UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1363]

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UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Gifts, cont'd Vollmer, L. H., 905 Wach, E. C , 913 Wander Co., 900, 1170 Western Cartridge Co., 166 Westinghouse Educational Foundation, 67 Wheat, G., 904 Winnetfca Girl Scout Troop, 913 Winnetka Women's Club Junior Auxiliary, Woltersdorf, A,, estate, 908 Woman's League, 904 Women's Rotary Club of Chicago, 165, 9U, " 7 3 Woods. P. I., 165, 905 Worrell, J., 165 Wrought Steel Wheel Industry, 1165 Wyeth, Inc., 909 Wyffels, W., 165 Yarros, V. S., 66, 912, 1173 ZelJer, F., 912 Zeta Phi Eta, 907 Zeta Psi Educational Foundation, 904 Ziegler, J. F., 905 Gikling, Gratia, resignation, 513 Gilbert, A, E., degree, 442 Gilbert, H. E., degree, 1248 Gilbert, H. W., appointment, 594, 601, 603 declination, 842 Gilbert, Margaret L., fellowship, 339 declination, 344 Gilbert, W. M., appointment, 542, 567, 1071 Gilbertsen, F. O., degree, 1217 Gilbertson, Gretta E., degree, 269 Gilby, J. H., certificate, 920 Giichnst, R. K., appointment, 58, 879 Gilden, M., appointment, 37, 381, 611 Giles, C. R., certificate, 206 Giles, F, H., Jr., degree, 161 Giles, J. K., degree, 853 Giles, W. A., degree, 1218 Giles, W. W.. degree, 1203 Gilfillan, R. W., degree, 274 Gilkey, H. T., appointment, 833 Gilkey, R., degree, 430 Gill, B. I., degree, 440 Gill, Billie R., appointment, 633, 833 Gill, H. L., appointment, 641 Gill, J., purchase, 1163 Gill, Katharine T., fellowship, 341, 841 Gill, P. E., degree, 438 1 Gillan, J. R., degree, 44 Gillan, R. E., degree, 1212 Gille, H. J., degree, 443 Gillen, Constance C-, degree, 127 Gillen, Mrs. Corrine, appointment, 792 Gillen, F. W., degree, 125 Gillen, H. W., degree, 471 Gillenwater, V. W., appointment, 97, 632, 833 degree, 846 resignation, 3:194 Giller, E. B., degree, 1009 Giller, T. D., degree, 265 Giller, Margaret E., degree, 471 Gillespie, D. A., appointment, 733 Gillespie, Frances E., diploma, 1247 Gillespie, J. N., degree, 1028 Gillespie, J. W. ? degree, 1032 Gillespie, W. S., degree, 1032 Gillett, C. H-, appointment, 390, 723, i i 5 T Gillette, J. M., appointment, 1141 degree, 436 fellowship, 1090 declination, 1138 Gillette, W. H., Tr., degree, 163 Gilliam, R. B., degree, 1023 Gilliam, Mrs. Virginia L., appointment, 734 Gilliam, W. H., degree, 862 Gillihet, Ruth, appointment, 796 GUlilan, Lois A., appointment, 548 declination, 842 GilHs, A, H., degree, 1228 Gillogly, D. F., degree, 1028




Gillogly, R. J., appointment, 743 Gilman, C. F., degree, 436 Gilman, E. N. P,, degree, 1248 Gilman, S. F., appointment, 97, 615, 977 Gilmore, H. F., degree, 1203 Gilmore, Juanita G., degree, 1207 Gilmore, Sylvia C., appointment, 663, 1088 Giipin, C. A., Jr., degree, 47r Gilroy, Mrs. Anabel C , appointment, 737 Gilroy, J. E., degree, 266 Gilroy, T. E., degree, 459 Gilstrap, Z. F., appointment, declination, 842 Gimple, Joan, degree, 1223 Gingivae, histopathology in systemic diseases, research, gift, 911 Ginoli, E. E., degree, 1027 Ginos, W. A., degree, 1202 Gipe, D. E., degree, 1019 Gipe, Mrs. Fern E-, appointment, 769 Giss, H. E., degree, 1029 Gjsstng, Mrs. Anna M., appointment, 736 Gitchoff, Virginia M., degree, 445 Givan, M. E., certificate, 1034 Given, Barbara J., degree, 458 Givenrod, C. C , degree, 1021 Gjvens, C. N., degree, 447 Gizinski, Mildred E., degree, 454 Glabe, G. R., appointment, cancellation, 44 Gladhill, T. W., degree, 467 Gladson, K. D., degree, 445 Gladstone, Lillian R., degree, 269 Gladstone, R., degree, 431 Glahe, R. W., degree, 857 Glascock, F. E., degree, 862 Glascock, Joan M., degree, 454 Glascock, R. D., degree, 448, 1208 Glaser, J., degree, 125 Glaser, K., appointment, 302, 686 degree, 474 Glass, Mrs. Anne, appointment, 796 Glass, D. S., degree, 860 Glass, R. L., degree, 1025 Glassberg, Andrey L., degree, 458 Glassman, D., degree, 860 Glassman, F. P., degree, 267 Glassner, R. A., degree, 1248 Glass technology, fellowship, gift, 905 ;' Glassware, laboratory, purchase, 25, 183, 394, Glatter, J., degree, 115 Glatz, B. W., degree, 465 Glatz, F. L., degree, 1230 Glaubman, M. J., degree, 1202 Glaudin, V., decree, 455 fellowship, 979 Glavan, R., degree, 450 Glavin, Mary K., appointment, 778 Glawe, J. F., appointment, 558 Gleason, G. J., appointment, 749 Gleason, J. B., appointment, 510 Gleason, Joan L., degree, 1238 Gleason, M. D., certificate, 292 Gleason, T. B-, degree, 1214 Gleason, T. R., degree, 1208 Gleason, W. E., degree, 1031 Glen Falls Fire Insurance Co., purchase, 481,

1260 480, 900, 1063, n 6 o , 1-259, 1261

Glenn, Jeannita, appointment, 786 degree, 271 , Glenn, S. E., appointment, 382, 559 ! Glenner, R. J., appointment, 52, 873 I Glenny, D. H., degree, 263 ! Glenny, W. S., degree, 276 ! Glerum, Patricia A., degree, 462 : Glessner, M. £., degree, 1019 ' Glick, J., degree, 1245 d i c k , Roberta J. C , degree, 458 ! Glickman, N., appointment, 97, 682 ] leave of absence, 1138 I Glickman, W. M., degree, 272, 1012 1 GHdden Co., purchase, 129 I Glisker, R. H., degree, 1221 ! Glisson, Mary F., degree, 452