Stuart, degree, 1227 Jones, V. L,, degree, 125 Tones, V. V., degree, 430 Jones, W. D., degree, 1214, 1217 Jones, W. E., Jr., appointment, 759 Jones, W. F., degree, 1221 Jones, W. H., resignation, 256 Jones, W. J., degree, 126 Jongedyk, H- A., degree, 115 Jonietz, Mrs. Alice K., appointment, 154, 542, 567 T Jonsson, W., degree, 263 Joranson, R. E., appointment, 50, 871 cancellation, 1055 Joranson, Y., appointment, 679 Jordal, 0 . B., degree, 847 Jordan, Alice C , degree, 454 Jordan, Beulah O., degree, 1201 Jordan, E. C , appointment, 381, 610 Jordan, Edith L.. degree, 465 Jordan, G. L., appointment, 99, 376, 578, 834 Jordan, Gertrude A., appointment, 738 Jordan, H. H., appointment, 322, 605, 612 Tordan, Mrs. Helen, appointment, 761 Jordan, J. J., degree, 464 Jordan, Mrs. Kathryn C., appointment, 753 Jordan, L. H., certificate, 132 Jordan, Mary, appointment, 765 Jordan, O., degree, 275



Jordan, P. H., Jr., degree, 1250 ordan, R. B., degree, 1033 ordan, Salome R., degree, 458 ordan Paint Co., purchase, 960 ording, D. J. F., degree, 1214 orgensen, P. T., certificate, 132 Jorgensen, R. L., certificate, 1034 Joseph, J,, degree, 1033 Joseph, N. R., appointment, 698 Josephs, M., degree, 1029 Toslyn, Elleva, degree, 470 Josten, G. B., degree, 1022 ouglet, E. A., degree, 1030 ournai Co., purchase, n 63 oumalism and Communications, School of, admission requirements, 295 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71 484 budget, 645, 763 summer session, 384, 1146 degrees conferred, 126, 274, 462, 863, 1030, . . 1 2 35 divisions, 992 fellows, 342, 1093 graduate work, admission requirements, 16 name, 992 partition in 31 Gregory Hall, appropriation, printing equipment,




Journal of English and Germanic Philology, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70 microfilms, license to photograph and sell, Joutras, R. L., degree, 277 Joyce, .Marjorie H., degree, 860 Jozwik, J. I., certificate, 1034 Tudd, D. F., appointment, 755 Judeiko. OHlea, appointment, 793 Judge, V. H., degree, 113 Judiesch, Margaret, appointment, 977, 1135 Judy, E. E., degree, 849 Judy, Mrs. Helen C , appointment, 769 Judy, W. S., appointment, 510, 879 Jugenheimer, R. W., appointment, 582 leave of absence, n 95 salary adjustment, 1058 Juhl, G. A., degree, 467 Juhlin, E. A., degree, 1228 Julian, O. C , appointment, 58, 879, 926 Julian, R. S., appointment, 621 declination, 843 Julian, R. V., certificate, 132 Jung, A. F., appointment, 38, 724, 1152 Jung, J. B„ degree, 447 Junior League of Chicago, Inc., gift, 68, 910, Junk. W. A., Jr., degree, 1205 fellowship, 1091 Jura, W. H., degree, 850 Jurenec, E. G., degree, 464 Jurist, B. F., degree, 470 Jurjevich, J. C , Jr., degree, 259 Jurnecka, J. E., degree, 858 Jusczynski, Alice, appointment, 797 Juster, R. J., appointment, 784 fellowship, 841, 1007 Jutton, Emma R., appointment, 647, 662 Juvinall, R. C , appointment, 38, 385* 613 Kabara, J. J., appointment, 38 Kabbes, L. J,, degree, 443 Kabhes, Sarah M., appointment, Rabins, L. J., degree, 862 Kaciusis, T. F., degree, 1234 Kaczmarek, C , appointment, 782 Kaczmarek, E. R., degree, 438 Kaczorowski, C. L., degree, 1231 Kade, H., degree, 1246 Kadoyama, M., degree, 848 fellowship, 342

1151 1170 1118

390, 723,