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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1360 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Grubb, W. A., degree, 454 Grube, V. W., degree, 1024 Gruber, Mrs. Margaret A., family, gift, 68 Grubgeld, Mrs. Jane S., appointment, 717 Grubgeld, L. E., fellowship, 841 Grubner, Virginia B., certificate, 496 Gruenberg, Sarita, degree, 1223 Gruensfelder, Ruth L., diploma, 1247 Gruenwald, Gertrude, degree, 456 Grulee, C. G., appointment, 55, 876 Grumley, Barbara A,, degree, 1238 Grumley, J. J., certificate, 1034 Grunden, B. D., degree, 934 Grundman, Rose A., appointment, 834 Grundset, L. H., appointment, 252, 871 resignation, 958 Grundstrom Co., Inc., contract, 312 addition, 951 Grunnet, R. D., degree, 264 Grunwald, M. F., appointment, 180, 693 salary adjustment, 1136 Grupe, Mae B., degree, 1029 Grzeda, S. C , degree, 158 Guarino, M. J., degree, 459 Gubbins, D. G., degree, 858 Gudehus, A. F., degree, 277 Gudgel, I., appointment, 749 Guedet, R. H., degree, 450 Guemmer, G., appointment, 876 Guerrant, G. O., degree, 430 Guest, R. L., degree, 1029 Guest, W. C , appointment, 874 Guettel, P. H., degree, 1234 Guevrekian, G., appointment, 811, 834 Guffey, C. E., certificate, 77 Guild, R. J., degree, 1236 Guillemin, V., Jr., appointment, 682, 700, Guillou, J- C , appointment, 608 Guiney, Mrs. Theresa, appointment, 762 Guinn, A. D., appointment, 764 Guinnane, D. B., degree, 125 Guirl, G, W., degree, 268 Guither, Aneta M., degree, 124 Guither, H. D., degree, 857, 1204 fellowship, 338 Gujral, G. S., degree, 263 Gulbin, R. J., degree, 1024 Guldbeck & Ekstrom, bid, 1182 Gulf Research & Development Co., contract, 1158 Gulizia, R. W., degree, 1233 Gullette, C. C , appointment, 561, 1145 Gulley, H. E., appointment, 98, 388, 558, 570, Gulley. R. O., degree, 443 Gulo, M. G., degree, 856 Gum, Mrs. Wanda N., appointment, 392, 720, Gumberg, C. N., degree, 1029 Gumbiner, S. H., appointment, 682 Gummersheimer, E. H., degree, 850 Gumplo, E. I-., degree, 462 Gundersen, A. E., certificate, 496 Gundersen, C. A., Jr., degree, 1203 Gundersen, H. A., degree, 1241 Gunderson, Thelma M., degree, 861 Gundstrom Co., Inc., bid, 1081 Gunn, D. L., degree, 448 Gunn, E. N., degree, 1213 Gunn. \V. E., Jr., degree, 1028 Gunning, Mrs. Clarabelle, appointment, 767 Gunning, Helen R., appointment, 752 Gunsalus, I. C , appointment, 1070, 1086 Gunsteens. K. M., degree, 1235 Gunter, M. J., appointment, 47, 180 resignation, 304 Gunther, A., appointment, 50, 870 Gunthorp-Warren Printing Co., purchase, 1039 Guras, W. J., degree, 862 Guritz, J. \V., degree, 127 Gurkow, Helen J., degree, 456 ii54 1150 1192 Griffith, P. R., appointment, 47* 423, 868 Griffith, S. E., appointment, 770 Griffith, W. G„ gift, 904 Griffith, W. M., appointment, 733 degree, 277 Griger, G. J., degree, 1022 Grigg, R. H., degree, 1030 Grigoroff, Catherine S., degree, 434 fellowship, 343 Grigoroff, W., degree, 1207 Grim, D. B., degree, 277 Grim. R, E., appointment, 37, 609, 620, 1053 Grimelli, L. J., appointment, 682, 833, 871 degree, 474 resignation, 1194 Grimes, Evelyn A., degree, 458, 1207 Grimm, H. A., appointment, 686 Grimmer, E. A., appointment, 53, 875 Grimmer, J. A., degree, 268 Grimmett, H. L., degree, 1009 Grimshaw, A., appointment, 37, 377 declination, 427 resignation, 842 Grimsley, Mrs. Betty, appointment, 735 Grimsley, F. N., degree, 1233 Grindley, H. S., appointment, 585 Grinter, Mary C,, degree, 456 Grip, C. M., appointment, 546 Grisamore, N. T., degree, 124, 1211 Grisamore, T. L., appointment, 408, 424, 716, Grissom, J. C , degree, 460 Grissom, R. L., appointment, 50, 977 Grissom, R. S., degree, 857 Griswold, Barbara J., degree, 271 Griswold, D. B., degree, 1234 Griswold, Helen D., appointment, 746 Grobe, D. F., degree, 1221 GrobI, D. A., degree, 1241 Groble, J. C , degree, 1025 Grodberg, M. G-, degree, 115 Grodski, Gertrude V., degree, 258 Groesch, Madeline, appointment, 798 Groesch, Marian, appointment, 799 Grogan, P. R., certificate, 1034 Groll, R. G., degree, 449 Gromfin, Annette M., degree, 269 Groppi, G. A., degree, 1018 Grosch, Margery A., appointment, 805 Grosche, C. A., degree, 445 Gross, Dorothy A., appointment, 833, 1086 degree, 932 Gross, S. A., degree, 1028 Grosse, G., degree, 1223 Grosse, R. H., member of Board of Examiners in Accountancy, 1176 Grosskoff, Jean C , degree, 456 Grossman, A., appointment, 690 Grossman, D. A., appointment, 544 Grossman, Evelyn, degree, 1223 Grossman, L. C , degree, 452 Grossman. M. I., appointment, 680 Grossman, S. I., degree, 1228 Grossmann, F., degree, 1029 Grosstephan, Carol J., degree, 1215 Grosz, E., appointment, 49, 870 Grote, B., degree, 931 Grothe, Betty L., appointment, 753 Grout, Joan H., appointment, 98 degree, 1012 scholarship, declination, 45 Grove, Helen I., degree, 471 Grove, P. A., degree, 862 Grove, P. F.. degree, 456 Grove, W. J., appointment, 252, 880 degree, 475 fellowship, 106 Groves. J. F., appointment, 390 Groves, \V. N., degree, 268 Groziak, M. M., degree, 1018 Grubb, G. R., & Co., contract, 936, 1187 purchase, 482
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