UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1387]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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Johnson, E. M„ degree, 116 Johnson, E. P., degree, 1027 Johnson, E. R., degree, 461 Johnson, Eleanor, appointment, 763 Johnson, Elsie, appointment, 792 Johnson, Emma, degree, 269, 1017 Johnson, F. B., degree, 434 Johnson, F. E., appointment, 765 Johnson, F. G., degree, 1241 Johnson, F. L., degree, 128 Johnson, F. O., certificate, 1035 Johnson, F. S., appointment, 956 Johnson, F. R., appointment, 59, 880 Johnson, Faye A., degree, 860 Johnson, Florene, appointment, 775 Johnson, Frances L,, appointment, 510 degree, 264 Johnson, G., appointment, 757 Johnson, G. C , degree, 1226 Johnson, G. D., degree, 445 Johnson, G. E., degree, 1221 Johnson, G. L., appointment, 771 Johnson, G. O., appointment, 373, 629, 1143 degree, 259, i o n Johnson, H. A., Jr., degree, 277 Johnson, H. B., Jr., degree, 450 Johnson, H. C., degree, 854 Johnson, H. E., appointment, 1142 degree, 1029 Johnson, H. 1., degree, 1217 Tohnson, H. J., appointment, 391, 715, 723, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson,



H. L., degree, 122 H. P., degree, 123 Harriette, appointment, 796 Mrs. Helen E., appointment, 762 Mrs. Hilary C , appointment, 792 Mrs. Hortense S., appointment, 734 Huldali E., appointment, 783 I. B., degree, 473 Ida B., appointment, 384 Ina C , degree, 1224 J., degree, 443 J. A., appointment, 752 J. E., degree, 274 J. F., degree, 1028 John Gordon, degree, 117 John Grewe, degree, 1022 J. H., degree, 430 J. L., degree, 258 J. L., & Sons, bid, 417 Josephine A., appointment, 390, 7 2 4 K. E., degree, 1241 L. T., appointment, 640 M. C , degree, 448 M. H., appointment, 53 M. W., Jr., degree, 1214 Margaret, appointment, 807 Margery R., appointment, 780 Marguerita C., degree, 1015 Martha J., degree, 1224 Mary M., degree, 471 Minnie E., degree, 113 Mrs. Muriel I., appointment, 73 2 N. K., fellowship, 1094


Johnson, Robert Eugene, appointment, 56, 249, 302, 566 Johnson, Russell E., degree, 113 Tohnson, Raymond F., appointment, 748 Johnson, Richard F., degree, 448 Johnson, R. G., Jr., degree, 467 Johnson, R. H., appointment, 387, 632, 640, 766, 1148 Johnson, R. K.., appointment, 38, 661, 1088 Johnson, Richard L., degree, 271 Johnson, Robert L.p degree, 1029 Johnson, R. O., appointment, 771 Johnson, R. P., Jr., degree, 1246 Johnson, Richard R., degree, 128 Johnson, Robert R.r fellowship, 1092 declination, 1138 Johnson, R. W., appointment, 654 Johnson, Mrs. Rhoda, appointment, 807 Johnson, S. J., degree, 122 Johnson, S. R., certificate, 292 Johnson, S. M., degree, 1199 Johnson, T. W., degree, 1013 Johnson, V. K., fellowship, 1089 Johnson, Vivian M., degree, 452 Johnson, W. D,, degree, 448 Johnson, W. E., resignation, 109 Johnson, \V, H., certificate, 132 Johnson, W. M., appointment, 635 Johnson, William Randolph, appointment, 38, 570 Johnson, William Robert, degree, 1224 Johnson Oil Refining Co., purchase, 64, 234, Johnston, Johnston, Johnston, Johnston, Johnston, Johnston,



C. F., certificate, 132 G. E., degree, 1030 J. P., degree, 1246 J. R., degree, 462 K. C , appointment, 49, 875 L. D., appointment, 99, 379, 557,

declination, 1096 Johnson, Nancy C., degree, 1228 Johnson, Nevalee T., degree, 113 Johnson, P. B., degree, 856 Johnson, P. E., appointment, 583 Johnson, P. G., degree, 272 Johnson, P. W., degree, 1019 Johnson, Phyllis E., scholarship, declination, 45 Johnson, Ralph A., appointment, 378, 557 Johnson, Robert A., degree, 273 Johnson, Ronald A., degree, 128 Johnson, R. B-, fellowship, 1137 Johnson, Roger D., degree, 1214 Johnson, Roy D,, appointment, 38 Johnson, Robert Edward, degree, 450 Johnson, Robert Ernest, degree, 1241

Johnston, Mrs. Nell C. B., appointment, 629 Johnston, O. P., Jr., degree, 128 Johnston, P. E., appointment, 578 leave of absence, 292 Johnston, R. E., degree, 448 Johnston, R. L., appointment, 99, 302, 834 decimation, 109 Johnston, R. R., degree, 271 Johnston, R. T., degree, 1246 Johnston, W. A., member of advisory committee, 365, 417, 1177 Johnston, W. E., degree, 864 Johnston, W. H., degree, 1233 Johnston, W. W., appointment, 754 degree, 128 Johnston, Mrs. Wilna D., appointment, 757 Johnstone, H. F., appointment, 556, 607 discovery, patent application, rejection, 941 John Street, property at 514 East, lease, 5 property at 601 East, remodeling, appropriation, 824 contracts, 997 Joichi, P. T., degree, 450 Joints, riveted and bolted, study, 185 Jokisch, L. O., degree, 461 Jolles, I., member of advisory committee, 244 Jollie, W. H., degree, 1211 Jolly, Mrs. Betty, appointment, 751 Jolly, F. E„ Jr., degree, 1033 Jolly, W. L., appointment, 424 degree, 437 Jones, A. C , certificate, 490 Jones, A. T., degree, 1027 Jones, A. W., fellowship, 342 Tones, Ardeth J., degree, 1228 Jones, B. A., Jr., degree, 446 Jones, B. J., degree, 1022 Jones, Beryl, appointment, 783 Jones, Beverly A., appointment, 781 Jones, C. E-, degree, 1018 Jones, D., degree, 458 Jones, D. E., degree, 1015