UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1347]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950
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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Elliott, R„ degree, 1236 Elliott, R. H., degree, 1236 Elliott, R. L., degree, 444 Elliott, R. R., degree, 121 Elliott, R. S., appointment, 610 Elliott, S. E., Jr., degree, 1222 Elliott, W. B., degree, 459 Elliott, W. J., degree, 864 Ellis, C. D., appointment, 737 Ellis, D., painting, purchase, 1117 Ellis, D. M. r Jr., degree, 125 Ellis, Dorothy L., degree, 458 Ellis, Mrs. Erne 0 . , appointment, 832 degree, 1245 Ellis, F. E., appointment, 1143 Ellis, J. C , certificate, 496 Ellis, L. C , degree, 267 Ellis, Lucille N., appointment, 741 Ellis, M. I., degree, 467 Ellis, Mrs. Naomi C., appointment, 661, 1088 Ellis, Patricia J., degree, 270 Ellis, Patricia L., degree, 445 Ellis, S., appointment, 757 Ellison, C. J., degree, 126 Elliston, R. H., appointment, 720, 1153 Ellsworth, A. D., degree, 1239 Ellsworth, R., member of advisory committee, Elnes, Nyla R., appointment, 59 Elowson, Ingrid J., degree, 1215 Else, D. H., degree, 1240 Else, Marjorie F., appointment, 560 degree, 1012 Else, Mrs. Rose V., appointment, 765 Elsesser, T, M., appointment, 510, 832 degree, 933 Elslager, E. F., appointment, 1141 degree, 115 fellowship, 1090 Elstrom, E., appointment, 707 Eltoft, R. R., degree, 1207 Elvidge, R. H., degree, 276 Embree, M. L., degree, 448 Embry, J, C , appointment, 749 Embs, Doreen F., degree, 451 Emch, A., appointment, 564 Emele, Jane F., degree, 855 Emerick, N. C , degree, 267, 1014 Emerson, M. P., appointment, 1147 Emerson, R., appointment, 620 Emge, R. G., degree, roio Emig, C. H., degree, 1220 Emig, H. M., appointment, 698 Emigh, C. R., appointment, 423 Emkes. B. L., degree, 272 Emmons, O. N., certificate, 205 Emmons, W. D., fellowship, 340, 1090 Emory, R. R., degree, 1019 Employees, injuries, budget, 553 nonacademic, wages, increase asked, 362 nonparticipants in Retirement System, death benefits, 1131 Employers' liability insurance, contract, 87 Empson, C , appointment, 751 Emrich, W. G., degree, 1217 Emslie, R. D., degree, 475 Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Inc., purchase, 130, 480 Ender, A. W., degree, 1217 Ender, W. K., degree, 263 Endomycin, patent rights, release, 917 Endowment funds, budget, Agriculture, 575 Commerce, 622 Dentistry, 692 Fine and Applied Arts, 634 Liberal Arts and Sciences, 554 Medicine, 678 Physical Education, 639 Physical Plant Department, 665 Robert Allerton Park, 651 investment, 88, 210, 332, 414, 825, 974i 1003, 1079, 1184 summary, 539, 674


Endress, C. R., degree, 272 Enesco, G., appointment, 637 Engberg, Barbara E., degree, 861 Engberg, J., degree, 268 Engdahl, D. W., certificate, 496 Engel, Dolores, degree, 863 Engel, E. H., appointment, 641 degree, 119 Engel, Ilene D., degree, 1223 Engel, M. B., appointment, 697 Engelbrecht, D, A., degree, 1226 Engelbrecht, Mrs. Fern E., appointment, 732 Engelhardt-Shay Typewriter Co., purchase, ^ 483 Engelhart, G. L., degree, 447 Engeljohn, Mrs. Ethel, appointment, 780 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 287, 1043 Engen, J. K., degree, 1015 Engen, Mae J., degree, 465 Enger, M. L., appointment, 605, 618 portrait, gift, 907 Engerman, J. L., certificate, 1034 Engineering, College of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70 budget, 604, 752 dean, appointment, 79 degrees conferred, 121, 162, 266, 446, 857, equipment, appropriation, 204 portrait of M. L. Enger, gift of faculty and graduates, 907 scholarship, gift, Pickard, A. E., 165 student personnel data sheets, purchase, 233 Engineering buildings, improvements to provide additional classroom space, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 486 Engineering Development Laboratory, purchase, 1116 Engineering fellowship, gift, Strong Educational foundation, ir66 Engineering Experiment Station, budget, 604, 752 bulletins, funds for publication, gift, 1165 camera, purchase, 354 printing, book on building developments in Chicago, 184 circular No. 56, 281 circular on foundation engineering, 902 director, appointment, 79 Engineering Hall, change in name, 332 classrooms, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71 Engineering Library, book shelving, purchase, 233 Engineering Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 485 budget, 721, 805 summer session, 390, 1152 Engineering services, contracts, Abbott Power Plant addition, 65, 82, 501 Biochemistry, alterations and equipment installation, 296 Biology Building, first unit, 248 Boiler House, remodeling, 172 dental units, installation, 395 Educational Laboratories Building, 248 electrical distribution system improvements, Q99 fire protection improvements, 953 Law Building, 248 minor improvements, Chicago, 89 Physical Medicine addition, 89 Physics Laboratory, repowering and relighting, 1128 Psycho-Educational Clinic Division, 248 Research and Educational Hospitals, elevator replacement, 923 remodeling, 1132 water system rehabilitation, 923 South Farm underground conduit, 82

1020, 1216