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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1376 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Irion, A. L., appointment, 98, 387, 567, 1149 Irion, Alma M., degree, 112 Irion, F. W., degree, 265 Irish, E. J. W., degree, 258 Irish, K. R., appointment, 57, 878 Iron, Mechanical Engineering, purchase, 233 Irons, E. E., appointment, 48, 868 Irons, E. N., appointment, 50, 870 Irons, L. M., degree, 1239 Irons, Lillian L., degree, 852 Irrigation system, Stadium, contract, 417 Irvin, R. H., degree, 1214 Irvin, W. C , degree, 161 Irvine, L. Jane, appointment, 252, 685 Irvine, Patricia J., degree, 467, 1208 Irvine, W., appointment, 771 Irvine, W. D., degree, 459 Irving, Velma E., degree, 852 Irwin, A. G., degree, 1030 Irwin, Carrie M., degree, 852 Irwin, Mrs. Kathleen, appointment, 735 Irwin, Martha, appointment, 774 Irwin, O. R., appointment, 424, 557 Irwin, R. E., degree, 467 Irwin, R. L., Jr., degree, 467 Irwin, R. T., degree, 467 Irwin, R. W., degree, 1234 Isaacs. G. K., degree, 272, 1015 Isaacs, N. T., degree, 467 Isbell, P. W„, appointment, 776 Ise, C. M., degree, 271 Ise, Sumi H., certificate, 496 Iseberg, Donna R., degree, 1530 Isenberg, C , degree, 934 Isenberg, E. M., fellowship, 1092 declination, 1096 Isenstein, M., degree, 462 Isham, Lincoln, and Beale, legal services, payment, 920 Ishibashi, S. W., degree, 1224 Ishii, S., degree, 269. 848 Ishimatsu, C , degree, 1209 Iskalis, C. T., degree, 1232 Italian, See Spanish and Italian. Iril, T. D„ degree, 122 Ittkin, P., appointment, 54, 230 Itzkowits, M., degree, 859 Ivancevich, S., degree, 1024 Ivens, Virginia R., appointment, 1135 degree, 1228 Iverson, H. E., contract, 1049 Iverson, S. H., degree, 1027 Ives, F. C., degree, 121 Ives, Jeannette K., degree, 454 Ivey, B. H., degree, 461 Ivey, M., contract, 330, 417, 1081 Ivy, A. C., appointment, 675, 680 authority, negotiate with Medical Center Commission for acquisition of land, 403 research, gift, 69 Iwig, Dorothy J., appointment, 592, 604 l2en, Jeanne B., degree, 1234 Izner, S. M., degree, 471 Izui, V. S., degree, 1244 Izzo, Mrs. Nancy D., appointment, 797 Jaacks, J. W., degree, 862 Jablonski, H. I., degree, 1248 Jablonski, R. L., degree, 1238 Jachimo, Mary A., appointment, 80s ackendoff, N., degree, 158 ackman, W. C.T appointment, 391, 718, 1152 ackson, A. J., degree, 864 ackson, A. S., degree, 467 ackson, B. B., appointment, 543 ackson, Bernetta M., appointment, 561 degree, 848 Jackson, C. O., appointment, 640, 1148 Jackson, C. T., appointment, 773 degree, 126 ackson, Mrs. Clara, appointment, 749 ackson, D. D., appointment, 252, 550 Inositol, choline, and methionine, dietary relations, research, gift, 67 Inouye, T,, appointment, 682, 956 Insecticides, method and apparatus for dispersing, patent application, rejection, 941 Insects, nutrition, research, gift, 1168 Inskeep, R. G., decree, 930 Inskip, F. R-, & Co., bid, 1081 contract, addition, 3 o purchase, 183 Institutional Research, Bureau of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 483 budget, 542, 732 Institution for Tuberculosis Research, biennial budget, approved, 249 transfer to University, request, 242 Insulin, research, gift, 907 Insurance, advisory committee, 417 automobile, report of Finance Committee, 366 hospital and medical service, plan, 504 referred to Finance Committee, 10, 77 recommendations, 86 policy, 198 purchase, automobile, 503 aviation liability, 481 builders' all-risk, Animal Sciences Laboratory, 1261 Veterinary Medicine Building, 1163 elevator liability, 903 Four-H Memorial Camp buildings, 1260 hospital malpractice liability, Chicago Professional Colleges, 1163 Illini Union Bookstore, 481, 1260 Institute of Aviation, 1261 Lincoln Avenue Residence, 522 Navy research, liability, 87, 490 Insurance agent course, instruction of veterans, contract, 307 Insurance bulletin. Business Management Service, printing, 490 Insurance code, amendment, request, 241 Insurance Company of North America, insurance purchased, 522 Interchemical Corp., purchase, 62, 131 Intercollegiate Conference, faculty representative, appointment, 1052 Intercommunication system, contract, Physical Medicine, addition, 413, 982 Research and Educational Hospitals addition, 940 Inter-cultural education, research, gift, 1167 International Business Machines Corp., contract, 83 International Education, Institute of, annual payments, 921 International Harvester Co., contract, 903 purchase, 352» 395 International Minerals and Chemical Corp., contract, 65 International Minerals and Mining Corp., contract, 525 Internship, course, contract, 237, 307 Interstate Printers and Publishers, purchase, Intraperitoneal fluids, absorption of, research, gift, 167 Inventory, state-owned property, legislation, 529 Investments, 88, 210, 332, 414, 825, 974, 1003, 1079, 1184 advisory committee, 417 Ioder, G. K., degree, 1214 Iosue, N, A., degree, 1217 Ireland, H. O., appointment, 252, 610 Ireland, L. O., certificate, 496 degree, 459 Ireneus, C , Jr., appointment, 691 Ireson, Shirley M., degree, 1230 Irgens, R. N., degree, 463 Irick, C. L., degree, 1033 233, 23s, 35i, 490, 523, 983, 1037, 1063, 1164 901, 938, 982,
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