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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1374 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Hyman, M. L., degree, 454 Hyman, S., appointment, 50, 870 Hyndman, H. R., Jr., degree, 1030 Hynes, Shirley J., degree, 1224 Hypertension, research, gift, 167, 909, 1169, Hyre Electric Co., contract, 329, 330 Hyson, A. M., degree, 257 Iben, I., appointment, 664, 1088 Ice, E. L., appointment, 774 degree, 1238 Ice builder system, Food Technology, purchase, 982 Ice cream, problems relating to manufacture of, study, 961 Ice cream freezer, Food Technology, purchase, 354 Ice cube makers, Research and Educational Hospitals, purchase, 233 Icenogle, Mrs. Carleen B., appointment, 769 Icenogle, E. E., degree, 433 Icenogle, S. T., degree, 1029 Ice Skating Rink, concession, contract, 307 lddings, Dorothy, appointment, 795 Idleman, A. E., degree, 1019 Idleman, Mrs. Rosemary J,, appointment, 769 Ifft, R. H., degree, 862 Iftner, G. R., degree, 1214 Iftner, J. I., degree, 934 Iftner, R. C , degree, 1019 Iglesias, Carmen, degree, 1203 Igloe, M. C , appointment, 154, 689 resignation, 1138 Ignatius, A., degree, 275 Ihbe, G. M., degree, 1237 Ikeda, H. H., degree, 933 Ikenberg, Mrs. Maria E., appointment, 783 Ikert, W. M., certificate, 206 lies, Mrs. Bessie P., appointment, 252, 639 Ille Electric Corp., purchase, 306 Illiana Construction Co., bid, 92 purchase, 900, 1260 Illiana Distributors, Inc., purchase, 64 Illich, J., degree, 267 Illini Achievement Fund, gift, 903 Illini Center, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 69, 71 budget, 551, 740 lease, 421 Illini Hall, basement, lease, 238 remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 486 contract, 335 Illini Lumber Distributors, purchase, 960, Illini Publishing Co., lease, 238 printing equipment, contract, 247 Hurdle, Mrs. Eleanor M,, appointment, 736 Hurlbut, J. S., Jr., degree, 462 Hurley, B. W., degree, 1239 Hursh, R. K., appointment, 606 Hurst, J. R., degree, 1233 Hurst. R. R., degree, 1244 Hurt, A. E.( appointment, 377, 624 declination, 928 degree, 120 Hurt, Mrs. Alice S., appointment, 774 Hurt, H. A., degree, 1214 Hurtak, Eleanore A., degree, 1245 Hurwicz, L., appointment, 408, 424» 620 Hurwitz, R. S., degree, 277 Hurwitz, Ruth, appointment, 784 Husa, J. J., degree, 1241 Husbands, K. L., degree, 1200 Huse, E. S., degree, 850 Huselton, J. P., appointment, 1141 Huseman, Alma, appointment, 792 Huseman, J. H., degree, 467 Husman, B. F., appointment, 38, 252 degree, 161 Husmann, M. E., degree, 1220 Huss, R. H., degree, 125 Hussey, C. G,, & Co., purchase, 1065 Hussey, Mary A., appointment, 560, 1144 Hussong, R, V., appointment, cancellation, 45 resignation, 182 Huston, E. L., appointment, 755 Huston, P. E., degree, 1241 Huston, R. W., degree, 1217 Huston. W. E., appointment, 771 Hustvedt, Mrs. Eunice U., appointment, 799 Hutchens, E. J ^ certificate, 132 Hutcheson, E. C., Jr., degree, 1021 Hutchings, W. G., degree, 467 Hutchinson, J., appointment, 595 Hutchinson, Dr. and Mrs. R. M., gift, 167 Hutchinson, W. L., degree, 120 Hutchison, H. E., degree, 125 Hutchison, Mary L., degree, 433 Hutchison, \V. A., appointment, 49, 870 degree, 470 Hutchison, W. W., degree, 1214 Huth, L. N., appointment, 98 degree, 277 resignation, 304 Hutner, M. I., degree, 273 Hutson, E. R., appointment, 746 Hutson, Gretchen I., degree, 1230 Hutton, A, J., certificate, 206 Hutton, R. V., degree, 1241 Huxford, C. K., degree, 122 Hwa, J. C , appointment, 98 degree, 430 Hwang, K., fellowship, 107, 513 Hwang, Tse-Ming, degree, 1013 Hybrid corn, research, gift, 165, 905, 1167 Hyde, A. S., degree, 467 Hyde, Alice E., degree, 1207 Hyde, J. B., degree, 265 Hyde, L., appointment, 738 Hyde, P. W., degree, 1032 Hyde, R. L., degree, 267 Hyde, R. S., degree, 451 Hyde, V. A., appointment, 637, 639 Hydraulic engineering laboratory, construcstruction, contract, 246 Hydraulic Press Manufacturing Co., purchase, Hydraulic test stand, gift, 907 Hydrazine, research, 65, 236 Hydrotherapy equipment, Physical Medicine, purchase, 306 Hyer, D. R., degree, 448 Hyland, Mary J., appointment, 736 Hyland Electrical Supply Co., purchase, 280 Hylbert, W. JM appointment, 737 Hyler, W. S., degree, 1212 Hyman, Anne KM degree, 846 Hyman, Lieselotte L., degree, 1225 233 1170, 1171 1038, 1039, 1260 cancellation, toilet and lavatory facilities, appropriation, 80 Illini Scholarships, Inc., scholarship fund, refunded, 170 Illini Union, budget, 668, 774 cafeteria, water station and cashier counters, 6 , 4 . . fire protection improvements, contract, 953 food service at University Club, report, 361 purchase, bookkeeping machine, 983 china, 959 Flakice machine, 1063 pinsetters for bowling alleys, 523 table linen, 234 table tops, 232 revenue bonds, deposit agreement, 33 Illini Union Bookstore, contract, ventilating system, 192 insurance, purchase, 481, 1260 Illini Union Coffee House, petition from businessmen, 88 Illini Village, coke, purchase, 523 Illini War Memorial scholarships, gift, 903
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