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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1378 BOARD OF T R U S T E E S Jero, Rosemary G., degree, 438 Jerome, Marilyn, degree, 1020 Jervis, Mona, appointment, 763 Jeske, C. II., degree, 277 Jessen, J. C , degree, 1241 Jesser, J. H., appointment, 50, 870 Jessup, R., appointment, 761 Jewsbury, W. R., degree, 862 Jimenez, J. R., degree, 864 Jin, Lillian, degree, 1228 Tinkins, Ann, degree, 460 Jirka, Frank Joseph, appointment, 58, 879 Jirka, Frank Joseph, Jr., degree, 470, 1246 Joannides, Minas, appointment, 58, 879 Joannides, Minas, Jr., degree, 1246 Jobst, V-, I l l , appointment, 566 Jobusch, W. E., degree, 863 Jochums, M. C , degree, 158 resignation, 109 Joelson, J. B., degree, 123 offe, H., appointment, 54, 875 ohanna Lodge No. 9, United Order of True Sisters Philanthropy Fund, gift, 1164 Johannes, K., appointment, 391, 719 Johannesen, G., appointment, 337, 364, 386 Johannsen, D. K., degree, 274 Tohansen, Frida, appointment, 797 Johansen, H. W., degree, 437 John, F. S., degree, 1033 John and Sixth Streets, property, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 486 purchase, 360 annual payment, 499 Johnk, C. T. A., degree, 161 Johns, D. C , appointment, 834 Johns, G. L., degree, 1221 Johns, J. E., degree, 463 Johns, Marjorie M., appointment, 633, 647, 664 Johns, R. B., appointment, 59 Johns, W. D., Jr., appointment, 252, 834 Johnsen, A. J., degree, 125 Johnsen, D. B., degree, 1022 Johnson, A. C , degree, 1027 Johnson, A. D., degree, 462 Johnson, A. G., degree, 463 Johnson, A. L., Jr., degree, 1241 Johnson, A. R., degree, 458 Johnson, A. S., degree, 463 Johnson, Alice S., appointment, 647, 664 Johnson, Mrs. Ann T., appointment, 834 Johnson, B., appointment, 795 Johnson, B. C , appointment, 585 salary adjustment, 1059 Johnson, B. M., appointment, 57, 878 Johnson, Beatrice E., degree, 1012 Johnson, Betty M., degree, 446 Johnson, Bonnie E., degree, 127 Tohnson, C. A., appointment, 680, 967, 977 Johnson, C. D., degree, 122 Johnson, C. E., appointment, 1006 Johnson, C. F., degree, 1241 Johnson, C. L., degree, 123 Johnson, C. N., degree, 463 Johnson, C. O., appointment, 1149 Johnson, Carl R., degree, 277 Johnson, Cecil R-, degree, 1243 Johnson, Carol M., degree, 1236 Johnson, Charlotte M., degree, 1024 Johnson, D., Jr., degree, 1221 Tohnson, David A., degree, 122 Johnson, Delmar A., degree, 1021 Tohnson, D. B., degree, 1217 Johnson, D. C , degree, 467 Johnson, P . E., degree, 1224 Tohnson, Dean F., degree, 934 Johnson, Donald F., degree, 1030 Johnson, D. L., degree, 269 Tohnson, D. S., degree, 267 Johnson, E. D., degree, 470, 1246 Tohnson, E. E., degree, 858 Johnson, E. I*, degree, 274 Jarvis, W. C , degree, 1022 Tarvis, W. H., Jr., degree, 438 Jarzab, L. C , degree, 467 Jasek, R. W., degree, 277 Jaseph, M. B., degree, 1237 Jasmer, F. D., degree, 443 Jastromb, J., degree, 1248 Javid, H., appointment, 880 degree, 475 Jean, J., degree, 261 Jeanmaire, Mrs. Mary L., appointment, 769 Jeanmaire, R. L., degree, 1027 Jeans, R. F., degree, 471 Jeckel, R. L., degree, 1019 Jeffers, B. W., degree, 448 Jeffers, D. E., degree, 125 Jeffers, E. E., degree, 861 Jefferson, C. R., degree, 1221 Jefferson, Jeannette L., degree, 457 Jeffery, Barbara R., degree, 1209 Jeffries, J. U., appointment, 38, 302, 834 degree, 439 effries, P. B., degree, 275 effries, Mrs. Patricia G., appointment, 769 Jehle, Mimi I., appointment, 563 leave of absence, 1047 Jejunostomy, research, gift, 912 Jelliffe, C. R., degree, 1241 Jelliffe, J. H., degree, 850 Jelliffe, Martha L., degree, 123 Jellinger, T. C , degree, 275 Jenkins, C , degree, 128 Jenkins, C. K., degree, 116 Jenkins, C. N., degree, 262 Jenkins, D. J., fellowship, 1137 Jenkins, E., degree, 265 Jenkins, G. L., appointment, 386, 614 Jenkins, H. P., appointment, 58, 879 research, gift, 68 Jenkins, J. F., degree, 1230 Jenkins, J. L., appointment, 252 Jenkins, June E., appointment, 747 Jenkins, Mrs. Lola, appointment, 778 Jenkins, R. L., appointment, 56, 547 declination, 843 Jenkins, T. C , degree, 1221 Jenkins, T. H., degree, 1226 Jenkins, W. A., degree, 852 Jenkins, W. K., degree, 467 Jenne, Laverne A., degree, 1214 Jenner, A. E., Jr., member of Board of Examiners in Accountancy, 79 Jenney, Elizabeth H., appointment, 98, 687 Jenniches, M., appointment, 801 Jennings, C. B., appointment, termination, 45 Jennings,. Eileen, appointment, 748 Jennings, Helen H., degree, 1228 Jennings, K. D., appointment, 773 Jennings, R. T., degree, 864 Jennings, V. H., appointment, 773 Jennings, Winifred E., degree, 269 Jensen, A. H., degree, 445, 1204 Jensen, Mrs. Christine A., appointment, 781 Jensen, E. K., degree, 850 Jensen. G. E., appointment, declination, 109 degree, 159 Jensen, G. W., member of advisory committee, 79, 818 Jensen, H. L,, degree, 1241 Jensen, J. W., appointment, 956, 1146 degree, 933 Jensen, Mrs. Katherine B., appointment, 99, J J Jensen. R. Jensen, R. Jensik, R. Jentschke, 1192 424 E., appointment, 807 S., appointment, 619 J., appointment, 58, 880 W. K., appointment, 408, 424, 611, Jerison, M,, appointment, 621 Jernegan, J. L., Jr., appointment, 880 Jernigan, E. P . , Jr., degree, 1208 Jero, J. P., degree, 1217
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