UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1361]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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UNIVERSITY OF Gifts, cont'd Amurol Products Co., n6g Anderson, Mrs. Margaret, 903, 1164 Andrews, A. H., Jr., 911 anonymous, addition to Dean's fund in College of Medicine, 911 Christmas fund for patients in Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute, 117 3 dairy products judging team expenses, 1165 electron microscope fund, 913 orthopaedic surgery gift fund for children, 1173 pediatrics, 165, 1173 psychiatry, 167, 1173 renal research, 911, 1173 surgery, postgraduate teaching, 911 Tumor Clinic, research, 912 White memorial fund, 1165 Armour & Co., 1165 Asthmatic Children's Aid, 165, 9°9> 9I2> 1173 Balzer. P,, 905 Barker, W. R., 1173 Baruch Committee on Physical Medicine,



Gifts, cont'd Ethyl Corp., 1166 Evanston Drama Club, 165, 910. Fahey, J. J., 911' Firestone Tire & Rubber" Co., 906, 1166 First Congregational Church of Oak Park, Mayflower Guild, 66 Florschuetz, E., 904 Formnt Co., 69 Frey, C. F., 905 Funk Brothers Seed Co., 905 Funk family, 1082, 1118 Future Farmers of America, Amboy High School, 904 Gatlisath, J. W., 905 Gamble, C. J., 69 Gamma Phi Beta, 66 Garnitz, Betty W., 165 General Aniline and Film Corp., 166, 906, 1166 General Mills, Inc., 906 Geppert, Mr, and Mrs. O. E., 912 Godley, R. W., 165 Goldsmith, R. W., Associates, 1167 Gottschalk. L. R., 911 1170 Graham, Crowley, and Associates, Inc., 166 Beetz. S. F., 905 Graham-Hoeme Plow Co., Inc., 165 Green, A. P., Fire Brick Co., 67, 9°S Berger, Kelley, and Associates, 1165 Berkelhamer family, 165, 911 Griffith, W. G., 904 Beverly Hills Junior Women's Club, 67, Gruber, Mrs. Margaret A., family, 68 ' Hamilton Manufacturing Co., 1169 913 I Hansman, E., 907 Bloom, P. S., 165, Q I I j Harnischfeger Corp., 66 B'nai B'rith, 66, 1167 Harrington, Mrs. Kitty P., 66 Bollingen Foundation, Inc., 1163 { Hematology Research Foundation, 68 Borden Co., 68, 69, 907, 1165 Herman, A., 905 Boudreau trust fund, 1164 i Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. G. W., 66, 911 Bristol Laboratories, 68, 167, 908, 1169 Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc., 908, 1169 Brook Hill Farms, Inc., 904, 1164 ! Holabird and Root and Burgee, 300 Brooks, Edith, 907 ! Holder, G. E., 905 Burdick Corp., 1169 Hovey, Mrs. Margaret P., U73 California Co., 67, 906 Howard, Angeline, 911 Camp, S. IL, 912 Huebsch, L. A., 905 Campbell Soup Co., 165 Hummel, C. A., 905 Campus Chest, 903, 1164 Hutchinson, Dr. and Mrs. R. M., 167 Castleton China, Inc., 1168 i 111 in i Achievement P'und, 903 Chandler, F. A., and associates, 1173 > Illinois Agricultural Association, 90$ Chicago Collegiate Bureau, 67 Illinois Association of Chiropodists, WomChicago Dental Assistants, 913 [ en's Auxiliary, 911 Chicago Farmers, 165, 904 I Illinois Clay Products Co., 1166 Chicago Heart Association, 909, 1170 Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers, Chicago Professional Colleges Women's ! i 66, 903, 1164 Auxiliary, 1170 Illinois Council of Parent Teachers, 68 Chicago Rotary Club Women, 165, 913, Illinois Crop Improvement Association, 904, 1173 1167 Christmas Neighbors Club of Prairie Illinois Farm Supply Co., 905, 1167 Farmers Station WLS, 66 Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, 66, Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, 167 167, 903, 1164 Cincinnati Chemical Works, Inc., 166 Illinois Grain Corp., 1167 Ciamage, Mr. and Mrs. E., 904 Illinois Milk Producers' Association, 1165 Clarke, M., 912 Illinois Mining Institute, 165 Clifford-Jacobs Forging Co., 1165 Illinois Rural Letter Carriers Association, Cochran, H. R., 905 Ladies' Auxiliary, 910 Colonial Iron WTorks Co., 907 Illinois Seed Producers Association, 165, Commonwealth Fund, 167, 910 905 Conco Engineering Works, 66 Illinois State Horticultural Society, 165 Corn Products Refining Co., 69 Illuminating Engineering Society, Chicago Council on White Mineral Oil, 167 Section, 66, 904 Cutter Laboratories, 69 Inalandi, A., 912 Danielowski, J., 911 Tohanna Lodge No. 9, United Order of DeKalb Agricultural Association, Inc., 67 i " True Sisters Philanthropy Fund, 1164 DeKalb County Farm Bureau, 165 Junior League of Chicago, Inc., 68, 910, Demmler, W., & Brothers, 165 1170 DeYoung, Mr. and Mrs. M., 68 Kappa Alpha Theta, 912, 913 Dittmer, J., 905 1 1 Kellogg, W. K., Foundation, 1167, 1170 Downs, W, B., 9 Kiwanis Club of Champaign-Urbana, 974 Dowson Brothers, 905 Konzelmann, Dr. and Mrs. O., 167 Doyle, R. L., & Sons, 904 Krasno, L. R., 912, 1173 Dreier, T., 1168 Kroger Co., 9°4 DuPont, E. I., de Nemours & Co., 166, Kyle, N. T., 1169 906, 1166 La Boutique des Huit Chapeaux et i)uaEastman Kodak Co., 166, 1166 rante Fetnmes, 66 Elburn Farm, 904 Laclede-Christy Co., 907 Engineering faculty and graduates, 907