UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1364]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Golding, W. F., Jr., degree, 1237 Goldman, Arline H., degree, 1245 Goldman, J. E., certificate, 1034 Goldman, J. H., certificate, 496 Goldman, Milton, degree, 452 Goldman, Morton, degree, 1016 Goldman, M. S., appointment, 559 leave of absence, 1008 Goldman, W. S., degree, 1228 Goldnetz, D, E., degree, 1232 Goldrich, A. M., certificate, 206 Goldsher, M., degree, 1024 Goldsmith, H. R., degree, 473 Goldsmith, N. A., degree, 1199 Goldsmith, R. W., Associates, gift, 1167 Goldstein, A. B., certificate, 1034 Goldstein, A. J., degree, 1241 Goldstein, B., degree, 452 Goldstein, H. E., degree, 1024 Goldstein, M, E., appointment, 769 degree, 455 Goldstine, Dora, member of advisory committee, 243 Goldstine loan fund, addition, gift, 67 Goldstone, M., degree, 450 Goldware, R. R., appointment, 876 Goldwasser, M., appointment, 682, 955 Goldzband, M. G., degree, 1228 Golf course, appropriation, completion of well, 413 paving of walks and drives, 413 road to airport, 1078 well, 17 construction, additional funds, 194 devolpment and operation, additional funds. 996 Golf team, expenses for N.C.A.A. meet, appropriation, 1188 Gollin, H. A., appointment, 925 Gomberg, J., degree, 272 Gomberg, M., degree, 160 Gomec, N., degree, 268 Gomes, C. W-, degree, 860 Gomperts, J. W., appointment, 735 Gondek, F. R., appointment, 49, 833 Gondek, Helen, appointment, 792 Gonnerman, Alice M., appointment, 796, 977, TI35 Gonnerman, L. \V., degree, 1216 Gooch, M. W., degree, 1022 Good, D. E., appointment, 37 resignation, 427 Good, F. C., degree, 1223 Good, F. W., appointment, 777 Good, H. R,, appointment, 755 Goodall, K. L., Jr., degree, 1228 Goode, A., appointment, 784 Goode, W. E., appointment, 1141 degree, 1197 fellowship, 426 Goodell, Delores D., degree, 1230 Goodell, J. D., degree, 1021 Gooden Arvella T., degree, 851 Goodheart, L. E., degree, 1214 Goodheart, Margaret A., degree, 1230 Goodin, J. E., degree, 455 Goodman, A. B., degree, 1223 Goodman, A. D., degree, 274 Goodman, A. R., degree, 267 Goodman, B., appointment, 638 Goodman, D., degree, 1226 Goodman, D. C., degree, 467 Goodman, E. H., degree, 471 Goodman, H., degree, 471 Goodman, L. E., appointment, 811, 833 Goodman, Phyllis L., degree, 1024 Goodman, R. E., degree, 461 Goodman, W., appointment, 54, 229 Goodner, D. B., degree, 931 Goodner, Mrs. Mildred W-, appointment, 382, 389, 543, 560 degree, 433 resignation, 842

Glist, N. D., degree, 461 Glista, VV. A., fellowship, 1089 Gloger, Shirley J., degree, 859 Glojek, J. L-, appointment, 390, 724 Glotzbach, O. F., degree, 1012 Glover, Anna C , appointment, 576, 597 Glover, I). L., degree, 447 Glover, Dolores, appointment, 751 Glover, H. W,, degree, 260 Glover, R. L., degree, 1029 Gluckman, R. M., appointment, 97 Glum, D. E., appointment, 611 declination, 842 degree, J17 Glupker, H., appointment, 1046, 1053 Glyman, E. J., degree, 1234 Goad, L. C., degree, 272 Goatley, Gertrude, appointment, 780 Goble, G. J., appointment, 97, 621 Goble, G. W., appointment, 645 leave of absence, 1056 Goble, J. L., degree, 459 Gocek, M., degree, 267, 1205 Godelausky, W. J., degree, 128 Godfrey, Frances M., appointment, 732 Godfrey, T. F., degree, 1223 Godley, M. Q., degree, 1204 Godley, R. W-, gift, 165 Godoy, Paulo de Aguiar, degree, 850 Godsbalk, F. I., appointment, 97, 112 Godshall, Alyce A., appointment, 699 degree, 473 Godwin, Betty A,, degree, 1223 Godwin, Ruth F,, degree, 1012 Godzesky, C. W., degree, 455 Goebel, M., appointment, 754 Goepfert, B. L., degree, 160 Goertz, Grayce E., appointment, 37 resignation. 513 Goerwitz, J. E., degree, 861 Goetker, F., appointment, 807 Goetsch, E. C., degree, 277, 1205 Goettsche, R. L., certificate, 132 Goetz, R. C., degree, 268 Goetz, Ruth, appointment, 785 Goff, Frances L., diploma, 1247 Goff, Mary O., appointment, 592 resignation, 980 Gofnnet, M. A., degree, 125 Gohl, H. C., degree, 1241 Gohl, H. H., degree, 1241 Going, R. E., appointment, 787 Goland, Mrs. Rosaleah H., appointment, 804 Golby, J. L., degree, 1019 Gold, E., degree, 455 Gold, E. B., degree, 274 Gold, M. E., degree, 455 Goldberg, Alvin I., degree, 271 Goldberg, Arnold I,, degree, 455 Goldberg, B., appointment, 48, 869 Goldberg, I. H., degree, 125 Goldberg, L. W., degree, 450 Goldberg, Lorraine H., degree, 1024 Goldberg, M. J-, degree, 473 Goldberg, M. L., degree, 461 Goldberg, 11. M., certificate, 1034 Goldberg, N. R., degree, 1241 Goldberg, R. W-, degree, 455 Goldblatt M. H., degree, 455 Golden, Barbara, degree, 1226 Golden, E. E., degree, 1019 Golden, G. E., degree, 1025 Golden, H. H., degree, 1204 Golden, Kathleen L., degree, 1223 Golden, Mrs. Urla, appointment, 766 Goldhaber, Mrs. Gertrude S., appointment, 617 resignation, 1194 Goldhaber, M., appointment, 616 leave of absence, 293 Goldhor, H., appointment, 384, 647, 1146 Goldie, E. \V., appointment, 777 Goldin, M., degree, 475